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Everything's going to be okay, right?
  • I take comfort in knowing that in a billion years or so, there will still be rocks

  • Comrade Crabby Road

    The terrible boomer cartoons are occasional mid!

    While the mans clearly has a crush on Chรฉ Guevara, he also puts up a lot of very sexualized women... so, maybe both?
  • 'Snake, be careful. That's Gay Wifeman! Foxhound's gayest wife guy!'

    'A gay wife guy huh? I've heard about them but never faced one in combat before. This could be tough!'

    'Good luck and be careful Snake!'

  • NSFW
    (cw: slur) Kelly: Baby, I'm-A Haunt You
  • My brain placed 'large' in front of adult son due to conditioning. It didn't notice the word large wasn't there until a second read

  • Tolkien, Letter 154 in the Letters Collection
  • Sorry, I was thinking he was in the south not the east. Still works, just fill in a different cardinal direction

  • Tolkien, Letter 154 in the Letters Collection
  • Its possible as well that Sauron had some leaders in the south and easy in his pocket. The only named Nazgul was a Numenorean who had colonized part of the south

  • My son (26M) has been microdosing ketamine to improve his performance at work because "Elon does it", how can I pull him back from the edge of becoming a techbro?
  • Fuck, I miss affordable ketamine. I could just zoot a big rail, not understand a movie but really enjoy it and then keep having a nice day.

  • Locked
    Digimon World - New General Megathread for the 28th-29th of September 2024
  • I go harder on the English and French cause I speak those languages and have a fee Spanish bits. I'm really good at accents and work restaurants where generally it's gonna be over half immigrants and cultural ribbing is part of the banter and I've gotten pretty far going off hard of Europe

  • Locked
    Digimon World - New General Megathread for the 28th-29th of September 2024
  • Ironically modern Italians probably have more descent from the 'Barbarians' that took it over cause they...took it over. It didn't stop being Rome, no one takes hold of such a massive power and then decides to dissolve it

  • Locked
    Digimon World - New General Megathread for the 28th-29th of September 2024
  • Back to the Future but Marty McFly is absolute shit at guitar and when he goes back to the 80s noise rock replaced traditional rock n roll and now he's like a classical music nerd for knowing shit like Johnny b good

  • Locked
    Digimon World - New General Megathread for the 28th-29th of September 2024
  • I'll pretend whatever probably not Italian thing I'm making is traditional by using a heavy accent to talk at length about how my nona would make this recipe before THE FASCITAS cut off her hands so she could no longer hold a rifle but now, she could no longer make pizza with hummus, falafel and pickled veggies

  • My son (26M) has been microdosing ketamine to improve his performance at work because "Elon does it", how can I pull him back from the edge of becoming a techbro?
  • Get him to macrodose ketamine and stop wasting it. J fucking snort a gram, k hole for an hour or so and then you're right back to normal and it rules. Tech bros and ravers also made it so I can't afford it anymore, it used to be like $20/g

  • Locked
    Digimon World - New General Megathread for the 28th-29th of September 2024
  • I work in an Italian restaurant and have brought it there. It's really fun. Also fuck Italy.

  • Locked
    Digimon World - New General Megathread for the 28th-29th of September 2024
  • Huge fan of Atun-Shei Films on YouTube, but he hath also accursed me with a most devious affliction. That of the early modern English. I had learnt this manner of speaking long afore hearing the preaching of the VVitchfinder General of Massachusetts Bayye. Alas I had learned it in the public system of education within the shire which I dvvell, and to the great shame of our educators and administration it was the works of the papist sinner of sinner himself. The 'play-vvrite' VVilliam Shakespeare an most ungodly man who doth take to paper tales of pagan ancestry as vvell as fawning praise for the vvretched throne of the English monarch and their foul ancestors deeds. Now the godly vvorks of this humble man hath rewakened me to speak in such manner vvehenever an act in defilement of the almighty and his sacred scripture doth cross mine eyes. And no one can tell what the fuck I'm saying

  • So im going to ask. How concerned do we need to be about the rising fascism in the europe and states?
  • Where would you flee to? If fascists are cracking down on refugees and immigrants, those refugees and immigrants from the global South will end out needing somewhere else to go and I'd prefer they did that before someone fleeing cause they are afraid of danger but in less immediate danger, especially a leftist who should be fighting fascists, not running away from them.

  • Locked
    Digimon World - New General Megathread for the 28th-29th of September 2024
  • Coming home from work and immediately showering the semolina flour and pizza sauce off my body before I turn I to an Italian


    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

    If you're not familiar with the series, it's good. Watch all of em. It's got dinosaurs and Marxism.

    Altun Shei Knocks it Outta the Park Again! - YouTube

    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

    Hear the tale of Benjamin Lay, a really fucking cool dude from the 1700s

    The Clash- The Card Cheat

    London Calling is just a string of amazing songs but I really really think this one is overlooked. It's an entire Scorsese movie in 4 minutes and that piano/guitar main riff and how it changes between the beginning and ending literally makes me cry every time. It's the best chord progression ever and Elton John fucking wishes he wrote this as much as I also like Elton John.

    There's a solitary man crying, "Hold me."

    It's only because he's a-lonely

    If the keeper of time runs slowly

    He won't be alive for long!

    If he only had time to tell of all of the things he planned

    With a card up his sleeve, what would he achieve?

    It means nothing!

    To the opium den and the barroom gin

    In the Belmont chair playing violins

    The gambler's face cracks into a grin

    As he lays down the king of spades

    But the dealer just stares

    There's something wrong here, he thinks

    The gambler is seized and forced to his knees

    And shot dead

    He only wanted more time

    Away from the darkest door

    But his luck it gave in

    As the dawn light crept in

    And he lay on the floor

    From the Hundred Year War to the Crimea

    With a lance and a musket and a Roman spear

    To all of the men who have stood with no fear

    In the service of the King

    Before you met your fate be sure you

    Did not forsake your lover

    May not be around anymore

    Canadian Anti Smoking Ads I Remember from Childhood That are Attempting Irony but Instead Point Out the Genuine Benefits of Smoking - YouTube

    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

    You meet people, I've made tons of friends our of people bumming a smoke and hanging our for a bit. The extra costs involved in buying a boat. You don't have to work as much. This was not an effective campaign.

    Top 3 Cure Albums! Go!
    1. Seventeen Seconds

    2. Faith/ Boys Don't Cry (I know the real first album is 3 Imaginary Boys but the american release swaps out only bad songs for good songs for once)

    3. Pornography

    Refused- The Shape of Punk To Come

    Essential hexbear listen, absolute genius album. If you're hesitant the first lines are "I've got a bone to pick with capitalism, and a few to break' and doesn't let off from there. It's a classic for a good reason and even if you don't like hardcore it's still amazing.

    Patrick H Willems Takes the Train Pill - YouTube

    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

    CHOO CHOO! The only good film YouTuber talks about trains in movies and how they're always rad

    Take on Me - Self Titled

    Do you like emo music that passes the rigorous of the copypasta? Then you'll live this recently uploaded ep by a local band from almost 20 years ago. Srsly, it slaps.

    Chief Miles O'Brien Appreciation Post

    What a solid fuckin guy. Hope his shoulder one day recovers.

    If You Were Gonna Hench For Any Comic Book Bad Guy Who?

    And I'm taking Poison Ivy off the table. Too easy. I think I'd go with The Penguin, mostly cause that just seems like normal crimes.

    The Kids Facist Cops

    they learn from what they see on t.v.

    and fascist cops is what they see

    they like to kick you between the legs

    all in the name of democracy

    we hate fascist cops, we hate fascist cops

    we hate fascist cops, we hate fascist cops

    where are our rights, where are our rights?

    they kick you down and then they just deny it

    now power is a very dangerous thing

    if you misuse it like those fascist pigs

    we hate fascist cops, we hate fascist cops

    we hate fascist cops, we hate fascist cops

    they keep a raid every week

    and then they give you a real bad treat

    we hate fascist cops, we hate fascist cops

    we hate fascist cops, we hate fascist cops
