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Anyone know the source for this?
  • Gods not dead! But I aim to fix that.

  • I'm sorry? Rammstein says punch nazis?
  • To bad they didn't say punch r**ist.

  • What's going to be your job on the hexbear compound?
  • Animal handler. There's going to be so many furry friends it'll be a full time job to keep them out of trouble.

  • What class(es) do you tend to gravitate towards in video game rpgs?
  • Grim dawn was so for letting you choose your own bizarre mashup.

  • What class(es) do you tend to gravitate towards in video game rpgs?
  • I play whatever I'm in the mood for, don't really gravitate towards a specific play style. Although I do tend to like DOT/poison builds.

    In MMOs I tend to have at least one high level tank or healer. I like being able to hold the group together. In TTRPGs I always pick my class last so I can fill in whatever the group needs.

  • Subnautica 2 - Teaser Trailer
  • Fuck yes! Subnautica was such an excellent game, the sense of exploration and discovery in it is unmatched by any other game.

  • What is our view on sex work?
  • Great post! Maybe cross post to c/effort so it's easily findable/linkable

  • [CW: guns] Thinking about packing... Not that kind of packing.
  • I recommend a 9mm semi auto to everyone for their first pistol. Easy to use, ammo is (relatively) cheap, almost no kickback. And despite what some gun bros say a 9mm is gonna stop someone just as easily as a .45

    I don't carry, I don't have anything worth killing someone over. But I'm a cis male so I don't have to think about personal safety in the same way. I fully support arming my trans comrades. Just remember you never point a gun a something you aren't willing kill, pulling a gun isn't a threat it's a statement of intent. That said if your intent is to kill transphobes and Nazisrat-salute

  • This was the first struggle session I remember.
  • Even with modern techniques black wool is hard to use. And if it gets into a normal batch while processing it can essentially contaminate the whole thing.

  • NSFW
    How do I know if I'm not in a coma and none of this is real
  • Have you tried propanol? I have a friend who used to be gripped by existential dread all the time. She's said taking propanol felt like her heart had just been released.

  • I'm impressed, I haven't even heard of this happening in Amerikkkan "healthcare"
  • My mom had to do that. She went to Costa Rica (I think) to get her dental work done. Saved tens of thousands of dollars.

  • Idiot tells Flood victims not to comply with FEMA
  • When I was a teenager I loved conspiracy theories. The FEMA one was big even back in the 90s. The idea was the government used FEMA to control the population. Stories of medical testing,drugs in the water a food they gave, even entire towns disappearing in FEMA camps.

  • Pronoun tags and disclosure
  • That looks interesting, I'll definitely give it a read.

  • Pronoun tags and disclosure
  • Maybe thats part of it. I don't really feel like its my identity, more that I'd rather not have an identity. I want people to simply see me as comrade nothing more or less.

  • Pronoun tags and disclosure

    I've never felt a need to act masculine, some situations kinda require it but for me personally I've never cared. Over the last few years I've realized i really do prefer comrade/they/them. While I've never introduced my self with other pronouns I have started to check off "other" on forms that ask gender. I'm of the opinion gender itself bullshit concept. However bullshit or not it obviously has a very real impact in society. I've never once worried about SV or really any violence, I've never been told "this isn't a mans job," I've not received unwanted attention from people trying to get into my pants ect. At this point I've left the he/him pronouns on my name basically as disclosure, all my comments are made from a "privileged" point of view.

    Not exactly sure what I'm trying to say. Maybe that I would feel dishonest not informing people? I don't mind people referring to me as male so maybe I'm pushing into a space I don't belong? Idk I've been thinking about this for days and still feel weird/confused.

    What Star Trek media did you watch in the last week? - 10/02/24
  • I was up till 3am binging the final season of Picard last night...

  • What Star Trek media did you watch in the last week? - 10/02/24
  • First two seasons of Picard and wrath of Khan

  • Trying to set up a vlan to play with friends/

    I'm not smart enough to set it up through command line and I haven't found a program I can get working (on Linux of course) yet. Probably a really dumb question but if we all connect to the same vpn sever would that work? PlayHide should work but I can't seem to download it off github. Any advice or do I just have to figure out cmdline?

    Trying to set up a VLAN to play with friends

    I'm not smart enough to set it up through command line and I haven't found a program I can get working yet. Probably a really dumb question but if we all connect to the same vpn sever would that work? Playhide should work but I can't seem to download it off github. Any advice or should I just put in the work to figure out cmdline?

    Day 6 of no pants

    Have the house to myself for a while and no reason to leave.

    I will not be constrained bourgeois expectations, I will live a pants free life! (at least until i have to go buy groceries) Rise up and throw off the oppression of cloth!

    Looking for some reading on how reeducation works in practice.

    I've got a friend who's interested in the topic but I'm not really versed enough to talk intelligently.

    Vote with a Bullet (corrosion of conformity) Corrosion Of Conformity - Vote with a Bullet

    Corrosion Of Conformity's official music video for 'Vote With A Bullet'. Click to listen to Corrosion Of Conformity on Spotify:

    Corrosion Of Conformity - Vote with a Bullet
    Fucking mice got into my rice and beans

    100lbs of rice and 50lbs of beans just fucking destroyed. These blighted assholes are really making me rethink my "no-kill" trap policy.

    Big shout-out to Walmart for donating over $250 of product to my cause.

    My cause being collecting all the mtg commander decks. It wasn't exactly a voluntary donation but sometimes you have to help corporations be socially responsible.

    Is there an easy way to edit music?

    There's a fair amount of rap I like that has like fucking 4 minutes of talking in it, I'm good to listen to that once but it interrupts the flow when im making a play list. Also some music I sleep with will have like one annoying section that I'd love to cut out. Bonus points if its use able on Linux.

    My incredibly angry anti capitalist playlist
    bash the fash

    Keep your hate pure! Mostly rap, hip-hop, metal and punk. I welcome any suggestions if you have ideas to help the rage flow.

    I've played about 6 hours of Project Zomboid

    And spent like 10 looking at and configuring mods. It's a great pre-game!

    Oh Palestine, Oh Palestine (Original Song) by Seth Staton Watkins Oh Palestine, Oh Palestine (Original Song) by Seth Staton Watkins

    Oh Palestine, Oh Palestine (Original Song) by Seth Staton WatkinsSTREAM HERE:

    Oh Palestine, Oh Palestine (Original Song) by Seth Staton Watkins

    From the river to sea!

    Mudvayne - Scream With Me (metal) Mudvayne - Scream With Me (Official Video)

    Watch the official music video for "Scream With Me" by MudvayneListen to Mudvayne: to the official Mudvayne YouTube...

    Mudvayne - Scream With Me (Official Video)
    Lessons on singing?

    I've decided I want to learn how to sing but there are a billion youtube videos claiming to teach you how and I have no idea assess them. If anyone with some musical talent can point me in the right direction I'd greatly appreciate it.
