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Stand your ground
  • Remember during Katrina when they would just fucking murder black people and say they were looters? Speaking of which, how do you shoot a looter 'on sight'? Do you follow them and watch them until they pick something up? Do you ask them if that's their house?

    Anyway, death to America.

  • Analysis: Nuclear war would be more devastating for Earth’s climate than cold war predictions
  • Go read your original comment, you petulant child.

    Your statement there is objectively different than "Russia invaded The Ukraine"

  • Analysis: Nuclear war would be more devastating for Earth’s climate than cold war predictions
  • Why are you using quotation marks around something that isn't a quote? You said something completely different.

    "No U" all you want, dummy. You're being evasive for a reason.

  • What's on it?
  • barnacles

  • Analysis: Nuclear war would be more devastating for Earth’s climate than cold war predictions
  • Another example of deliberate bad faith: lying about what you said

    You could have edited your previous comment to make it appear you were telling the truth but you're stupid and lazy apparently

  • Analysis: Nuclear war would be more devastating for Earth’s climate than cold war predictions
  • At this point you know you're wrong you're just being a little shit

  • Iran backs China-Brazil peace plan for Ukraine war
  • What do I get out of it?

  • What’s your “I can’t believe other people don’t do this” hack?
  • Covid is a retrovirus. It destroys your immune system.

  • Iran backs China-Brazil peace plan for Ukraine war
  • What part am I explaining?

  • Iran backs China-Brazil peace plan for Ukraine war
  • Hey look who peeked their nose outside of their mind palace

  • Iran backs China-Brazil peace plan for Ukraine war
  • I wasn't signing a contract to provide a service. I was mocking you for being oblivious/dishonest.

  • Trump refuses to say if he wants Ukraine to win the war
  • What a child. Now quoting to you the meaning of a word is a 'braindead argument'? Speaking of someone's brain not working, your only arguments are to handwave with thought terminating cliches.

  • Trump refuses to say if he wants Ukraine to win the war
  • Well I don't talk like that because I'm not an insufferable redditor. If I have a problem with something someone said I don't make a smug meta comment about how I'm not going to engage despite engaging. I'm going to directly address the problem I have.

  • Trump refuses to say if he wants Ukraine to win the war
  • They're socialist in who runs the country and how they run it

    I don't think a reasonable person can watch the difference in how they handled covid compared to truly capitalist countries and come away with this confusion. The capitalist class is not dominant in China.

  • Trump refuses to say if he wants Ukraine to win the war
  • China doesn't call itself communist. It's Socialist with Chinese characteristics.

  • Iran backs China-Brazil peace plan for Ukraine war
  • Demonstrate a good faith attempt to answer the question yourself. It's been two years.

  • AntiOutsideAktion AntiOutsideAktion
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