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Anon recommends a cast iron pan
  • Cast iron is cheap, indestructible, gets better with time, does want some care but nothing outrageous. I do have a good stainless skillet as well, call it the "stick pan", if you want something to stick and then deglaze, it's good.

    But the cast iron is my joy, my kids joke that I love it more than I love them (it is older than they are) and already argue about who will get it when I die. Have never bought a nonstick pan, they seem unhealthy, and old cast iron is satiny and nonstick. It suits the way I cook, or perhaps the way I cook has been shaped by the pans. I don't worry about tomatoes or wine sauce but wouldn't slow cook spaghetti sauce in one, would use stainless or the Le Cruset one for that.

    Mostly I think it's like flannel, not great at the start but improves with use, ends up better than everything else and then stays better for a long time. In the case of cast iron that could be several generations.

  • What's Your Best Habit?
  • Probably exercise. Lifelong habit of exercise. Different sorts at different times but never nothing, always something on purpose to strengthen & keep flexible, most days of the week.

    Night cream and sunscreen since my early 20s too, I do not look how I expected to at this age, nice surprise that was.

  • Small 'micromobility' vehicles gain traction amid rising car prices
  • Because it's 90F and 100% humidity? Walking to work I get sweaty so I want an electric bike not an effortful bike. I hate riding a bike but got a chance to try the e-bikes at a city event. That is like a dream of a bike, you pedal, it moves. No pushing, and no uncomfortable seat, it's comfortable and a joy to ride.

    Bike or walk? I'd much rather walk. Electric bike, though? Electric bike is fun.

  • I'm as white as snow but I'm still not white enough to eat this.
  • I have a story about heat and flavor. Often the flavor and heat ARE intertwined, if you "cool" the pepper you mute the flavor.

    So I make lentil salad sometimes, it's one of those dishes so much better than it should be - cooked al dente lentils, jalapeno, onion, carrot in a dressing of olive oil, mustard, lemon. My little kids loved it but would whine that it was too spicy. So my older daughter graciously de-seeded and took out the ribs of the jalapenos when helping make it one time and

    They whined because it didn't taste as good. The flavor was contained in the spicier part of the pepper.

    Not everything should be spicy but it's good to have a tolerance because some flavors are in those spicy foods that simply aren't in the mild versions.

  • Should i be giving a shit about my posture?
  • Posture is so important for health, both as a practice and an indicator.

    As a practice, stacking your body up in a good position lets it work better and protects your joints.

    It is also an indication of strong enough muscles and bones, very weak people or those with osteoporosis often can't achieve good posture.

    It's also free, nothing to buy, a free intervention that can only benefit you, so why not practice it?

  • Lemmies of Lemmy do you believe in eugenics? why or why not?
  • I don't think of selective gene editing of one person as eugenics and do think we will get that, we have some versions of it for born people already. Editing it out of humanity? No that's probably a bad idea. One of my kids works in genetics and was horrified when I joked about her making designer babies like in Gattaca, so I don't think science thinks it a good idea. Push on one thing, another pops up.

    You might enjoy Octavia Butler's Xenogenesis and Patternist books, if you like thinking about this stuff.

  • How much do you think gender matters on Lemmy?
  • I'm a lady and haven't had any trouble here. The only place I really notice how ridiculously male - skewed Lemmy is, is on the NSFW. That is definitely all "male gaze" stuff, with the occasional actual lesbian also posting stuff guys like. Even the posts OF men are FOR men, everything posted with some assumption only men are looking at the posts.

    The other communities just aren't so gendered, I don't notice much whether someone seems to be one or the other, it isn't relevant to cocktails or cooking or gardening or science fiction.

  • Lemmies of Lemmy do you believe in eugenics? why or why not?
  • Like Gattaca?

    I do not think people have enough information to even do a good job of it, we'd accidentally make everyone prone to some disease and wipe out humanity, we don't have a great track record with selectively breeding plants and animals. So no.

    In the way it has been done ever in real life? Oh hell no. Some vague idea that certain people are worth more than others based only on their looks, and a push to make a better world by making them the only model for humanity?

    So no. I don't trust people to use it for good, and if it was somehow used for good, would probably still have unintended disastrous consequences.

  • Those still covered with a warranty beware
  • I hesitate to say this out loud, but mid-50s and nothing hurts yet, except the migraines I've gotten since teenage years.

    Knees last if you take care of them. Back lasts if you take care of it and are lucky, and don't get fat, and are lucky, and don't work a physical job, and are lucky.

    Stretch. Exercise. Don't overeat.

  • What was the last song you had to press repeat on?
  • Fontaines DC whole new album, at the request of first one, then another of my children. I know some people don't like the more produced sound on this one but my God it's good.

    Before that, for me alone, Billy Strings Know it all. "Well I thought I knew it all, then I crashed into the wall. Let me learn from my mistakes and try to pick up all the pieces."

  • What do you think of the victim mentality? Do you know someone with that mindset?
  • My mom and dad used to argue, or debate is probably a better word, about this.

    My dad's family was pretty well off and one of his great aunts had been a lawyer, toward the turn of the century (1900-1920ish) and he thought women could do anything men could, that there were NO social restrictions or any real discrimination that you couldn't address by simply pointing it out and doing what you want. That women were just sort of brainwashed to think there were outside-imposed limits, society was not a strong force compared to individual will.

    My mom's family was poor, her grandma was a very accomplished farmer, midwife, had taken in men during the depression, put them to work on her farm, fed and housed them, but my mom's mom was a wife, her husband beat her (but never my mom) and didn't think she should have any life except in relation to him, she never did work outside the house and didn't seem to have any opportunity to, my mom saw how social forces worked to keep her and other women down, she didn't think women could just up and go do whatever, unless they had their own money and property like my dad's aunts did.

    I think the answer is between them, but mostly think the only thing you really have control over is yourself so what you do is the bigger factor. So I think people who feel like everything outside of them is holding them back - it's unproductive even if true. You might not be able to address the victimizing factors, but how do you even know if you don't try?

    I think negativity in general sort of bugs me. One of my coworkers is so negative. Since she's worked with us she's dropped like 70 lb to reach a good weight, gotten her eyes fixed, had a grandchild, so much good she could celebrate but only she sees the bad, what is wrong not what is right!

  • Drinking 3 cups of coffee linked to preventing multiple diseases
  • DO whatever makes you feel better is not bad advice. Some of these studies have overarching trends that I do believe - caffeine and Adderall are protective to your brain, a little bit of speed keeps the brain healthy.

    Alcohol and Benadryl are risky over time, so a habit of downers is detrimental to the brain over time.

    Logically this makes sense. I think to some extent it's just metabolism/weight, staying lean is healthier all round but there does seem to be a pattern of results showing a habit of doing a little bit of stimulants is good for you.

  • What can I do with US$10K that is a good investment?
  • I'm going to second (third, fourth, fifth) the Roth IRA recommendation. You can set it up with Schwab or whoever and can make recurring contributions too (set it and forget it) there are income limits so if you are really raking it in one year you can't contribute that year but whatever you put in there is still (usually) going to grow in value. If you have an emergency situation and need the money you can withdraw contributions, not earnings, ahead of retirement, so it's not lost to you, but working for you and much easier at tax time, no worries about how to report it.

  • Florida university to host extremist after DeSantis-led lurch to right
  • New College WAS a school where kids sort of designed their own major, did a project or thesis and defended it. The Veggie Bus that ran on used oil from McDonald's fryers was a New College project. It was good for hyper achievers who didn't fit into a canned curriculum. I don't know that I'd call it "liberal" but it was progressive and challenging.

    This apparently annoyed the fuck out of the governor for some reason. Maybe he just doesn't like the idea of smart weirdos. But it's those people who move us forward, the smart ones who don't fit in.

  • Tepache Bubbling Away
  • Bourbon is so good in tepache too. Any whiskey has such an affinity for pineapple.

    I do mine in a weak, sweet cinnamon/black pepper lemonade basically, my recipe is in the non-alcoholic thread on lemmy-world c/cocktails and has been foolproof so far, years and years.

  • What's a trait you look for in potential partners that seems uniquely in your trait wishlist?
  • That can't be unique. I think most guys want a woman who can hold a full time job. That is not a big ask, it's like a minimum - it makes absolute sense, you will be stronger together. I would be extremely suspicious of a guy who didn't want me to work. Even if they made so much and wanted to cover all the bills, great. I work, we have some money to save and I can go get my legs waxed or whatever without having to ask for money to do it. I do not want someone to have that sort of control. I disagree strongly with the commenters saying that you should bend on this, it is not at all an outrageous thing to need.

  • What's your take on having romantic relationships with single parents?
  • As someone with kids, I wouldn't have dated anyone seriously who didn't have kids, and my now-husband says the same. It just isn't likely to work out. Not impossible but in general parents do relate better to other parents, they understand you need time for the kids, and understand that's not all you are, that you are also still a person with adult desires.

    So you may get screened out BY the single parent.

    Discreet and discrete from the kids hookups? Not the same criteria. Just attraction and compatibility. If it's just spending some time together, that sort of dating, sure. I didn't want those to go anywhere though. Just some relaxation and fun with others who were also in the same mindset. When I was ready to seriously date, those guys actually wanted to, but I didn't think it would work out.

    I guess I agree with the consensus here - if you WANT a ready made family because you want to raise kids but not procreate, sure go for it, just wanted to give you the view from the other side.

  • Request for c/curlyhair


    The moderator hasn't logged in in a year. It's sleepy but not dead.

    Work lunch

    Roast beef & cheddar with onion, homegrown arugula, and horseradish on homemade rye sourdough with olives. Potato chips are my junk food downfall. Iced water (not shown) to drink with this.

    The bread obviously went sideways not up when I baked it but it's lovely, dense and springy, great sandwich bread.


    Our wine & cheese course at Thanksgiving. There were also baguettes, out of frame. Wine is 2015 Baron de Brane, it was good! I don't always like wine but this one was delicious. The big wedge of cheese with a line through it is my beloved Humboldt Fog.

    Scavengers Reign

    I am enjoying this series so much. We are only 2 episodes in and it's just so creative. Only watching one a week as I understand it's sort of depressing but it is gorgeous.

    New Pokemon

    In my news feed today. Apparently Google has a sense of humor after all.

    Friday Synch thread - Smoking Section 4-August 2023

    Join us in a smoky cocktail! Mezcal, or Islay, or smoked salt...Or if you are having a smoke today, whatever you like to accompany it!

    It's Friday 28 July, Gin & Ginger Day

    Last of my dry Fridays so I'm out but having a ginger beer (not homemade, Reed's,). Diabetic coma in a glass. I will have to make some home fermented ginger beer soon, it's so much better.

    Tasting Table - tonic syrup for frozen G&T The Key Ingredient Swap For Velvety Frozen Gin And Tonic Cocktails - Tasting Table

    Gin and tonic is a classic drink, and freezing it makes it ideal for hot days, but there's a key ingredient swap you need to give it a velvety mouthfeel.

    The Key Ingredient Swap For Velvety Frozen Gin And Tonic Cocktails - Tasting Table

    I have honestly never heard of a slushy gin & tonic, but this is a good idea in general. If you are going to dilute with blender and ice you don't want as much water in the mix.

    Are you a recipe person, or experimental?

    Do you always follow a recipe for a cocktail, or do you mix freeform, or just have an idea of what works for your taste? For me, I like recipes but about 75% of the time I just use a 'formula' - I learned that I LOVE a paper plane but only with 2x bourbon. That led me to a better understanding of proportion. Almost everything I've made with 2 parts of a booze I like, 1 part a fruity or sweet liqueur, 1 part an Amaro and 1 part lemon or lime (using judgement to match the flavors) works. And because a margarita is great, taking those proportions and subbing other things can also work.

    Now with food, I would say the only things I use recipes for are baked goods, I am very much in the wing it camp. Use recipes for inspiration not as a rulebook. So not a shock that's the way I drink.

    How do you use recipes?

    What are you drinking? Second half of July edition!

    Might make these threads monthly until we are more populated. What are you drinking today?

    Friday Synch thread 14 July - New World day

    Well as I am still in Dry July I'm synchronizing tomorrow with some berry lemonade, whatever berries look good at the store tomorrow (it's still Thursday here), probably mixed with tonic syrup & Topo Chico for a little edge. Hopefully some of y'all have more interesting drinks!

    Hey Mockarena! Cocktail of the week: John deBary’s Ay Mockarena – recipe | The good mixer

    Olive oil brine, which is usually reserved for dirty martinis and the like, takes this zingy, fruity mocktail to another level

    Cocktail of the week: John deBary’s Ay Mockarena – recipe | The good mixer

    I'd try it. Might sub jalapeno brine because I save it so have it on hand.

    Layered cocktails - Lifehacker The Easiest Way to Layer a Cocktail Without a Bar Spoon

    Adding a float to cocktails adds drama to the presentation, and you can do it without a specialty spoon.

    The Easiest Way to Layer a Cocktail Without a Bar Spoon

    I think the only layered cocktail I've ever made is Tequila Sunrise for my ex-mother-outlaw (is her favorite), just poured carefully and it always worked, I didn't think of it as quite as fussy as this, but maybe it's the nature of those particular ingredients. Do you make layered drinks? Do you use a barspoon or special technique?

    Cocktail recipe cards Cocktail Business Cards, Explained

    When and where to use this quirky accessory for a better drinking experience.

    Cocktail Business Cards, Explained

    If you have an ad blocker turn it on before clicking. That site is very adful.

    I don't think I would dare hand a card to a bartender, though I did in desperation ask for a margarita recently by saying "tequila, orange liqueur and lime juice" because the first one I got involved margarita mix and, oddly, Sprite?

    What are you drinking? First week of July edition

    For me it's lemonade, kicking off a Dry July. Maybe with some bitters. Welcome to the second half of 2023!

    What are you drinking this week?

    Cima Summer cocktail via Imbibe Cima Summer Special: A Spicy, Tropical Cocktail

    Celebrate the heat of summer with Bar Cima's spicy, tropical cocktail made with pineapple juice, passion fruit liqueur, and a bit of fire.

    This is what I am making 1st of August - it needs several special ingredients but I have time to make passion fruit liqueur and there are habaneros ripening in the garden right now.

    Absolutely beautiful looking as well.

    Viva Cuba! Essential Cuban cocktails from Punch Master the Cuban Classics

    Our best recipes for the country’s homegrown drinks, Canchánchara to Cuba Libre.

    More good summer drinks.

    Canchánchara, a honeyed key lime-ade sounds like a great drink for a party, put rum on the side.

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