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JaKKKobin MagaSSine reacts to the attempted assassination of Trump
  • It's to try and make themselves "credible" in the eyes of the Democratic establishment

  • I do be wondering if Trump is going to purge parts of the bourgeoisie.
  • They consider their main enemy to be both unions and monopoly capital, and the most radical (fascist) petit Borg imagine that they are actually part of the same "conspiracy"

  • Trump shooter was a registered republican
  • The guy who made that bet with him, who now has to explain it in front of the whole world: columbo-donk

  • Is Biden's campaign messaging gonna change in reaction to the comedic Trump rally event?
  • It's not really about respect, it's the fact that his slogan was "let's finish the job"

  • Trump shot ?
  • They better not be from here, this is exactly the kind of adventurism that needlessly radicalizes fascists without any comparable benefit to the left. I can't imagine trying to tell people you're a communist after JFK (regardless of whether Oswald actually did it). Read theory and join an org people Jesus fuck

  • Trump shot ?
  • They had to compromise between getting him and not getting him, otherwise they would be an extremist

  • Trump shot ?
  • We can only hope that the wannabe assassin was a disgruntled fascist upset that Trump publicly distanced himself from even the "legal fascism" of project 25. If they posted here, we're probably all going to be locked up in a week

  • Trump shot ?
  • This was staged and Biden is in great health

  • not looking good for biden... or trump.....
  • There's no way taft was 6' and 243 lbs. He was either shorter or heavier, or both. Or was he filled with helium?

    Edit, per Google AI because I'm too lazy to look at the actual search results- He was 5 feet 11 inches (1.80 m) tall and his weight was between 325 pounds (147 kg) and 280 pounds (130 kg)

  • Prices are not real.
  • Are you in a big city or something? I still buy family size bags of chips for about $4

  • US Army made in China
  • This is it, exactly. As long as the war lasts longer than a few months and the US decides not to push the button, China wins by default. As a comrade, this excites me, but as a resident in the heart of the empire it makes me very nervous

  • Rick and Morty Ruined Portals
  • How though

  • Reporter: "Trump is now using the fact you referred to Harris as 'Vice President Trump' to mock your age and memory. How do you respond?" Biden: "Listen to him." *walks off stage*
  • Nah the emphasis on HIM makes me feel like he's trying to say, listen to how much Trump's brain is also melting out of his ears every time he speaks. Let he who is free of dementia cast the first stone

  • Reporter: "Trump is now using the fact you referred to Harris as 'Vice President Trump' to mock your age and memory. How do you respond?" Biden: "Listen to him." *walks off stage*
  • Joe's getting a posthumous Emmy for this one, no one could have better embodied the collapse of a dying empire

  • lmfao
  • He likes the wall there, he wants to have one.

  • Porky loves it when you blame brown people and women for his missdeeds
  • Mr. President, there was a second random engine failure second-plane

  • Some of y'all ain't ready for the revolution (NSFW: Slight nudity in photos)
  • You are a revisionist. You are trying to determine whether the age is appropriate for thirsting when, in fact, all thirsting is a violation of the volcel pledge


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    I've tried all of the URLs I know and I can't find a way to reach library Genesis. Is there a known problem?

    Ted Kazcinsky was a whiny dork

    Img: the Unabomber manifesto

    Seriously, how can someone who spent their whole life in the wilderness need to touch grass so hard? You feel alienated by wage labor and capitalist development and your solution is to complain about feminists and Berkeley professors? What a useless crybaby.
