Trump shot ?
Trump shot ?
Trump shot ?
You miss 100% of the shots you don't take
and apparently 100% of the ones you do take, depending on how bad of a shot you are
Americans spend all their lives obsessing over guns then miss their shot. The most useless people on earth.
Red states are also privatized so they can only shoot 1 round every minute at indoor ranges
if someone wants to make a fortune, start ordering t-shirts with this on it
sent it to a friend and the immediate response was "oh no we're so cooked"
okay this is going in history textbooks
Lmao this is gonna be a mondale moment for Biden
Genuinely pisses me off how Trump keeps doing the raised fist. He did it with his trial too. That's our symbol you can't take that from us :/
r/conservative now calls the raised fist "the new MAGA salute"
It is fucking JOEVER
This picture unfortunately is a very good one and makes the wettest, largest, most adult son look cool
Couple choices:
Excited to be executed by paramilitaries when he gets power. Nice talking to yall
Well, on the one hand, I've never materially been a threat to the established order in any serious way because I just sit at home, on the other hand said disability makes me a target anyway so. o7 to you as all as well.
I should probably get a gun or something.. at least take one down with me when they kick my door in.
you know ive been considering getting a gun for a while, for normal purposes with no intention to ever shoot anyone. but now i feel like i shouldn't get one for a while, considering my recent comments regarding this incident combined with a firearm purchase would look REALLY bad to any bad-faith observers lmao
It was an honor 🫡
o7 don't forget to take them with you
And they're unvaxxed
noooo kristina
the spoiler version looks like a puppy
there was no assassin, it's fake blood and someone fired a BB pistol in the air
Trump bladed (CW: blood, references to self-harm in link) like they do in pro wrestling.
Seriously though, we are probably fucked. And not just libs, but everyone to the left of MAGA.
Lol this bit is silly.
i want to believe
"If Trump wins its the end of US democracy"
"He'll make himself a dictator"
"Project 2025!!!!! Google it Jack!!!"
Dems using that propaganda AND doing absolutely nothing about it (not even having a plan to pay lip service to about it) AND Pudding Brain Joe saying he's not going anywhere - just he's going to do his goodest job and that's what really matters Jack. I can see where someone's brain could break in the wrong way to do this.
If you're going to throw your life away over this bullshit though, at least don't miss
When Gabrielle Giffords was shot in Arizona, Democrats blamed it on Sarah Palin having targets on her flyers or something. Didn't Palin win a lawsuit about it, even?
The chuds are going to be insufferable about this.
That's right! I forgot about that lol.
As well they should be. If I was on the other side, I'd be 50centing as hard as I could after this
Society if the democrats didn't expect the base to have a will to live for them
He sounds like he didn't really miss just hit the plexiglass
"he's an existential threat to democracy but there's no place for violence and we should all be relieved he's alive and going to take revenge" - obungler
Of course this is the take. So now they're going to soften their rhetoric and just inaugurate him next week.
You can even straddle the whole civility thing while using the situation. "Of course someone use violence. Trump promotes violence. Look at Jan 6. Look at Project 2025. If you promote violence as a tool of course people are going to use it." But no, they're going to just say he's a nice guy who's a simple participant in our grand experiment and we need to be nice to him.
Of course this is the take. So now they're going to soften their rhetoric and just inaugurate him next week.
hindenburg giving away chancellorship type beat
He's gonna be giving Michelle Obama hamburgers like they're Werther's Originals.
I hate Obama
Obama feels nothing. He comprehends not hatred or any other feeling. He is a living portal to the heat-dead universe at the end of time, where hope and change are no longer possible. It is inadvisable to stare long into Obama
Remember when he got covid? Fucking Rachel Maddow and every lib that spent the entire time saying he was a Russian Manchurian candidate and the death of democracy were offering him "thoughts and prayers"
Of course we need to send Hitler II a cake cookie with "Get Well Soon" in icing, the Nazis are an essential part of a healthy democracy
Nazis are capitalism's immune system, and they don't want political AIDS (we do).
I mean this is reasonable, I'm sure he would prefer not to get shot too.
well, he's won then.
No, here's how the Dems can still win:
We all know who's turn it is!
great hexminds think alike
the greatest hexmind strikes 15 seconds earlier
Yeah no contest
Shows the importance of not skipping range time. If someone had trained just a little harder, we could have had something extremely cool happen.
/r/politics is in full-scale defeatism mode now. It's like 50% accusations of it being staged, and 50% despair that he's effectively already won.
50% despair that he's effectively already won.
After seeing the fistpump photo I share /r/politics feelings on this. I think this sealed it.
Yeah that pic goes hard as fuck and I say that as someone who hates Trump, hates America and think our ugly ass flag looks better when it's on fire
but that pic is objectively goodYeah I saw the fist pump and was like... ooof... that's that.
He had already won when he woke up this morning.
It's always about turnout. The people who would change their mind at this point are marginal morons. What matters is you getting your guys into those fucking booths and this is going to energize the hogs to turn up. How much they will is up for debate since we're so far out from the election and Americans have worse long term memories than goldfish.
no more half measures walter
shooter took several half-measures. Used a low caliber firearm. Didn't aim for Trump's torso.
Just poor showing overall. They should have called you, Mike
muh second amendment, if a tyrant tries to rule us we'll just use our guns!Also Americans:
we can't even kill one fast food addicted hogLIBERALS CAN'T EVEN DO ADVENTURISM RIGHT FFS
This is why you don't do adventurism. Or at the very least if you come at the king take no chance at all that you'll miss. Trump is the last guy you want to almost kill, now he's getting elected and will have the focus and fury present that only an attempted assassination can invigorate. Vengeful Trump is way worse than normal Trump, normal Trump can't stick to a task, Vengeful Trump now has evidence that he might die if he doesn't. I understand the urge, but dude just fucked us all
Yeah I feel like people aren't realizing the gravity of this event. An assassination attempt is exactly what ensured Bolsanaro's victory as well.
Sure, it might still be 4 more months, but we are officially in the cool zone now.
Your point about Brazil/Bolsonaro is just nonsense. Maybe you're not at all familiar with Brazilian politics so thats fine but while we may debate adventurism, the idea that Bolsonaro when only because of that attempt is absolutely crazy in and of itself.
Bolsonaro won after the Dilma coup in 2016, 4 years of a massive campaign to demonize Lula over the Petrobras corruption scandal. A massive campaign to portray himself as a savior from the corrupt left etc.
But you know what is even funnier? Armed Attack on ex Brazilian President Lula’s Caravan in Paraná
Please don't mistake the shitty conditions of garbage American politics and extrapolate. Lula was in jail and then was almost killed. If Bolsonaro had actualy died? Pretty sure he would not have had a successor and nobody would give a shit. Its unlikely Lula would have won because Haddad is a fucking idiot anyway.
The problem with the left is we take punches, we get sent to jail, and the only conclusion we ever take is "maybe we shouldn't even bother" lol.
This Trump incident got nothing to do with Bolsonaro. Brazil is not a two party "democracy". A country that had an actual military dictatorship literaly less than 50 years ago doesn't need excuses to persecute and kill leftists if they want to.
A lot of how this comes to pass will depend on the identity of the shooter. If you believe in prayer or anything similar manifest it being a straight white dude. It being a Q brained guy who 4d chessed himself into feeling Trump is now compromised or whatever. There's like...all kinds of different types of people who want Trump dead and being totally a stimulus response no thoughts guy he will go full force into whatever kind of guy that is. If it's a Q guy who either got paranoid and lost faith in the plan or a dude trying to make a martyr, Trump will turn on his own base SO fast. If it's a Lib who is logically following through on what to with the world ending threat that Trump has been advertised as which wouldn't be great. Or worst case scenario it was literally any POC, Queer person or someone one further left than Blue Maga, that's red alert.
blueanon people saying it's staged lmao
I dunno, if it was staged I imagine they would have done more of a Teddy Roosevelt "I was just shot folks, but these beautiful Secret Service men, all muscly and oiled, they saved me"
And almost no-one will believe them because they've cried wolf too many times before.
Idk why they would need to do that
This was staged and Biden is in great health
We've always been at war with Oceania
well, he's definitely winning now
I agree, but am I only the one distraught af about this? What are people in America going to do? The first thing fascism always does is eliminate the Communists and Socialists. Not like the US has done so far, make fun of them in the press and isolate them through media consent manufacturing, I mean really make sure that political philosophy is entirely extinct. They're going to shut down these forums, arrest anyone to the left of Biden, ignore paramilitary death squads killing people in the streets, before moving on to the natural fascism scapegoats: shoot kids in Palestinian protests and call them terrorists, arrest LGBTQ people for being groomers, set black and women rights back to the 1600's, shit like that. I know that happens a lot now but there are pockets where people can feel safe in this country. They're going to use national power to override cities and states and eliminate those pockets.
Fuck, this feels hopeless now. Even trading out Biden will not work anymore with that photo. I'd rather stay here where my support network is, but I feel like I'm going to have renew my passport and chance it in another country that I hope the US won't invade, or buy a gun, and I really, really don't want to have to fight a bunch of CHUDs. I want to relax in my apartment, hang out with friends, play games, and just live my life.
The other thing I'm worried about is a fascist America stomping out communism around the world even more than it does. Cuba will get fucked by a full fascist America off its shores and China hasn't been as internationally helpful as the USSR.
Might as well go ahead and hand him this trophy
I really doubt anyone is going to be swayed by this either way. His base can't love him any more and no lib is gonna suddenly sympathize with him (genuinely at least).
Nothing ever happens.
Idk. The Reichstag fire was certainly an event that happened.
people saying this is staged by trump's campaign have absolutely lost touch with reality. no fucking way trump would ever agree to anything where he could possible be hurt, especially when he's already leading in all the polls
Yeah not everything has to be an op. We’ve been saying that if libs really thought he was an existential threat that they’d be militarizing. Maybe someone did genuinely take it seriously. This is a logical response to fascism.
grazed his ear
CW: Blood
Libs can't even commit to a shot.
They had to compromise between getting him and not getting him, otherwise they would be an extremist
Here's a higher def shot from AP that I stole from reddit:
Video if you want to be disappointed at him getting back up:
cw: some blood and Trump
mfer had my hopes up for a minute.
E: happend around 8:22 in.
Also I don't even care how this makes me sound but sucks that it missed him(grazed his ear) because now I will never finish filling out my bingo card. Security is gonna be super tight going forward.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
god dammit this could have been so funny
lmfao imagine Trump martyred
Biden's first reaction is hilarious.
Apologies for poor English mack Where were you when Trump shot? I was at mass eating Eucharist when pjotr ring "Trump is shot" "No"
Wow, I'm hearing this now for the first time
"It's my nap time. Go to hell."
live biden reaction
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
I'm just looking at my phone and fucking cackling in a parking lot looking like I just got a negative cancer result
Biden's reaction:
Burning of the Reichstag moment
We are now entering the cool zone.
All of the people being interviewed on CNN / MSNBC "why is this happening? why? i just don't understand the violence!"
one lady saying that, then in the next breath saying "i hope they find the guy and they don't just knick him"
jesus fucking christ lol
It's awesome that maga can advocate violence and nothing happens but when the left cheers at Trump getting his we're put on a kill list.
They constantly insisted, non-stop, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 4 weeks a month, 12 months a year that Trump was the second coming of Hitler. Now they’re upset that someone tried to kill him.
same people scolding you for not voting for biden because trump is Hitler 3000
no doubt!
liberal driller strikes again
Something very funny could have happened today but now Trump is going to channel Darth Sidious and become all disfigured as the emperor and do order 66
They hit my ear, folks, they disfigured me. They disfigured my beautiful ear. But you know what? My resolve, folks, it’s never been stronger!
Nah, if it was the Liberal Driller there wouldn't be a soul left alive at that place
Libs are making me laugh.
If Trump was in jail this wouldn't have happened.
In yet another embarrassing gaffe, Biden misses
Whoever gets assassinated first loses!
Biden's organs are Trump supporters
i vote for this
Have them participate in a Battle Royale tbh
Deleted account
do yall think that biden will get trump confused with reagan when he makes a comment about this
Funny if chuds start to hate the police after this.
Holy shit.
My prediction is this was some sort of deranged liberal who thought they were really saving democracy
Finally one of them put their money where their mouth was.
yeah, its surprising how many would rather just shoot up a school or a walmart instead... boggles the mind
Least deranged liberal. If they think Trump is as big of a threat as they say, they should applaud the guy and emulate him.
I really don't think so. Liberal Democrats hate guns. And I don't think it's any kind of communist/anarchist/lefty/etc either because I think someone who's serious enough to want to kill Trump would also be serious enough to have more important organising to do than a suicide mission trying to shoot trump at a trump rally. I think more likely it's someone who doesn't have particularly conventional/left-wing political motivations. Maybe someone who's quite mentally ill or otherwise someone with quite out-there views.
There's an entire pretty active subreddit for liberal gun owners. Plenty of Americans have incoherent politics and access to firearms.
My bet is a liberal who was starting to reject the appeasement of the Democrats.
Any leftist is going to know enough history/politics that doing this alone will not succeed.
Been a lot cooler if he did
liberals are probably tripping over themselves to wish Trump a rapid recovery, right
You already know
lol dude who saw the shooter:
looks like he ran away from the sesame workshop
Lmao that guy has not changed his "look" since 1999.
Damn they fires a lot of rounds, what the hell?! This is wild!
Reichstag fire moment for whatever trump decides to do
I heard reports that it might be 2
huh i thought all republicans were badass gun owners who would totally take down a shooter singlehandedly but they all immediately took cover and started panicking that's strange
tbh i am surprised a gunfight didn't break out. I would've thought that a lot more Trump supporters would carry a gun with them and be prepared to use it.
A lot of them didn't even moved an inch lol.
Biden is giving a press conference right now.
Surviving an assassination and forcing a public Biden appearance? He really can't lose.
mumble mumble, "look folks" mumble mumble, stumble away from the cameras toward a wall
"Listen Jack, we cannot allow violence in this politicial institution..... mumble.. against my opponent Kamala... anyways, that Cornpop is gonna pay!"
Biden just being a fucking loser
1 spectator dead, 1 in critical condition, trump shot in the ear, and the shooter shot dead.
How the fuck is trump that lucky?
god damnit trump is 50 cent now
Teflon Don
Proof Doohickey > Murican guns
I suspect that the individual who made the assassination attempt was most likely one of those really unhinged corporate neo-liberals that fanatically believes that Donald Trump is secretly "a Russian agent." Even though Trump's actual foreign policies as president were just as anti-Russia as any of his predecessors (his administration continued fully supporting and arming the fascist Maidan dictatorship in Kiev). Just pointing this out, because it's only a matter of time before someone starts falsely accusing socialists/communists of being responsible.