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Trump ‘To Appoint Musk’ To Gov’t Efficiency Role If Elected
  • There are parts of the federal government that are wildly inefficient. So it isn't entirely misguided to want to improve that. Appointing Musk to redesign the government's operations is a terrible idea (based on Tesla operations).

  • TIL miniblinds with pull cords to raise and lower them are now illegal to sell in the United States
  • I thought it was a myth that kids got tangled up in the cord until my kid did it. Thank God I was standing near by.

  • How the hell does no one talk about this?
  • Oh yeah, good point.

  • How the hell does no one talk about this?
  • I think this happens because the publisher owns the content and owes royalties to authors under certain conditions (which may or may not be met in this situation). The reason I think this is I had a PhD buddy who published a book (nonfiction history) and we all got a hardy chuckle at the part of the contract that said the publisher got the theme park rights. But what if there were other provisions in the contract that would allow for this situation without compensating the authors? Anywho, this is a good reminder to read the fine print on anything you sign.

  • What do you think about having one teacher teach one hundred students in all classes?
  • My kids are autistic, so this would be a -11/10 for them.

  • If there was a movie that represented you the most, what would it be?
  • I'm currently at this part: Therapist: "what about today? Is today the worst day of your life?" Peter: "Yeah" Therapist: "Wow. That's messed up"

  • Who downvotes the MediaBiasFactCheck bot?
  • Maybe I'm misreading your comment (coffee hasn't kicked in yet), but are you saying the bot is incorrect or that people view the bot as incorrect because it doesn't support their biases?

  • Do you dislike HR in workplaces?
  • OMG, what a nightmare. I can only assume you are looking for work elsewhere too. Best of luck to you!!

  • Grind or something
  • Inspiration at its finest.

  • Do you dislike HR in workplaces?
  • I currently work for a large corporation with one of the worst HR strategies I've ever seen. Their primary focus, as far as I can tell, is to prevent employees from suing the company. But here's how it practically works out: It is really difficult to promote or get raises for high performers, which makes them a flight risk. That is coupled with it being equally difficult to remove low performers. It takes 6 months to get someone on a PIP, then another 6 months to go through the PIP process. Meanwhile the high performers have to pick up the slack without any extra comp. No one who is any good wants to work in that environment. So what you end up with is a death spiral of talent and increasingly worse products and services. I can't get out of here fast enough.

  • What keeps you going every day?
  • Figuratively: my family Literally: caffeine and sugar

  • How about we play, "Never have I ever"?
  • Never have I ever broken a bone.

  • How do you eat kiwifruits?
  • I, too, eat kiwis this way.

  • [USA] How can sales tax brackets affect purchasing behavior when prices are pre-tax?
  • I think the tax (including what is taxed and number of brackets) is state dependent. But generally speaking the idea is to not penalize people for buying necessities. But you are right, it is super confusing especially if not noted on the receipt. Check out Washington state's rules if you want your brain to hurt: of prepared food,food from retail sales tax.

  • The recent events will probably be the first time that Gen Z and Gen alpha are hearing about 'Pagers'.
  • I wondered about this as a tactic. Like doesn't a pager really limit the age group / demographic you can target?

  • Cards Against Humanity sues SpaceX, alleges “invasion” of land on US/Mexico border
  • I vaguely recall a few years back there was a company who was digging a hole... Do you know if that was CAH?

    Edit: it was, in fact, CAH who dug a giant hole:

  • That explains it.
  • That is a rough looking 40.

  • Political Memes sunbrrnslapper
    We must act now
    Parenting question: how to handle getting stuck on a topic

    My son (10 yo) has a few very strong interests that he talks about pretty much nonstop. We haven't discouraged any kind of talking because he was quite delayed. However it has come to my attention that his narrow focus on these topics can annoy his peers at school. I don't want him to feel ashamed about his interests, but I also don't want him to be ostracized at school. I'd really appreciate any thoughts this group may have on how to handle (or not) this situation. TIA!

    sunbrrnslapper sunbrrnslapper

    Surban mom.

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