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Bulletins and News Discussion from September 30th to October 6th, 2024 - Qassam, Qassem, Quagmire
  • The approach would be to praise America for subverting that Chinese plan, and I can't really say that's terribly wrong, but the Biden admin October Surprise-ing itself due to potentially dramatically raising oil prices also doesn't seem very productive.

    Oil prices are not likely to go higher no matter what(nukes flying into Saudi Arabia excluded).

    OPEC+ is currently doing "voluntary" supply cuts. The majority of these cuts are coming from SA and they are under pressure as a result of the long term downtrend they're having a budget crisis.

    Right now the issue is some members(inc. Iraq/Russia) have to do their own production cuts to compensate for previous overproduction. However if there is no compliance SA is threatning to cancel their cut which could move oil even lower.

    For now all members are reassuring they'll comply with the cuts which is what SA wants to see, but if this doesn't happen the only destination is lower prices. Alternatively any major real war will be a great relief for them as these cuts will then be delayed/reduced overall. It also means there is more than enough supply ready to counter any crisis.

    The underlying downtrend is driven by the weak Chinese demand narrative and it wont change in the short-medium term, at the end everyone knows China is the only real growing economy.

    It can't be understated, Saudi Minister Warns of $50 Oil as OPEC+ Members Flout Production Curbs(WSJ)

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 30th to October 6th, 2024 - Qassam, Qassem, Quagmire
  • Brent crude was up 5% today, seems like a big jump(it is definitely unusual) but the actual price is still well below and barely recovering from the recent crash.

    Keeping in mind in the past these sorts of geopolitical events would have sent oil to near all time highs, these days its barely a bump up. Brent crude needs to go from $73 right now to at least $85 before things start getting interesting again.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 30th to October 6th, 2024 - Qassam, Qassem, Quagmire
  • You should ignore for a moment the same theories people keep posting here and look at what people like Rand corp actualy say about Russia.

    Here this is a great paper by them. Postwar U.S. Strategy Toward Russia(2024)

    It shows exactly what they consider to be the relevant points about Russia today. In general these neolibs always see Russia as a geopolitical rival, they don't believe to have "won" per se because there is a deep fundamental distrust and a belief(also racist) that they'll never be truly on board with US interests.

    The chart on that page is excellent actually.

    I've highlighted the key points from both groups below.


    World A: After the Less Favorable WarWar outcomes

    The conflict ends after a long war of attrition

    China provides lethal aid to Russia

    The war ends in a weak ceasefire

    Ukraine suffers modest territorial setbacks

    Strategic setting in the immediate aftermath of the war

    Russia is primarily imperialist and also security-motivated

    Russia is weakened by the war but poised to rearm

    Russia-China relations are very close

    Ukraine is focused on territorial reconquest

    Ukraine is economically devastated

    NATO is divided over wartime policy toward Russia and Ukraine

    The U.S. shift to the Indo-Pacific region is limited by the war in Europe

    There are U.S.-China tensions because of Beijing's support for Moscow

    Global economic fragmentation occurs because of sanctions and counter-sanctions


    Hardline Approach

    Strategic stability

    Reject arms control negotiations

    Develop new nuclear capabilities and expand force posture

    Deploy more BMD installations

    Deploy intermediate-range ground-based missiles to Europe

    Military presence in Europe

    Sustain elevated force levels

    Deploy more forces into Eastern Europe

    Reject talks on limiting conventional forces in Europe

    Security relationship with Ukraine

    Provide assistance that enables offensive operations

    Integrate Ukraine's military into NATO

    Support open door and Ukrainian membership

    Policy toward other non-NATO former Soviet states

    Support Georgia's NATO integration and membership

    Increase security cooperation with regional states

    Roll back Russian influence

    Economic relations with Russia

    Sustain most wartime sanctions

    As you can see, its both frightening and elucidating how painfuly obvious they are about their goals and how they consider getting there.

    Ukraine is a plan gone wrong and that plan is to contain Russian interests. For example, they've appropriated Imperialism mean a vulgar term completely opposite to Lenin's. Rand corp ghouls and everyone in Washington truly believe Russia is an imperialist competitor.

    Here is another of their research papers from 2019

    Despite these vulnerabilities and anxieties, Russia remains a powerful country that still manages to be a U.S. peer competitor in a few key domains. Recognizing that some level of competition with Russia is inevitable, RAND researchers conducted a qualitative assessment of “cost-imposing options” that could unbalance and overextend Russia. Such cost-imposing options could place new burdens on Russia, ideally heavier burdens than would be imposed on the United States for pursuing those options.

    In the Geopolitical Cost-Imposing Options they included "Provide lethal aid to Ukraine" as medium-high cost and success rates.

    In Economic Cost-Imposing Options they put "Impose deeper trade and financial sanctions" as high and clearly listed "Increase Europe’s ability to import LNG from sources other than Russia" which was literaly the opposite of what happened and the reason for EU's crash.

    Further below you can read the section Land and Multidomain Cost-Imposing Measures and basicaly note how all options revolve around increasing US military presence in Europe and more militarization of NATO.

    It is clear to me these people would not be suggesting this back in 2019 if they didn't think Russia was a real competitor.

    Of course I don't think these people are particularly correct or even 100% truthful, but to have a pulse on what neolibs think does require to read and listen to what they actualy say.

    Unfortunately we have not moved on from what Michael Hudson popularized in '22. The idea the US somehow wanted this war just to destroy the EU is not accurate. For example the US did not believe energy prices would skyrocket, they even tried the price cap so they could reduce Russian profits and stop the inflation crisis worldwide.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 23rd to September 29th, 2024 - The War In The North
  • Their range estimates are way off. The 4000km range west should only hit Instanbul yet they put it almost inside Italy. Xinjiang is exactly 4000km to the Ukraine-Poland border yet they put it almost halfway across Austria. Same thing with Sweden. Its about 10% off.

    Towards the east its a whole 1000km off towards the US. That 4000 km range is actualy almost inside Canada which in reality is over 5000 km away.

    Yet they managed to get the 4000 km range to Australia quite accurately. If its mean to represent the DF-4 then I don't get it, surely it would make more sense to add the upper bound of 5500km too and not his weird ass projection.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 23rd to September 29th, 2024 - The War In The North
  • The problem is nobody else learned their lesson either. Why should Iran be any different?

    China says US bad twice a day monday through friday and on the weekends they shake hands with Hitler and praise Kissinger?

    Russia is not anti-west and Putin is the exception exactly because of his personal experience. If you remove this he is exactly the same anti-communist fascist as everyone else. He is not fundamentally anti-west and Russia is full of MAGA idiots that think [insert Trump-like idiot here] will be better for them because [insert woke garbage here]. If the US political climate swings back towards MAGA in the future how easy will it be to fool these Russian fascists again?

    India/Modi actively sabotages BRICS and Brazil is literaly irrelevant as Lula's theatrics fools nobody exactly because the actual Brazilian political climate is extremely biased towards the far-right and besides he is no stranger to neoliberalism at home anyway.

    Iran should learn their lesson, there is no normalization and there is no trusting the US. This is obvious, but if the point is this is a learning experience, then I'm pessimistic anyone is learning anything.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 23rd to September 29th, 2024 - The War In The North
  • The point is that this signals exactly what the western market wants to see, a clear sign that the party is willing to follow neoliberal economics at crucial steps now and in the future.

    IMO greed(profit) speaks the loudest, Wall st. doesn't realy care or believe in all these fearmongering narratives, instead they fear the perception that the CPC can "fuck up" the economy at any time by doing that evil socialism thing.

    Wall Street loves it because it shows the party is in control and takes the economic data seriously while also showing there should be no fear of the CPC taking any "socialist" measures in the short term. Again it shows what everyone wants to see, that the party cares more about economic data than anything else.

    The thought things can be fixed with just pumping money is a slippery slope, yet its no surprise why capitalists are loving it.

    But I think it’s safe to say that with the Fed lowering the rates, we are now entering the Phase 2 of the US financial warfare against China. Phase 3 being the ultimate speculative attack by selling its assets all at once.

    You should temper your expectations here, China has a lot of room to make stupid decisions still, while the US is entirely built on a house of cards called "economic data" which would be fine if not for the unbelievably asinine attempts made to justify why bad data is good actualy.

    The question of soft/hard landing is basically down to how the market wants to interpret the narrative at any point in time.

    If you pay attention at all to these narratives the neolibs already flip flopped a dozen times since 2020.

    Inflation was bad, then it wasn't, then it was "sticky", then it was "solved" anyway because fuck food and rent anyway so the fed must cut rates, but actualy not yet because if they do it means they're afraid the bad data is bad actualy and they're desperate, but actualy now the bad data is not bad at all because turns out the fed mandate is throws dice who fucking knows at this point so we must cut rates now otherwise it wont be soft landing anymore except any bad jobs report can turn soft landing into bad landing overnight.

    I'm not sure I ever believed the US can wage such an economic war, upon reflection to me it seems since 2020 all this current political/economic circus can't be maintained if the US does intend to get serious against China.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 23rd to September 29th, 2024 - The War In The North
  • All China has to do is stop trading with a country, they don't need to launch a single missile.

    I agree but when it was suggested that China should have done this back earlier this year against Israel quite some people thought this unwarranted though.

    I used to say these types of economic sanctions were the very bare minimum China could have done to intervene on the genocide against Israel, raise the stakes for the US at barely no risk for China themselves, but instead we have nothing at all at except speeches that say US bad on one hand while countless US officials traveled to Beijing on the other hand.

    Its cool to have a weapon you're never willing to use or one which people will bend backwards to justify not using.

    China currently worships "non-interventionism" for many reasons, a nuclear threat is the exact opposite of that so I don't think its smart to read this test as a message either.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 16th to September 22nd, 2024 - This Megathread Is Dedicated To The Brave Mujahideen Fighters of Afghanistan - COTW: Afghanistan
  • IDK anymore if there is anything that would actualy pull NATO into this war besides a direct attack, not when Israel is still a major issue after 1 year and they still are keen on baiting China.

    Maybe there needs to be a serious bluff calling here. Is the US actualy willing to start a WW3 in Ukraine and potentialy abandon Israel? I'm like 60, maybe even 70/30 on Russia should retaliate if we get to a situation where Ukraine succesffuly hits an important target and that itself is a long shot atm.

  • We should normalise shaming wreckers. We should bully people for wrecker behaviour a lot more.
  • You must be joking,seriously there is no way this is your argument lol.

    Imagine one comment

    "I wish global leftists would focus on material issues since we tend to agree 99% of the time"

    and another comment

    "You know I don't think nazism, white supremacy, xenophobia or transphobia are not particularly relevant issues, so long as they're helping to build communism I'm fine with any of that".

    Would you see that user as a clown or not? You literaly undermine the premise of the first one, what exactly is the 1% if not any of these things? Jesus take your head of your ass lol.

  • We should normalise shaming wreckers. We should bully people for wrecker behaviour a lot more.
  • I love how leftists will agree on 99% of things but become sworn enemies with other leftists over AI or masks or outdoor cats or some shit.

    I don't care if Norman Finkelstein is transphobic.

    What the fuck are you talking about, your other comment is about outdoor cats, now you talk about transphobia as if both are remotely the same thing. You have zero credibility if that is how you see the world.

    Building socialism by supporting opinions that directly harm the people you want to help. The most generous take here is you're completely lost.

  • "I'm a gun owner. Tim Walz is a gun owner. If somebody breaks into my house, they’re getting shot." Harris told Oprah.
  • You're absolutely right about the illusion but IMO the Bernie era gave people including many socialists/leftists who considered him as harm reduction a complete illusion of what the underlying political climate was heading towards.

    While Bernie was campaigning on very good vibes and huge crowds asking for healthcare the population was heading increasingly away from the "traditional" both parties values of decades prior.

    Its obvious Trump completely destroyed traditional conservatism but for the Democrats to destroy Bernie they had no alternative but plant the seeds of Blue MAGA.

    Biden only got there because he was the only alternative to defeat Bernie without the Dems jumping off a cliff politically. Then they pulled this Biden coup only because Biden was absurdly unpopular. IMO if they tried the same shit with the Bernie nomination things would have been very interesting back then.

    Dems could have avoided this by just dealing with Bernie as the coward and incoherent fool he is as president, at least they would have had 8 years of probably the most popular president in history.

    Instead the year is 2024 and Blue MAGA is not a parody, its the foundation of the party.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 16th to September 22nd, 2024 - This Megathread Is Dedicated To The Brave Mujahideen Fighters of Afghanistan - COTW: Afghanistan
  • To be fair I wouldn't take these headlines at face value simply given these companies have ridiculous and stupid "expectations". The games are quite profitable.

    Stupid expectations of straight line up never ending graphs. Expect everything you make to make as much money as the previous release instead of embracing or simply accepting you're already winning, you're already making stupid amounts of profit, 10% higher or lower doesn't mean anything.

    Not only is Rebirth already 4 years late(who cares at this point) FF7 remake was also release exactly in the mid of COVID(April '20), surely people should understand by now you may erase that from memory, that consumption habit will never come back.

  • Teamsters Presidential Poll: close to 60% choose red Hitler over blue hitler
  • I think at least since COVID its clear its as much anti-Biden than pro-Trump. For both of them actualy its more about what the opposition says or does than your own rethoric, not to deny that is important, but clearly some people vote more based on what they hate the most.

    So we look back and Biden spent 4 years gaslighting people that everything is fine even if your rent doubled. They repeat Fed shit through the liberal media as if people not only understand but agree with all the punching left/down they're doing.

    "Inflation is under control", "robust jobs market", "excess savings" lol you know the memes I'm sure.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 16th to September 22nd, 2024 - This Megathread Is Dedicated To The Brave Mujahideen Fighters of Afghanistan - COTW: Afghanistan
  • I don't think they should be banned or anything, but I do think all of their lib showerthought bait comments should be removed. In addition, I don't really value their input on moderation questions as they post a lot of shit I believe shouldn't be here.

    I literaly told you I'm familiar with them and I literaly often reply to them too. Stop trying to create a witch hunt, you already made your point, I disagree.

    I look at your comment history now and its not even the first time you do this. Chill out dude. You're developing a patter of trying to witch hunt established users over petty shit.

    So they have post cringe takes once in a while, who cares? I literaly already told you most people know this. I know this since I reply to them often. I'd take one crazy L in a while, so what, report for a mod and move on.

    You're not in the position to tell others to "go to reddit" and your comment history is questionable.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 16th to September 22nd, 2024 - This Megathread Is Dedicated To The Brave Mujahideen Fighters of Afghanistan - COTW: Afghanistan
  • You have a weird definition of bait then, bait is not when you disagree with shit. I don't think they were correct either, I've contested their posts many times btw I know the rhetoric.

    But as I said, you're being hostile towards someone that was not even dishonest and often contributes in other areas.

    This whole chain points out the amount of cope people post here approaches its own conspiracy theory level. "Iran will retaliate at any day now" is literally becoming a meme. But its the random project whatever post from 3 months ago that is relevant?

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 16th to September 22nd, 2024 - This Megathread Is Dedicated To The Brave Mujahideen Fighters of Afghanistan - COTW: Afghanistan
  • What are you even talking about? Nobody took their conspiracy theories seriously or bad enough to dunk on, in fact the always get engagement and post insightful comments about other stuff too. It realy feels like you're not reading the room here. They're not a malicious or dishonest poster, at least not that I can tell.

    Stop acting as if you're some authority here trying to clean shit, this is the lamest internet trope to date, that one guy that thinks they're representing others with authority.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 16th to September 22nd, 2024 - This Megathread Is Dedicated To The Brave Mujahideen Fighters of Afghanistan - COTW: Afghanistan
  • Yes, re-industrialization can and will eventually happen, but it won’t happen immediately.

    It definitely wont happen exactly because there is a reason capitalists moved to the global south in the first place. Industry in the north is not profitable. This will never change unless the north population goes through either some massive economic shock doctrine akin to a WW2/3 scenario or probably massive climate change catastrophe.

    Its like every single time we forget history, the only reason why the US industry grew in the first place, the only reason the west managed to industrialize in the first place, the obvious consequences for Germany when they were put on the dead end of industrialization(e.g entirely dependent on imported energy).

    If we consider these things the US is far more likely to collapse and balkanize. I expect chuds shooting liberals well before chuds and liberals hands together working in a factory for $5 an hour which is necessary for industrial profitability nowadays.

    This is not to say that America will be a bad place to live in, it is simply that its standard of living will be below what its citizens are currently able to “enjoy” (in relative terms to the Global South). Meanwhile, real economic growth will happen in the East where their living standards will be far above the former Imperial Core, and you can expect many skilled talents would seek to emigrate as well.

    If by "East" you mean China yeah maybe if we consider the richest cities, otherwise you need some reality checks on what the average work and life condition in Japan and South Korea is like.

  • Brackeys(Former biggest Unity tutorial channel on YT) is back and is now focused on Godot.

    A long endorsement of open source software before announcing he will be making Godot tutorials now.

    Might be a good incentive to switch or try out game dev if you're new btw.

    Is Victoria 3 a Marxist simulator?

    >I prefers the term of Dialectical Materialism simulator.

    >It’s a fantasy game for closet commies, as HOI IV is for closet Nazis or Wehraboos in the end

    I'm not bothering to read much of this(500 comments?), but after a few minutes quick glance its the usual fairly above average positive response as usual.

    I wonder if it is because with the game becoming less popular again most of the mainstream is gone already.

    Huawei and Bird & Bird win patent lawsuit against Amazon in Germany Huawei and Bird & Bird successful against Amazon in dispute over wifi routers

    Munich Regional Court rules Amazon may no longer sell its own wifi routers in Germany that infringe a Wifi 6 patent from Huawei.

    Huawei and Bird & Bird successful against Amazon in dispute over wifi routers

    >22 December 2023 >Amazon may no longer sell its own wifi routers in Germany, as they infringe a Wifi 6 patent from Huawei. This was decided by Munich Regional Court last week following the oral hearing. The ruling does not affect the sale of third-party wifi routers via the Amazon platform.

    >Two European subsidiaries of Amazon and Eero – a manufacturer of wifi routers also owned by Amazon – have infringed European patent EP 3334112 and may now no longer sell Wifi-6-capable products in Germany. The Regional Court Munich handed down this ruling on December 15, on the same day as the hearing.

    >Huawei had sued for injunctive relief, information and accounting, destruction, recall and damages (case ID: 7 O 10988/22).

    >However, the ruling only affects wifi routers that Amazon and Eero manufacture themselves, such as the Amazon Fire TV Stick 4k. Other manufacturers may continue to sell their products via the Amazon platform.

    >Potential damages >Huawei can enforce the judgment against a security deposit totaling €4.5 million. Amazon may appeal against the judgment, and this is considered likely. However, the court has not justified its surprisingly quick decision in writing yet. According to JUVE Patent information Amazon has not yet filed an appeal.

    >If the ruling stands, Amazon would have to compensate Huawei for the damages it has suffered since 19 March 2020. According to JUVE Patent information, Amazon has not thus far filed a nullity action against EP 112, but has concentrated on the FRAND defence.

    >Four claims against Amazon >The judgment is part of a larger dispute over Wifi 6 patents. Huawei has also sued Amazon over another Wifi 6 patent in Munich (case ID: 7 O 10987/22). The court will hear this case in March 2024. In Düsseldorf and Munich, Huawei sued Amazon over a Wifi 5 patent, but the courts have not yet set a date for the oral hearing.

    >Huawei is also taking action against Fritzbox manufacturer AVM with two infringement suits at the Regional Court Munich. In November, according to press reports the court ordered AVM to cease and desist. The court was of the opinion that Wifi-6-capable AVM products infringed Huawei’s EP 3 337 077. AVM has since appealed against the ruling.

    >In addition, Huawei sued other companies such as Netgear and automotive group Stellantis. The Chinese company sued the former at Düsseldorf Regional Court. Huawei sued Stellantis back in 2022 over mobile phone patents that play a role in car connectivity. The Netherlands-based company manufactures about six million cars a year under the Fiat, Opel, Peugeot and Citroën brands.

    >Huawei turns to UPC >While Huawei only sued Amazon and AVM in German patent courts, the Chinese company escalated its dispute with Netgear to the Unified Patent Court in July. Previously, Huawei had not had much success at Düsseldorf Regional Court. The court had dismissed one of Huawei’s lawsuits and suspended the second.

    >Huawei’s lawsuit at the Munich local division was one of the first SEP proceedings at the new court (case ID: ACT_459771/2023). According to the website Netgear recently has filed a counter claim of revocation with the UPC.

    Where are the "but but ze seeseepee only steals our technology!111!!" responses now lol.

    Why This Election Is the Most Crucial Since the Civil War Why This Election Is the Most Crucial Since the Civil War

    Matt Bennett, co-founder of national think-tank Third Way, tells The New Abnormal why a second Trump presidency would be a “catastrophe” and leave America “unrecognizable.”

    Why This Election Is the Most Crucial Since the Civil War



    >“It seems like every cycle we say that and we kind of mean it but this time I think we are in a category change where I believe the United States and the way that we think about ourselves as a nation has not been in danger like this since 1865. I think the only comparable moment to this was the Civil War,” he tells The New Abnormal co-host Danielle Moodie.

    Anyone remember Brackeys YT channel? Good thing they left at the top lol.

    Being a Unity tutorial maker in 2023 sounds like pain right now lol.

    I do have to say the joker part is a bit silly, I've used Unity before as a hobbyist and Unity Engine is fine IMO, more than fine even compared to the alternatives. Every engine has problems, pick the right tool for the job.

    Unity Technologies, the piece of shit company is the problem.

    Science lady doubles down: "Capitalism is deregulation actually!"

    Jesus fucking lol and it is so funny considering she literally talks about Marx and the industrial revolution and dismisses it, like please which is it?

    How can you be so fundamentally wrong holy shit, I was skeptical when the other thread compared her with Peterson or whatever but boy oh boy this is the worst way possible to double down.

    Just how hard is it to just own it, say some obviously fake PR shit like "oh we learned a lesson from the feedback of our community and we will do better in the future" or "we understand we should have approached the topic with a little more rigor" or something.

    I fully admit I was willing to let her take this L as a fluke, something something her "team"(maybe even herself) suggested a bad topic and the minions can't afford to tell her that was a bad idea or something, but no.

    I can't wait for the triple down I guess. Even the replies are still roasting her lol.

    The "Chinese secret police station" was actually a community service center for Chinese immigrants. After FBI Arrests, Chinatown Leaders Deny 'Secret Police Station' Allegations - Documented

    The FBI has arrested two Chinese agents allegedly tied to a secret police station in NYC the Chinese government used to keep tabs on dissidents.

    After FBI Arrests, Chinatown Leaders Deny 'Secret Police Station' Allegations - Documented

    Literally spy balloon 2.0. This time a community center for helping immigrants with government paperwork is actually a secret spy agency.

    > He clarified that it was a police overseas service station, which was different from an actual police station. According to him, no police officers from China had visited their office and the association was focused on helping Chinese citizens renew and complete forms.

    > Jimmy Lu explained that during the pandemic, many Chinese immigrants were unable to travel back to China due to restrictions. To aid them, the association collaborated with the local police station in Fuzhou to remotely assist immigrants in renewing their Chinese driver’s licenses, as well as other necessary documents.

    >Jimmy Lu said that the association offered its office as a venue for Chinese immigrants to have virtual meetings with police officers in China. The staff at the association also assisted in measuring the applicants’ vision and weight to ensure their driver’s license information was up-to-date. The association informed Chinese-language media in NYC when establishing the police service station in 2022. In a picture the association shared with the press, Harry Lu, Jinping Chen and other leaders of the organization sat in front of a desk with a banner hanging on the wall that said, “Fuzhou Police Overseas Service Station.”

    >To coincide with the time zone in China, the office operated at 9:30 p.m. every Thursday from February to September 2022, helping more than 120 Chinese immigrants renew their driver’s licenses, Jimmy Lu said. Federal prosecutors say the police station was closed in the fall of 2022 after those operating it became aware of the FBI’s investigation.

    I also absolutely love that part, the super duper secret police station is so secret that they checks notes gave the media a photo of them in front of a sign that says "Fuzhou Police Overseas Service Station".

    "Group seen celebrating Hitler's birthday in central Taiwan" Group seen celebrating Hitler's birthday in central Taiwan | Taiwan News | 2023-04-25 11:14:00

    Diners pose with flags of the German Reich, Nazi Black Sun | 2023-04-25 11:14:00

    It begins.

    "Ackshualy that's not a swastica, you see back in Asia they have these symbols..." :maybe-later-honey:

    "If we measure excess mortality over England’s 16th- and 17th-century average death rate, we find 165 million excess deaths in India between 1880 and 1920."

    For the next time some dipshit lib tries to argue with you about owning a fucking microwave. Jason Hickel is a beast.

    >The common notion that extreme poverty is the “natural” condition of humanity and only declined with the rise of capitalism rests on income data that do not adequately capture access to essential goods.

    >Data on real wages suggests that, historically, extreme poverty was uncommon and arose primarily during periods of severe social and economic dislocation, particularly under colonialism.

    >The rise of capitalism from the long 16th century onward is associated with a decline in wages to below subsistence, a deterioration in human stature, and an upturn in premature mortality.

    >In parts of South Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America, wages and/or height have still not recovered.

    >Where progress has occurred, significant improvements in human welfare began only around the 20th century. These gains coincide with the rise of anti-colonial and socialist political movements.


    >The evidence we review here points to three conclusions.

    >(1) It is unlikely that 90% of the human population lived in extreme poverty prior to the 19th century. Historically, unskilled urban labourers in all regions tended to have wages high enough to support a family of four above the poverty line by working 250 days or 12 months a year, except during periods of severe social dislocation, such as famines, wars, and institutionalized dispossession – particularly under colonialism.

    >(2) The rise of capitalism caused a dramatic deterioration of human welfare. In all regions studied here, incorporation into the capitalist world-system was associated with a decline in wages to below subsistence, a deterioration in human stature, and an upturn in premature mortality. In parts of South Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, and Latin America, key welfare metrics have still not recovered.

    >(3) Where progress has occurred, significant improvements in human welfare began several centuries after the rise of capitalism. In the core regions of Northwest Europe, progress began in the 1880s, while in the periphery and semi-periphery it began in the mid-20th century, a period characterized by the rise of anti-colonial and socialist political movements that redistributed incomes and established public provisioning systems.

    Overall this is an amazing paper, I recommend reading in full to debunk so much common shit about colonial capitalism.

    Also there is an excess death chart for Africa, overall 1880-1920 saw a total 20% population decline.


    >Indian life expectancy did not reach the level of early modern England (35.8 years) until 1950, after decolonization.

    "The sharp rise in Violent/Aggressive Discourse in the Extreme Left is an artifact of the inclusion of"



    Otherwise gee fucking idiots I guess you realy needed a whole research department to figure things out like

    >•Alt-Right supergroup activity remains near its all-time high. This activity has been high since the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago in August (Fig. 1).

    >•The forums with the greatest use of Violent/Aggressive discourse in November were in Health Misinformation, scoring higher than Incels/Femcels and the Extreme Right (Fig. 7).

    >•Reference to sex crimes was up 13% in December and was up 32% since August (Fig. 11).

    :the-democrat: reading this : "Great, its all according to the plan. Carry on mrMcdoofus, keep us informed, this is very useful information, it will come in handy when we decide to do absolutely nothing for the next 2 years."

    Top Tibetan leader says Dalai Lama's 'suck my tongue' comment to a boy was 'innocent' because the holy leader is 'beyond sensorial pleasures' Top Tibetan leader says Dalai Lama's 'suck my tongue' comment to a boy was 'innocent' because the holy leader is 'beyond sensorial pleasures'

    Penpa Tsering, the head of the Tibetan government-in-exile, defended the Dalai Lama, calling his actions "innocent," according to CNN.

    Top Tibetan leader says Dalai Lama's 'suck my tongue' comment to a boy was 'innocent' because the holy leader is 'beyond sensorial pleasures'

    Watch as both MSM and the CIA still trying to spin this shit even though most people even on fucking reddit of all places are grossed out by the story.

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