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  • Needs bigger, wider parabolic reflector

    I see great potential in this

  • Google is using AI to make fake podcasts with two AI hosts from your notes
  • ChatGPT composes worst, most unfunny permutation of letters possible, asked to leave reality

    Also why lemmy search so bad, was looking for something else but just find this mypillow-stare

  • Locked
    Digimon World - New General Megathread for the 28th-29th of September 2024
  • cw: mild earworm hazard

    Floppa cube, copper cube

    Floppa cube, coppa cube, floppa cube, coppa cube, so on (this has been stuck in my head on and off for like a year, please save me dog-screm)

    I would pay a lot of money (relative) for big floppa copper cube tbh

  • Trans megathread for the week of September 23rd to 29th. - How to preform CPR
  • Everyone so focused on making money and turning out corpo software sludge, not many people learn to code just cuz its fun :3

    What programming language you using? If any, ofc hehe

  • i totally get why people think chiropractic is real on a primal monkey-brain level
  • This is how I feel about wanting to go back in time to avert all my stupid mistakes and/or just becoming a wolf in a forest somewhere or something

    Please....... living like this is too painful doomer, maybe if I want it hard enough it will happen, or I'll die in my sleep maybe

    No hard feelings toward most of the TikTok reality shifter people, what else can you do when grinding, crushing, mummifying late capitalism seems to be the natural state of the world*



  • Bronze Age Youtube
  • Intergalactic community Youtube

    Clueless ANDROMEDAN Orders GLORP-NAP in Perfect CENTARUS ALPHA-7 CREOLE, Shocks Patrons and Staff

    Ter'zHU!kuk86 - 376B views - 1 Earth stellar orbit period ago

  • Thinking about the acer aspire predator
  • Ooooooooh

    Needs more blinkenlights though

  • Quotes by George Bush
  • Okay but that "when we're talking about war, we're really talking about peace" quote goes hard though

    Regardless, barbara-pit ofc, preferably Iraqi labor camp or something though

  • Harm reduction candidate: kill more wolves
  • yea They just keep finding new ways to be ghoulish

    "Federal officials" and "lawmakers" first against the wall, then settler-farmers second, who not only have a material interest in all (other) predator species ceasing to exist but also they just genuinely enjoy hunting and killing them


  • Deleted
    I keep crying
  • meow-hug

    What's wrong? If you wanna talk about it

  • Locked
    FTL: Faster than Light, 12th anniversary - New General Megathread for the 14th-15th of September
  • Nah it's okay I talked to Lorentz

    He gave us a pass this time

  • Mao 🤝 Kamala Harris
  • It's both

    It's bait but he also believes it, at least partially

    These are symptoms of late stage terminal-onlineness-associated irony poisoning

    Occupational hazard involved in being a liberal debate pervert

  • The year is 2360. Late Dimension host Xon Æliver-212 is still making jokes about Brumptfd’s tiny hands
  • University made them make a webpage in 2011 after the 4th sysadmin arson incident, threatened to take away their tenure :(

  • The year is 2360. Late Dimension host Xon Æliver-212 is still making jokes about Brumptfd’s tiny hands
  • Just one of the many programs that make up the foundations (there are many, this is around the 7th layer of foundations) of your Unix system

    Btw Brum's homepage is at"home%3D~brum" if you want to learn more

  • The year is 2360. Late Dimension host Xon Æliver-212 is still making jokes about Brumptfd’s tiny hands
  • Brum is one of those suckless nerds so they actually made it so that your computer explodes if brumptfd detects it's running as a flatpak (poster's note: this is based)

    Also all the arguments are hardcoded and if you want to interact with any pttys other than /dev/pty/0 you have to edit the string constants in the file fuckusersifuckinghateusers.h and recompile the program

    Also also the last person who understood Unix terminal emulation died a few years ago but Brum made a deal with the Dark Lord* to let them to use one of hell's VT100 terminals once in a while to log into Brum's Linux system and provide patches and help keep brumptfd up-to-date (relative) and running on modern (relative) systems

    *It agreed because this is just another, worse form of torture than the boiling pots, fire, brimstone, etc, etc

  • NSFW
    (CW:lizard) lmao she is peaking right now
  • Holy fuck

    Reaching new levels of frothingfash pigmask-off frothingfash

  • What does this mean and how do you feel about the whole weird thing?

    I am elevating this from megathread post to real post

    I regret looking at X almost every time

    This weird discourse has done actual psychic damage I think

    Can someone make this make sense to me? Not uncritically adopting the weaponization of language traditionally, normally even, used to attack queer and neurodiverse people against less-lib American reactionaries by Democrats makes you a fed? It's not a hill I would die but yeah

    We are truly reaching levels of normality never seen before, regardless of how not weird and normal it is in many sections of society to be a turbo-reactionary

    Have we entered a period where internet leftists and K-hivestandard internet left-libs become almost indistinguishable? I feel like I'm stuck in the event horizon of a terminally online singularity, spiraling toward a center of infinite onlineness

    The most online people I have ever seen are telling other online people to log the fuck off, the 🥥🌴 usernames are joining with the 🍉🇵🇸 usernames in fed-jacketing people, the Democrat campaign is reposting dril tweets

    We are cooked, the !kamala-coconut-tree internet singularity consumes us all

    Weirdn ormal weird werird normal couch weird weird normal

    Check out this dope-ass R-7-like rocket I'm building

    Realism Overhaul for Kerbal Space Program is so cool lol. Everything looks so much better, parts fit better together, have more realistic characteristics because they're modeled after real-life stuff, the game takes place on Earth now, etc

    That being said, it's much much harder than base game and I keep losing all the menus I need somewhere

    Was looking for that menu that lets you build new launch complexes/simulate launches but I literally cannot find it anymore among all the buttons so I can't test this thing yet lol

    Also in my world, the Sino-Soviet split will never happen/never happened and the USSR and PRC have a joint space program okay !sicko-wistful

    DeviantArt letting people charge for "their" AI sludge


    :deviantart-cool: !qin-shi-huangdi-fireball

    I just came back to this site recently and it seems like it's turning to shit

    Half the results for stuff I look up is AI sludge and it all looks like shit

    Incredible choice for a site supposed to be about creativity to encourage and offer tools to automate away creativity

    Late night CISC posting

    It's called a R3000A

    Cute big little core right here

    Unknown beanis-per-second rate though !beanis

    Living in a post-industrial Amerikkkan wasteland-city is like... the sketchiest shit will happen around you and you just have to let it pass and move on regardless of how wild it was

    This time it wasn't even that bad, just me and my friend out on a night walk in an urban park

    We walked past a parking lot on the edge of the park that had a few cars parked but they seemed empty and we started walking along the road

    Then 2 cars came to life, turned their lights off, and pulled out of the parking lot at insane speeds and drove right past us but as they came toward us it was like "oh fuck, did we just interrupt something bad? Are they gonna start shooting?"

    Idk maybe we were just being paranoid but it really surprised and scared us, especially cuz their shitty cars had no mufflers so it was deafening as they went by

    That being said, we still get harassed by cops a lot more when we're out than by anyone else lol

    Look at this dope ass wolf

    Artist is "Guy-Mandude"

    Mild ethical dilemma in the park yesterday while touching grass with my friend

    Soo me and my friend were out yesterday in an urban park, walking along a path, and we encountered 21 dollars in cash and eyeglasses sitting on a bench. He wanted to take the cash and keep walking (we are both very broke rn and could use the money) but I convinced him to leave it cuz it felt wrong to me. It would really suck if I left that somewhere and came back and it was gone...

    We talked for a while about it afterwards, which seemed to get a little heated, and basically: my position was that most working people are struggling with money more than ever and I don't wanna make someone's situation or day worse by taking some of their money they left behind. His position was that he doesn't have a lot of money and taking it would have helped.

    Idk... would you have taken the money? Probably the better thing to do than anything would be to see if the person who left it was still around but... idk why we didn't do that. Also tbh I wouldn't be surprised if they were quite close (popular park) and they were just watching this unfold lol

    Also the next person walking along maybe would have just taken it anyway lol

    Dirt cheap """cloud hosting""" provider?

    I have very little money and I just need something I can use to proxy traffic (HTTP mainly for my website) from the internet back to my server on my home network so that people can't tell where I live

    Any dirt cheap hosting providers that just let me access some Unix system remotely?

    Unlimited destruction on """the cloud""" of course !qin-shi-huangdi-fireball

    (CW: misogyny, mention of murder) I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the culture of this hobby

    So you got your technician's license? You get to do such fun activities as: call out on simplex FM voice for no one to respond or talk to the 70-year-old+ "repeater guys" who are on every day from 6 am - 6 pm about uhhhh radios, grilling, ex-wives if you want..... and then listen to the silence when everybody runs out of things to talk about in the presence of an "outsider" (someone who hasn't been on the repeater every day for 10+ years).

    Not interested? That's fine, instead you can just listen to the activity on the repeater when they think no one else is around and hear interesting conversation topics like what the repeater guys would do if someone they were dating had an abortion including, but not limited to, "putting 2 between their eyes".

    Not interested in even that? Okay, if your radio is capable of digital operation, you can connect to a system of linked repeaters and make contact with a different set of 70-year-old+ repeater guys. Once you make contact and talk a bit (maybe even have a good time listening to their stories if you're into that), you can look up their callsign and find their Twitter and find out they're REALLY RACIST and that probably the only reason they spoke to you in a polite manner or at all is cuz you have a "normal-sounding" male voice.

    If this is what the self-policing culture of amateur radio is like (at least where I am in the United States currently) then we need to give many, many more Baofengs to unlicensed zoomers immediately

    Anyway, that has been my experience so far in a rural area in the US. It hasn't been all bad (making contact with the International Space Station was cool) but yeah. I'm going back to a city soon, maybe it will be better there.

    I really do want to get into this hobby and I love the technology (need to find the money sometime to do more packet stuff) but a lot of this type of stuff has been off-putting

    Has anyone made contact with or heard the Chinese space station "Tiangong" via radio recently?

    I had no luck, couldn't hear anything and they (they includes their computers lol) couldn't hear me even though I had perfect line of sight to the station

    I heard they have an APRS digipeater and other amateur radio equipment on board... maybe they turned it off recently or something

    Info is sparse on the English-speaking internet

    Community mesh networking

    cross-posted from:

    > Do any of you have experience with community mesh networking? It seems like a fun time and a good way to connect with people (socially and technically lol) in the community. Not to mention the possibility of providing at least limited internet access to people who can't access it by conventional means for whatever reason. A community mesh network might also have organizing possibilities - especially because the state or the cops or a company can't just shut it off or look inside it as easily

    Community mesh networking

    Do any of you have experience with community mesh networking? It seems like a fun time and a good way to connect with people (socially and technically lol) in the community. Not to mention the possibility of providing at least limited internet access to people who can't access it by conventional means for whatever reason. A community mesh network might also have organizing possibilities - especially because the state or the cops or a company can't just shut it off or look inside it as easily

    Still upset those Silicon Graphics laptops they made up for the movie "Twister" aren't real

    My jaw dropped when I saw these, would be so cool to have one ;w;

    The MIPS community is dying, upbear and comment if you're still a MIPS fan

    The Automatic Packet Reporting System is really cool and you should use it more

    A lot of hams think the Automatic Packet Reporting System is a system for broadcasting your location, and maybe your status. But the APRS is really a lot of local general-purpose low-speed message-switched* networks joined together by the big Internet (the one we're on rn) into another inter-network.

    *Yeahh, it says packet in the name and is based on AX.25, but really the APRS is only capable of routing complete messages

    It's primitive compared to the Internet but still very useful because of how widespread it is (I'm in some place you could describe as the "middle of nowhere" rn and there are still internet-connected APRS stations and digipeaters in range). The APRS is source-routed, meaning the sender of packets specifies the route they take through the network. You can specify a direct route for your packets to take through the network but most people leave this routing information set to the default on their radio, which is usually something like WIDE1-N,WIDE2-N where N specifies the number of times a packet is rebroadcast by any forwarding-capable station (digipeater) in range (this is how your position and status beacons get distributed to a wide area).

    If you're familiar at all with the history of the APRS then you know its original purpose was to distribute information of local interest and it still does this but is now capable of so much more. You can send and receive text messages (including to the phones of non-hams), e-mails, get weather information, find out when satellites pass over your area, check into APRS nets, subscribe to groups and bulletins, and more.

    Even if you're truly in the middle of nowhere with nothing and no one around, you can still keep in contact with people and beacon your location via one of the satellites carrying internet-connected APRS stations, no commercial satellite subscription and proprietary radio required (don't rely on it though lol). Even the International Space Station has an APRS station aboard

    I might actually be an owl cuz I really love infodumping

    Kaepora Gaebora posting on main :did-you-get-all-that:

    Artist is "Hail-NekoYasha", source at

    So you think you're too online? Have you ever done this before?

    Sometimes I like to look up the origin of the taglines. So I looked one up and found this old thread...

    I don't know this for sure, but I'm almost certain all of the other accts in this thread were eventually banned for being alts of DayOfDoom (HaruhiSuzumiya got herself banned during that thread about DayOfDoom's banning by being sus about it, the other got banned around the same time for unspecified ban evasion)

    Literally arguing with themselves, completely artificial thread, and managed to get into a tagline

    My honest reaction to this information:


    The tagline from this thread is:

    >Apart from further Luna Rossa flankers, would also recommend (re) testing more of the Prada Infusions for a less gourmand, sweet and/or woody, also fresher, crisper and more transparent take on somewhat similar notes, as well as the many AMen flankers, perhaps especially Pure Wood and Pure Tonka, while not entirely dismissing the other flankers and maybe also Kenzo Homme Boisee to certain extents

    PaX PaX [comrade/them, they/them]

    Very tired nerd who doesn't know how to speak correctly

    Ask me about floppa, Plan 9, or computer architecture or anything computers really (if you want)

    The only zoomer qualified to operate an RBMK reactor


    If I don't reply to you it's probably cuz I'm too tired, sorry :(

    Posts 45
    Comments 790