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To save spotted owls, US officials plan to kill hundreds of thousands of another owl species
  • eating takes a while, can't harvest all of it, burn most of it, harvest what is able

  • To save spotted owls, US officials plan to kill hundreds of thousands of another owl species
  • colonizer brain is when uh conserving native species

    your takes are getting even more fucking stupid

  • To save spotted owls, US officials plan to kill hundreds of thousands of another owl species
  • girl what in gods fucking name are you talking about we've been cultivating the land around us since we were fucking nomads

  • To save spotted owls, US officials plan to kill hundreds of thousands of another owl species
  • as someone who's put thousands of hours into conservation, your take is extremely stupid

  • You larpers keep telling people that genociders are bad. You achieve nothing. Vote blue save democracy. 🥺
  • white liberal trans always become fuckin bigoted against nonbinaries, fucking just as bad as the fucking transphobes at that point

    and you are a cute and amazing person axont, you pass by existing, like any other trans person

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from July 1st to July 7th, 2024 - Morales vs Arce - COTW: Bolivia
  • multipolarity is just a temporary measure until the unipolarity of a true socialist superpower

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from July 1st to July 7th, 2024 - Morales vs Arce - COTW: Bolivia
  • wait fuckin pamphlets? I like that guy!

    fucking magacommunist subverters

  • Lula Says No Need For Marx!
  • common social democrat L

    the greatest mistake of any socialist movement is thinking social democrats are anything more than the moderate fascists they are

    but the video itself is sensationalizing the claims made, as lula didn't say that. Red News commonly does shit like this lol.

  • Rapper BG ordered to have all future songs approved by US government
  • for me at least is because its the US government doing this, since they're doing most definitely for racist reasons and not to crack down on misogyny

  • I didn't get diagnosed until my late 20s....this is why.
  • im in this photo and i don't like it

    literally just suffered failing my classes last semester, everything fell apart, and im just still called lazy

  • If the president orders Seal Team Six to black bag you, just ask for a fair trial, lmao.
  • college politics classese are just arguing with dumbass lawphiles

  • In victoria 3 as the Qing, how the fuck does one win the opium wars
  • new update makes it not possible to form such relations with russia until after opium war events concludes

  • In victoria 3 as the Qing, how the fuck does one win the opium wars
  • You could avoid naval invasions entirely if you keep sending 1-ship fleets to intercept their invasions. Naval battles take a lot of time event if it's a huge British fleet vs 1 junk. While this is happening, do a naval invasion in one of their colonies in Africa to get a ticking war score.

    they fixed this bug

  • In victoria 3 as the Qing, how the fuck does one win the opium wars

    especially with the new update, it seems completely impossible. I've tried the macao strategy, but now portugal wants me to cede the entire fucking state of guangdong! yeah i banned opium but now i have to get that whole fucking state back! is there another way?
