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  • Nobody mistakes me for a teenager anymore.

    Kids call me "lady"

    I want to go to bed at 9 PM

    I get excited for new appliances

  • Male pattern baldness sucks, esp as a trans girl

    Injuries take longer to heal and recovery from the gym is slower

    Hangovers now take two days

    Skin dries out much faster (though this might be due to E)

  • It was when I tripped and fell over outside my house. The next day my neighbour said, "I hear you had a Fall."

    Yes, when you're old you don't fall over, you "have a Fall". Everyone hearing about your Fall will make concerned noises. (I was perfectly fine! I'm not OLD old!)

    • I thought you're gonna say a dad joke so I will!

      At least you didn't have a Winter

      • Well that took me a minute - oh, autumn, you're talking about autumn! Ha ha, excellent dad joke.

  • The clothing styles I wore in middle school are cool now, except those damn low rise flares will not work on me at 40 because my mid-section would flab out everywhere. Damn kids.

    My shoulder still hurts from last week when I slept funny.

    The idea of staying out past 10pm sounds terrible.

    I almost set up a breakfast date with a friend for 7am.

    I'm really excited for a larger capacity water heater.

    I'm starting to do that thing where I look down to focus on small text right in front of me.

  • At age 30, I noticed I couldn't skimp on sleep anymore and hangovers were much worse than in my 20's.

    In my mid-30's my eyesight started to blur and I had to start wearing glasses.

    At 40, my digestion isn't as good as it used to be and I take supplements. Also, it's harder to memorize things now, and I no longer have the option of missing workouts or daily stretching, because I notice it much more if I haven't done these things.

  • I no longer feel a sense of unrealised potential for myself I guess. That's it, I've got what I've got.

  • Past 25 I started to realise I couldn't remember everything that everyone had said to me. This was also around the time I developed a social life, so it could just be that my brain had more to manage socially.

    Past 30, I stopped caring about appearances so much and started working on developing mental skills. I was able to defend my beliefs better, make more on-the-spur jokes.

    Past 35, I no longer care about anything. I have bouts where I'm in interested in building things, or conversing. But now? Eh, work/sleep is enough.

  • I was in a mosh pit for the first time in 7 years last year. I got fucking destroyed and was sore for about 2 weeks. I also slipped walking my dog during a big snow we had a few weeks ago and took me a little bit longer to get up than I used too. I am not old by any means and working on getting back in shape, but its starting :(

    Not me, but my dad and his gf were at a headshop to get a new bowl/slide for their bong. They texted me and my wife to see "what the kids were calling them now a days" after a guess or two I said slide. They then went on a tangent how the people had no idea what they meant and kept trying to sell them a downstem lol. A few younger guys at my last job gave me shit for calling a banger a nail. Weed lingo sucks lol