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UK exit poll
  • Corbyn might get an independent seat. Exit polls say it's too close to call between him and the Labour ghoul he's against. The ghoul has ghosted Corbyn's call to debate multiple times, because they have explicit ties to private healthcare corporations.

    I am so unenthusiastic on Labour, yet I suckered up and gave them a tactical vote because they're just barely better than Lib Dems who were closely contesting them in my area. Immediately after voting I wanted to go take my vote back. They represent me on almost no major issues at all. Fucking useless. Next time I'll go Green.

    Oh.. also, exit polls have Reform (racist party) getting 13 seats to Green's 2. Climate change? Eh. Racism? Bing bing bing.

  • are we in "weeks where decades happen" territory rn?
  • I suppose because the contradictions are inevitable within such an economic system. Capitalists are loyal to nothing. They have no credo. They clearly have no restraint. If these economic relations are in place, humans will inevitably do terrible things to each other to exploit such a system.

    They didn't have morals before. They had competition (from a number of communist revolutionary states). That's what kept them in line. That's why they had a pretense.

    No competition - no need to pretend you're sane... I mean, I guess false consciousness is so prevalent now that these people all believe themselves to be sane. These sane people are created by rampant capitalism, and act in the way I described in my first paragraph.

  • Deleted
    Are you Vegan? If not, what are your reasons?
  • I don't think any meats can compete on price when compared to beans and chickpeas. I do think that cow/beef has a lot more possible configurations than beans though. And you can add great vegetable ingredients to beef. You can't add beef to a vegan meal.

    That said, I'm open to vegan meals. It is a skill issue in that I am not as well versed in the recipes. What are your top 2? I like Daal and bean burritos.

  • Why is the 9th gen of consoles so.... barren...
  • True, but over time it just about pays off. I made the switch years and years ago. A PS5 probably outperforms my PC on new games on Ultra settings, but I can still play all of them just with the graphics turned a notch down. When I want to upgrade I can just switch the GPU out for a better one. Annoyingly though, GPUs have become very expensive.

    Anyway, I get mods, a PC for video editing and such, general work stuff, movies, an infinite amount of customisability of hard/software, and so on. I've got a ridiculous amount of value for money out of it. And I could push it further still hypothetically if I used it as a host. My partner could probably do everything they do on their laptop (watching stuff, working), through a second monitor, while I played the latest PS5 game on 'High' settings on the primary monitor.

    I loved my consoles when I had them, but I don't think I'll ever go back.

  • What is the communist position on the definition of fascism?

    Of course, there will be many interpretations, but what are the defining Marxist ideas on the definition?

    I ask, because you see a lot of libs and liblefts calling America fascist, but then being asked how, and not being able to respond. It makes them (and us, because we always get lumped in with them) look bad. I'd like to be able to step in if I ever witness such a thing.

    Could someone help me pirate a book? I can't find it anywhere and I really need it for my degree.

    Hello folks - I've tried all.the usual spots like Anna's archive and Z library and so on to no avail. This is the book in question -

    There's a copy of it on internet archive but it's only accessible to American people with impaired sight it seems.

    Anyone know a way around it?

    Is there a concept of 'imperialist realism'? As in, similar to capitalist realism concept except the default state is imperialism

    I feel like this has been a concept for a long time within imperialist studies, but I can't find it. Surely it's a thing. What would you call it?

    EDIT: thanks for all the brilliant responses

    What are your usual news sources? I have gripes with all of them of course, but some are better than others.

    Come contribute your analysis in the comments, vibes based or otherwise.

    I think sometimes it depends on the topic.

    Reuters is good at getting some key points and missing full state department spin, but the problem is that they have a reputation as non-biased, and that reputation means they/you do not bother to inspect their own ideology. In other mainstream media, it's easy to spot the political spin and bias if you know what you're looking for, but Reuters is much more clandestine, and possibly unintentionally so.

    I imagine it to be ran by 'well meaning' liberals who have a level of journalistic integrity, that is born from 'do the right thing in the name of democracy' rather than from a serious political education.

    So they thoroughly explore 'both sides' a lot, while presenting all of their information with a very 'objective' feeling register of language, in the process omitting important facts/framings that they would deem to be inducing a level of political bias.

    That said, I will say they're not otherwise too worthy of my ire in comparison to other major media organisations.

    Weirdly, I was researching Venezuela recently for a stageplay I'm writing, and Bloomberg gave surprisingly good coverage of events I didn't expect them to bother with. You wouldn't be able to form a meaningful analysis of venezuela based on their coverage alone, but I was still quite shocked that I found bits of their coverage to be pretty OK, and sometimes divergent from the usual state department shit that CNN or even The Guardian would put out. Very curious.

    USA may seize billions of dollars of frozen Russian assets to pay for Ukraine rebuild, Blinken says - BBC News Russia must pay for Ukraine rebuild, Blinken says - BBC News

    The top US diplomat vows to "seize" Russian assets in the US to fund rebuilding parts of Ukraine.

    Russia must pay for Ukraine rebuild, Blinken says - BBC News

    Blinken is number 1 spot for my least favourite guy of the year. Elon Musk in 2nd place.

    On a similar note, I'm pretty sure the UK is still holding 2 billions of dollars in gold reserves from Venezuela.

    [non-news] Ukraine will not boycott eurovision. They have submitted an act called 'Alyona Alyona and Jerry Heil'

    "Ukraine’s entry this year is the rapper and singer duo Alyona Alyona and Jerry Heil."

    Jerry 'Heil' !bazinga

    “There are many wars now in the world and, of course, it is not easy to constantly keep attention on yourself so that people do not get tired of our war."

    EDIT: upon further research of Jerry Heil:

    'Heil began using her alias at the age of 15. After registering for the Russian social media service VKontakte, she used the name Jerry Mouse, referencing the cartoon character of the same name. She then changed Mouse to Heil, citing her desire to use whatever American surname she saw on the Internet first.


    She has expressed her embarrassment for the backstory behind her stage name, calling it "moronic".'

    "China supporting Russia in massive military expansion, US says" - the newest propaganda attempt. China supporting Russia in massive military expansion, US says

    Beijing helping with drone production, space-based capabilities and ballistic missile production

    China supporting Russia in massive military expansion, US says

    They key moronic 'US says' takeaways:

    • "US officials said that China provided more than 70% of the $900m (£723m) in machine tools – probably used to build ballistic missiles – imported in the last quarter of 2023 by Russia."

    "probably" !biggus-piggus

    It's absurd how they link machine tools precisely to missile manufacturing and so on. Machine tools are involved in practically every industrial process involving technology these days, from kitchen wares to gym equipment to cars to semiconductors and yes, arms manufacturing. But there's no evidence to state that a significant portion of machine tools were then used in military manufacturing, rather than general goods.

    • "They also said that 90% of Russia’s microelectronics imports – used to produce missiles, tanks and aircraft – came from China last year"

    Microelectronics... you mean the microelectronics used in the booming commercial tech industry. It's reckless not to clarify alongside 'used to produce missiles, tanks, aircraft', microelectronics are used in 'literally everything else' too.

    The very same liberal that will say these and things and then go on to turn a blind eye or defend explicit developer-client relationships between computer manufacturers and arms manufacturers in the US

    Another day, another desperate attempt by paper tigers to undermine China's industrial capacity. Good luck attempting sanctions.

    Israeli arms factory in Tamworth UK shut down permanently by protestors, who bled the factory's funds dry by forcing increased security costs, through repeated site invasions and sabotage. Israeli arms company Elbit forced to sell Tamworth site

    Elbit shutting down its site in Tamworth is a victory for direct action and the Palestine solidarity movement

    Israeli arms company Elbit forced to sell Tamworth site


    • Palestine Action said, “This victory is a direct result of sustained direct action which has sought to make it impossible for Elbit to afford to operate in Britain.

    • “Before they sold the enterprise to a private equity syndicate, Elbit had reported that Elite KL operating profits had been slashed by over three-quarters, with Palestine Action responsible. Elbit directly cited the increased expenditure on security they’d been forced to make, and higher supply chain costs they faced.

    • The first action at the site, in November 2020, saw activists smash into the building covered in blood-red paint.

    • Between March and July 2021, roof-top occupations put the site out of action three times. Despite increased security, another roof-top occupation in July saw the site closed.

    • In February 2022, activists decommissioned the site for weeks—closed off after an occupation that saw over £250,000 of damage.

    • After this, Elbit erected a security perimeter around the site. One month later, six people were arrested after occupying the roof and smashing through, preventing the production of parts for Israel’s military machine.


    • After the sale was completed last month, Elite KL’s new owners, listed as Griffin Newco Ltd, confirmed in an email to Palestine Action that they will have nothing to do with the previous owners, Elbit, and have discontinued any arms manufacturing:

    • “Following the recent acquisition of Elite KL Limited by a UK investment syndicate, the newly appointed board has unanimously agreed to withdraw from all future defence contracts and terminate its association with its former parent company”.

    Western 'investors' begin 'rebuild' of Ukraine. Just like clockwork. JPMorgan and BlackRock to join forces. Hildebrand Says Investors Target $15 Billion to Rebuild Ukraine

    A program for private investors to help rebuild Ukraine is aiming to provide $15 billion of funding with support from state bodies and capital markets.

    Hildebrand Says Investors Target $15 Billion to Rebuild Ukraine

    I wish I'd written an article about this when the war first began. I've known and been saying for months that the process will go like this:

    Ukraine will face demolition by war. They've repealed labour laws and banned left wing parties. Now, with the conditions right, the circling sharks of 'investment' have come to feed.

    BlackRock and JPMorgan are apparently on a co-venture to get a hold of the contracts, that they'll make billions with, off cheapened labour and a desperate population, extracting the countries wealth to their banks. I'm sure some wealthy Russians and Ukrainians will make lots of money too.

    And just watch, as it starts to be hailed as a charitable effort. Proof of Ayn Rand's concept of business altruism..

    What actually was the extent of 'russian interference'?

    I've looked it up a bit, but the search algorithm is so inundated with shit around the topic I thought I'd try here instead for some pointers.

    When libs bring it up I usually engage in some 'whataboutism' and pivot to saying if they think that's an assault on democracy, what about CambridgeAnalytica, or worse, what about the fact that the US funnels EXORBITANT amounts of money into global media manipulation to destroy entire countries.

    Good sources anyone? Reading? Podcasts?

    BONUS: I'm also struggling to find the source of the exact figures of the US funnelling money towards destabilisation of countries, sometimes worth more than the networths of the countries themselves, or something absurd like that.

    EDIT: Thanks for the replies. Somehow the reality of it was lower than my already very low expectations.

    US Police create call of duty themed recruitment advert

    defend burger town

    Che Guevara got dunked on so hard by Castro that he declared Castro's playstyle to be at a 'cost to the communal spirit'


    “In his frequent basketball matches, Fidel has started using a new move he simply calls ‘The Step.’ It is undeniably effective, yet is its goodness equally undeniable? As revolutionaries we must not merely pay attention to ends, but to means. I worry that this flash and pomp is not befitting of the revolutionary leader. It serves to separate him too much from those caught in the chains of a maudlin life, marred by oppression and economic strife. Yes, it leads to a basket, but at what cost to the communal spirit?”

    • Journal Entry by Che Guevara, 12 December 1962

    !che-no !fidel-freethrow

    Che Guevara got dunked on so hard by Castro that he theory nerded out, declaring the Euro Step to be at a 'cost to the communal spirit'

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    MaoTheLawn [any, any]
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