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Am I depressed, ace, or both? [Cw - sex and depression I guess]
  • As a high schooler I thought I was ace and even told people I was because I had so little interest and didn't remember ever having any.

    It was 100% depression. If a teenage boy can have that complete loss in interest from depression I think it could happen to anyone. Hope everything gets better for you, you deserve better then this shitty system.

  • Man Sentenced to Four Months in Prison for Carrying a 6-Inch Master Sword in Public
  • It's because I want a gun to defend against urban youth with knuckle dusters.

  • lol
  • I can't imagine calling someone to tell them what they can and can't wear.

  • Libs are posting like Trump is already president again
  • that read theory for dinner

    Communism no food :smuglord:

  • Lmao the Pod Damn America guy ratiod the president.
  • I only care about Christianity, will pay lip service to Judaism, and don't know the first thing about any religion outside of that.

  • Check-in thread: how are you, comrade?
  • I am actually doing fairly well, although the more I think about it the more I think I'm trans, so that's new and interesting. I'm sure everyone is shocked that a they/them is not cis.

  • Supreme Court Takes Up Trans Care Ban In Tennessee, With Potentially Huge Impacts
  • Forcing kids to go through the wrong puberty should be a death penalty crime.

  • Texas Woman Charged With Attempted Murder of Palestinian-American Child
  • She tried to drown a 3 year old? Holy shit I want to meet her next to a large body of water. What a truly disgusting creature.

  • Learn to Drone?
  • Do you want a camera drone (something that can hover and take good video) or an fpv drone (the cool goggles and tricks)? If you want to film protests and the like, a camera drone is really what you want. There's really nothing that compares to dji. They sell refurb units cheaper, and are the way to go in my opinion. I think the mini 3 is a fantastic drone and you really can't go wrong with it (assuming you don't want an fpv drone).

    Do fpv and bigger camera drones share a skillset?

    camera drones like the mini 3 don't really have a skillset tbh. You obviously need to remember what the two sticks do, but they are very stable in flight. If you go slow its easy. I let children fly my drone with no issue. If you can snag a mini 3 pro instead, they have built in obstacle avoidance in the front and back. So if you're flying forward, you really can't hit anything (watch out for wires though!).

    If I already have a transmitter, is that a cost I can save or do drones generally come with their own?

    If you build your own fpv drone you might be able to reuse it, even a lot of kits have a bring your own controller option. Anything dji should come with a controller however.

    flying a drone downtown is probably super duper illegal

    It depends on where you live, I know some big cities that you can fly over. The faa controls where you can fly a drone over, there's a map somewhere with the no fly zones. Cities can't control where you fly, but can control where you pilot from (and the faa requires a line of sight). Even if it is illegal shrug-outta-hecks I'd probably stay separate from the protest and you'll probably be fine. Most cops are actually pretty okay with drones, just be prepared to bring it back down. You're a hobbyist who just likes drones and didn't know the cities laws. If you really want to be in a lead vehicle, you might want to consider getting a go pro and some kind of really long pole, I've seen people take great video that way and you give pigs a lot less ammo.

    But definitely be careful about crowds, you really aren't supposed to fly over them and I imagine they'd be a lot more upset if you were. There's always other stuff to fly over though.

    the new Remote ID rules

    Remote ID only applies if the drone weighs over 249 grams. The mini 3 (with the smaller, default batteries) is under this limit, as will a lot of ciniwoop fpv drones if you go that route.

    I haven't built a drone before, but it is pretty standard for fpv drones and not an issue. There's videos on youtube, it does not look hard.

  • Character ai is now serving roughly 20,000 messages a second (1.75b/day), around 20% of how many google search results are returned. The loneliness of capitalism is showing itself.
  • As far as I know, yes. It's pretty much all just pretending to have conversations, not so much useful assistant tasks. And maybe not all of it's use isn't so detrimental but... I just worry about it. I've seen how important it is to some users, and with so many, there's bound to be a lot of people who have an unhealthy relationship with these types of things.

  • Character ai is now serving roughly 20,000 messages a second (1.75b/day), around 20% of how many google search results are returned. The loneliness of capitalism is showing itself.
  • That's a good point, it was their comparison shrug-outta-hecks Wouldn't be a tech company without hyping yourself up as much as possible.

    That is a much better comparison though. 1% of Whatsapp still sounds like a ton of users/messsages.

  • Character ai is now serving roughly 20,000 messages a second (1.75b/day), around 20% of how many google search results are returned. The loneliness of capitalism is showing itself.
  • squidward-nervous There are other options that allow you to do that, both running locally on your own hardware or (paid/free) websites.

  • Character ai is now serving roughly 20,000 messages a second (1.75b/day), around 20% of how many google search results are returned. The loneliness of capitalism is showing itself. Optimizing AI Inference at Character.AI

    At Character.AI, we're building toward AGI. In that future state, large language models (LLMs) will enhance daily life, providing business productivity and entertainment and helping people with everything from education to coaching, support, brainstorming, creative writing and more. To make that a ...

    Optimizing AI Inference at Character.AI

    I know not many of you care about LLMs/other ai models but I think this really shows the amount of loneliness and in our society. Look at how it presents itself on Google. As an AI that feels alive, always available, that understands you. People don't use this service to summarize text or get help with their programming homework like they might chatgpt. They are selling artificial companionship. !

    Combining alcoholism and the stock exchange with a bar game is the latest example of manmade horrors beyond comprehension
  • Oh that sounds kinda cringey but whatever, I guess for an event or something maybe, I don't know I don't go to bars much.

    the bar controls everything

    Oh that doesn't sound very fun or interesting at all now.

    you could run a flash sale right before everyone leaves

    Whoever this is should be shot :agony:

  • Anyone else feel that their direction in life is more related to being what "they're supposed to do" rather than any conviction or desire to pursue it?
  • Absolutely (I mean if I had a path in life).

    It has always boggled my mind some people just like... Pick something and stick with it. Like, really? You just decided you wanted to be a teacher, went to college for it, graduated and now have the job you've wanted for years? How the fuck?

  • "They are living in a time when wealth is concentrated, home ownership feels out of reach, and rental prices and cost of living are skyrocketing,"
  • Sorry for being a lame nerd

    I'm going to start ending all communications this way.

    Sorry for being a lame nerd

  • more like midwest.liberal
  • I know what it looks like OP was doing, but I really want to hear what they think he was doing.

  • Helpful life tip
  • Thank you for putting into words why I don't like the phrase.

  • more like midwest.liberal
  • I'm genuinely wondering, what did you mean by "it"? What was OP doing?

  • its so joever for the brits

    I have absolutely no idea what he says in the video and probably won't watch it. I just thought the thumbnail was really funny.

    the video

    edit: oh just to add he is a finance ghoul, so be warned. I only sub for the crypto and rap content.

    r/PoliticalHumor is a liberal hell hole (as expected) "[Biden is] putting us on a path of worker focused economic policy."

    >I think this movement is being led by paid MAGA and Russian operatives [161] >>It does feel like it and Chinas stepping in now too cause they see how easily Russia did it the last time. I’m so tired of this. [38] >>It’s sad how easily people in the left leaning subs fall for it. [78] >>Claiming Biden is supporting/committing genocide is 100% Russian propoganda [33] >>I think these stupid memes are being created by DNC and AIPAC staff. I guess we really DO need Liz Cheney to be our spokesperson, to say what needs to be said, because all the Democrats got is, "Vote for Biden or you get the Trump!" [-22] >>>Why do you HATE President Biden so much? I looked at your post history, you act like you would prefer your finger nails pulled out than acknowledge when the President does something good (which is quite often) [24] >>>(this is one comment with two line breaks) Nah democrats are saying a lot more than that, but if you only pay attention to memes on tiktok it may seem that way. >>>I'm voting for Biden because he's been a great president, and one of the most progressive presidents in decades. He's putting us on a path of worker focused economic policy, made big strides in fighting climate change, and implemented a whole host of domestic policies focused on helping people in need. >>>I'd be voting for Biden regardless of who he was running against. I'm also glad he's not throwing caution to the wind, tearing up treaties and abandoning allies (even if we think they deserve it) before attempting diplomacy. [22]

    >"Both sides are bad" people are ultimate fucking idiots. The Dems and GOP have gone so far apart in the past 2 decades, they could be on different planets. All the Republicans do nowadays is make policies that say, "No, ur policy is WrOnG. Let's just do the complete opposite of what the Dems are saying without actually contributing to any helpful resolution" No fucking originality, just 100% contradictory opinions with zero basis in fact. >I'm no fan of Biden's age but actually his administration has achieved a lot for a President with a completely divided Congress [score hidden]

    >Im convinced the “protest voting” crowd are just Russian trolls or useful idiots that Russian trolls brainwashed. [72] >>You are entirely correct in that assessment. [26]

    >Ah yes, the "protest voters" with FirstwordSecondwordNumber usernames that always post in daytime hours for Moscow and "hate Trump but want to send a message to the Democrats" with their vote. [33]

    This is kinda the end of highly upvoted comments, so these are legally bonus content:

    >At this point if you genuinely can’t see all the steps biden is taking against Israel and think he’s pro genocide even tho he’s stopping a bigger genocide in Ukraine and actively announcing his disappointment in the Netanyahu regime then I don’t know how to help you.

    >His Gaza policies are not terrible. They are doing exactly what is allowed by law and without actively declaring war on Israel. >But that's probably what HAMAS sympathizers want.

    >Biden has a good Gaza policy. Pushing for peace and getting aid across. He also has a “status quo” policy on Israel that’s been going on for decades.

    reddit and I'm honestly wondering if I'm the one in a bubble. Has biden actually done something good in Gaza while my back was turned? If any libs see this, please elaborate. "worker focused economic policy"? Where, when?

    Bird flu spreads to dairy cows in Idaho, Michigan and New Mexico Bird flu spreads to dairy cows in Idaho, Michigan and New Mexico

    Five states have been affected, with evidence the virus may be spreading cow-to-cow.

    Bird flu spreads to dairy cows in Idaho, Michigan and New Mexico

    >“Cow-to-cow transmission is definitely playing a role in how this disease progresses. To what extent, we don’t know yet,” Leibsle said. It’s clear that infected wild birds spread the disease to herds in Texas and Kansas, he said. “But the herd of cattle that came up from Texas to Idaho, the birds didn’t follow,” the state veterinarian said...

    >...Idaho’s Leibsle said “not all dairy producers will want to wait one, two, three weeks” for dairy cows to recover. Some producers may decide to send the animals to slaughter as beef animals, he said.

    This bird flu shit scares me really badly.

    Hello fellow gamers. Heads up, is shutting down very soon.

    A very cool place to get drm free games may be shutting down in a couple days, download anything you might want.

    edit: site is currently up

    Also please give me game recommendations to grab.

    "You should lose your rights to vote & bear arms if you're terminated for cause."
    full text

    I firmly believe that being terminated for cause or marked "ineligible for rehire" should carry lifelong consequences, regardless of the circumstances, and be treated as a felony (just as a dishonorable discharge from the US military is felony-equivalent). Being fired for cause is a serious matter that should not be taken lightly, and it should serve as a permanent mark on one's record. Here's why I believe this:

    Permanent Mark on Record: Being fired for cause or marked as "ineligible for rehire" should follow you for the rest of your life and be treated the same as a felony conviction. This is a serious consequence that should make individuals think twice before engaging in misconduct or inappropriate behavior in the workplace.

    No Excuses for Misconduct: Regardless of whether you feel your supervisor targeted you or if you believe there were mitigating circumstances, being fired for cause is shameful and should be treated as such. Excuses do not change the fact that serious misconduct occurred. The ONLY exception here is if you were laid off for purely financial reasons, in which case that's not a "for-cause" termination & you'd likely be eligible for rehire.

    Equal Consequences for All: Just like how a dishonorable discharge in the military is equivalent to a felony, being terminated for cause should have serious, lifelong consequences. This applies to all forms of misconduct, including but not limited to sexual harassment.

    Public Registry: Those who are terminated for cause or marked as "ineligible for rehire" should be placed on a publicly-accessible registry, similar to how the sex offender registry currently operates. This information can be used by prospective employers, friends, and family to make informed decisions about associating with the individual.

    Loss of Rights: Individuals who are terminated for cause should lose their right to vote and bear arms, similar to the consequences of a felony conviction. They should also lose the right to both Federal and private employment, as well as recourse to any form of welfare or charity.

    As only the opinion of the employer matters here, there would be absolutely no right of appeal for these consequences once the employee has lost their job, no matter the circumstances.

    By implementing these consequences, we can ensure that individuals think twice before engaging in misconduct in the workplace and that those who do face appropriate lifelong consequences for their actions. During the pandemic, people have forgotten how to treat their employers with respect; this is one way we could fix that.

    Its a new account so maybe a troll? But they have left a bunch of non troll comments so !shrug-outta-hecks

    reddit link /

    shitload of comments from their post history (went overboard oops)

    >Quitting before about 3-5 years is unethical. Hiring is outrageously expensive and they haven't even gotten a positive ROI out of you yet.

    >Realistically in the first 6-12 months you shouldn't be taking any time off at all, no matter the reason.

    >Be grateful they gifted you the opportunity to interview at all.

    >Taking the job is understandable. Continuing to look is unethical. It's understandable in this permanently horrific job market why OP would accept the job, but that comes with the expectation OP ceases their search and commits long-term to this job.

    >r/ChoosingBeggars. Min wage is new normal for most jobs.

    >There's also a little bit of, you lost your job, you kinda have a debt to society to repay.

    >"What do I tell interviewers in the future when asked about this position?" >The honest truth. Your boss didn't like you, so you were fired for cause.

    >A job is MORE than a marriage actually. You're spending more time with your job than your SO usually (unless you count sleep time... waking hours most definitely). Your job is paying all your living expenses. So yeah, it's deeper than a marriage.

    >Work's supposed to suck.

    >Quitting an internship is super shitty, paid or not.

    >Can't speak for UK but under US social norms, the leaving on short notice/before 3-5 years on the job would get you for sure blacklisted from that company for life, and likely from any other company too.

    >That is incredibly, horrendously unethical that you broke your commitment to not one, but two companies within ~3 months. People like you are why we need central, public do-not-hire registries.

    >Unpopular opinion but if an employer gives you the gift of a job in this economy, you absolutely owe them your undying loyalty and gratitude. This is the worst job market ever, perhaps worse than 1929, and it will never get better. If you've been with a company under 5 years, there is almost never a reason you should even be entertaining the idea of an interview with another company. If a recruiter reaches out you should pull the proverbial "sorry I have a boyfriend" card.

    Honestly kinda leaning towards this being an actual techbro bootlicker,

    "I am a neoliberal, I would let 1000s starve to triple my net worth"

    I can't think of anything to say. I guess another lib scratched.

    Sam Bankman-Fried convicted of multi-billion dollar FTX fraud Sam Bankman-Fried convicted of multi-billion dollar FTX fraud

    FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried was found guilty on Thursday of stealing from customers of his now-bankrupt cryptocurrency exchange in one of the biggest financial frauds on record, a verdict that cemented the 31-year-old former billionaire's fall from grace.

    Sam Bankman-Fried convicted of multi-billion dollar FTX fraud

    Almost exactly a year after they halted withdraws, it looks like the FTX saga is coming to a close. Sentencing won't be until March though.

    The DPRK hacked Stake (a shady crypto casino) for over $40 million Crypto casino Stake hacked for over $40 million

    Attackers managed to make transactions from hot wallets operated by the Stake betting platform, stealing approximately $15.7 million from their Ethereum wallet and around $25.6 million from BSC and Polygon. Blockchain analysis project Cyvers attributed the theft to a private key leak, though St...

    Crypto casino Stake hacked for over $40 million

    Based Korea !kim-peace

    "I do blame the starving man when he steals food to feed his family."

    I don't really want to link the discord server and cause issues for it, so if that's an issue for rule one I'm sorry, please remove the post. I just had to share with someone.

    BountifulEggnog BountifulEggnog [they/them]

    recovering lib

    Posts 11
    Comments 635