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  • This world fucking sucks

  • Making fun of Biden? Wait a minute. Is this like The Twilight Zone and I'll be doing this for all of eternity?
  • Genocide is fine if it helps prevent gulp Authoritarianism from coming to America.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • This is just my usual vibes-based analysis but I feel like the libs are anticipating a crisis and want to be absolved of responsibility when shit goes down.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • It really is wild. This has to be the last election.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • Does Biden withdrawing even matter at this point? It'll just make the Dems look even more pathetic for waiting so long to acknowledge reality, so it won't matter who they replace him with. Trump wins. It's joever.

  • President Biden is my friend. He...
  • Thomas Friedman... you are bad at writing, and nobody likes you

  • They’re finally talking about replacing Biden
  • I feel sad in that in another world he could have just been some senile grandpa being cared for by his children. Instead he chose a path that led to this.

  • Sunday is Gaming Day: What are you playing thread.
  • Some buddies got me back into Smash a bit and playing as Hero made me want to check out Dragon Quest 11. So I downloaded the demo and it's actually pretty charming. Just a classic JRPG with nice character designs and excellent music. I'm considering getting the full game.

    Otherwise I've resumed my Blue Lions run of Three Houses.

  • The balkanisation map guy is becoming a tradcath 😭
  • this guy sucks but there's a tiny part of me that feels bad. he makes alt-history maps and is now an epic online tradcath. he should just go post in HOI4 communities

  • What are your most hated sci-fi/fantasy tropes?
  • I can't stand stereotypical "dumb barbarians". "Me want to break things and drink all the ale" yeah great, man. Even Star Wars did this with the big guy in the Bad Batch (I heard it got better later but that debut episode in Clone Wars...ugh).

    They can be done well but a lot of times they're written the exact same way with the same carbon copied quips.

  • the tech industry is so desperate to have a new Thing

  • North Korea: Putin and Kim pledge mutual help against 'aggression'
  • This is the vibe yeah. Matt Christman put it best in an old vlog - the ruling class wants to commit a global suicide bombing.

  • Game Recommendation: The Sea Will Claim Everything

    So I recently finished a hidden gem of a game called The Sea Will Claim Everything, an indie adventure game by Jonas Kyratzes, and wanted to write a quick little review to bring it some attention here. It takes place on the Fortunate Isles in the Lands of Dream, where you meet all sorts of interesting little guys - a talking tree philosopher, Socrates, a dwarf from Middle-earth, a medusa, gender-changing lizards, a druid named The, and so on. It has very charming hand-drawn artwork (done by Jonas's wife, Verena), lovely music, and is both funny and moving.

    It's also very explicitly political. The Isles are gripped by an economic crisis and are ruled by corrupt mayors who all serve the interests of Lord Urizen. Austerity has been imposed and goods grow more scarce. All of the characters to some extent have something to say about the state of their world, and a lot of it is clear commentary on the real world. Kyratzes is Greek, so there's some pretty clear parallels to the Greek economic crisis, but that, of course, is but a part of the greater crisis of the 21st century, so it should resonate with anyone even vaguely anti-capitalist.

    As for the gameplay, it's a basic adventure game. It's slow-paced and comfy. The controls are all click-based and can be a little awkward at times, and the game largely consists of fetch quests which can be a bit obtuse at points. However, it's not a very long game and it's not terribly difficult, and it's ultimately very much worth playing. It actually affected me in a way much like Disco Elysium - a mirror of our own decaying world inhabited by intriguing, well-written characters that tells a moving story. It's only 10 bucks on Steam so give it a shot.
