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Looking For Electronic Music Recommendations
  • Last one is Black Sun Empire. And if you like this stuff Gydra is sweet. Dieselboy also is 👨‍🍳😘

  • now we're cooking.
  • IDK cool-zone was neat

  • VPN Recommendations for left organizing?
  • I understand completely and I am aware that there are levels of security my little org is not going to realistically meet.

    For anyone reading this planning more "sensitive" things: loose lips sink ships, and follow the advice above!

    My org is what I would consider more of a pipeline for disaffected Democrats to become baby leftists and eventually, maybe, do something cool for the community. As such the threat is more from right-wing activists disrupting events or trying to doxx members, get people fired, etc. So I want folks to start getting the basics locked in now so that if they radicalize more it will be easier going from "I have a password manager and VPN" level secure to "drop the phones in this Faraday bag before entering this meeting".

  • VPN Recommendations for left organizing?
  • IDK if we're at this level of need right now. But I want to start people on the path to doing these things as a habit.

    I could see our org doing mutual aid to help undocumented immigrants hide, help women cross state lines for abortions, etc. in the near future. I want us to be ready to cover our tracks before we need to.

  • Buffalo Wild Wings blocks Hexbear
  • The Blazin' fires of revolution will consume this cursed land 🔥🔥🔥

  • They're not actually going to run Sundown Joe now right? Like, they can't actually believe he'll have a chance.
  • I assume the state is hostile to our interests no matter who is in power. While, yes, having the IRS filled with hogs would suck.... the IRS already sucks.

    The biggest change I can see is a federal government suddenly becoming hostile to whatever they call "woke". I expect we need to step up to protect federal employees who are LGBT, not Christian, etc. But again, Democrats aren't helping these folks in the states right now so IDK.

    It sucks 😬

  • VPN Recommendations for left organizing?

    With ever more Supreme Court fuckery going on I'd like to help comrades in my local org be better secured against potential breaches.

    Ideally I'd like to recommend 1-3 options that meet these needs:

    • Easy to use
    • Can be used on phones as well as mobile devices
    • Doesn't retain any network traffic data

    Any ideas on what options we have?

    They never respond

    I get 1-2 of these per day, paste in my question, and never hear back.

    Is there any GOOD news out there?

    Just wondering if anything good is happening somewhere. Maybe some local organizing wins? Would be nice to see something positive happening.

    How to make my DSA chapter better?

    I know DSA gets dunked on here pretty hard, so hoping we can have a constructive conversation about how to make things better.

    I'm a DSA member. Plz don't Ban me...

    It's a smaller chapter in the deep south. There's a mix of people including MLS, Anarchists, and some baby-leftists. No !liberalism and we make fun of Democrats all the time.

    What we're doing:

    New member education

    BDS, in particular handing out flyers with a list of companies to boycott

    Attending Palestinian rallies and supporting the Palestinian rights orgs in our area

    Tabling at Pride

    Brake light clinics

    ...and we're starting a public transit campaign to improve service

    What are we missing? What could we do better?

    Where to find stats for AES countries?

    I love it when libs think living in places like China or Cuba is like living in a wasteland. The way some people talk about these countries you'd think these places looked like something out of Mad Max instead of thriving, prosperous nations. I'd like to write up some agit prop as a go-to resource on these countries. Examples of info I'd like to have handy:

    Life expectancy

    Cost of Healthcare

    How much does it cost to ride an ambulance?

    How much does childbirth cost?

    What if I'm diabetic? What if I need therapy for mental health issues?

    Crime rates, ex: number of thefts / 10000 people

    Rates of people suffering from depression

    Suicide rates


    I believe the average person living in China has a higher quality of life than I do in burgerland, but I don't have hard figures to prove it. Help plz?

    What Is To Be Done (to help Palestine locally?)

    I am working on some proposals for my local DSA chapter (I know, !LIB) and am trying to find things we can do that a) actually help Palestine, b) aren't just performative, and c) aren't going to get my comrades arrested or fired. I have a couple ideas but am hoping folks here have better ones:

    • Print pro-Palestine stickers, put on business store fronts (taken from

    • Research businesses in the area that fund Israel or do business with Israel. Expose them

    • Create information campaign "this business supports genocide." Create stickers, graphics, and flyers to inform people about Sabra, Burger King, McDonald's support for genocide. "McGenocide... I'm loving it?", "Welcome To Burger King... where bombing children's hospitals rule"

    • Individual targeting campaign. A tit-for-tat against Zionist doxing of college students who speak in support of Palestine. Are there prominent CEOs, influential figures, elected officials in the area who have publicly supported Israel's genocide or attacked Palestine? Let's expose them, let their neighbors know who they live near, etc.

    I posted something like this yesterday but it was buried deep in a thread.

    Any ideas? Anything obvious I missed?
