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It's dessert time, what's your perfect post-dinner treat?
  • I really like basic vanilla cake with buttercream frosting.

  • We hardly knew ye.
  • This hits so hard rn. Woke up and immediately started puking everywhere. Called off work and went to go get light food and locked myself out of the house. Currently sitting in the shade wait for my mom to show up with the spare key. Fml

  • We're finally moving! Been planning this since 2020.
  • No problem! There's a LOT of coal mining and steel mills and other industrial stuff in this area and it pollutes everything. The Mon river is a lot cleaner than it was when my parents were kids (they're approaching 50). There's a creek by me that I kayak in sometimes that I won't eat anything out of. The water failed numerous tests over the years and most people tell you to not eat the fish lol.

  • ‘The Movement to Convince Biden to Not Run Is Real’
  • People out here just winging shit like the future of the country doesn't matter

  • We're finally moving! Been planning this since 2020.
  • The Monongahela River is pretty calm in rural parts. Local creeks can also be good after it rains but can have some rapids. I look for rougher waters because I enjoy the thrill. I also own a racing kayak that's meant for stuff like that lol. My stepfather has a sit inside fishing kayak and it does okay in shallower waters, but I always scout ahead to warm him of obstacles lol. Ohiopyle is also an insanely popular spot to kayak and has all levels of difficulty. Can't really say more without doxxing my location lmao.

    As for fishing, I don't take part in it, but big catfish are very very common. Relatives regularly catch 1-3 ft fish. They like cicadas if you can get some when they're out. I've also seen people use chicken livers. A lot of people make their own bait concoctions as well. There are also loads of carp that eat the same stuff as catfish. Bluegill are common but aren't big enough to eat. I recommend being careful with where you catch your fish if you intend to eat them. Researching the history of the waterways to see their pollution history is very helpful when determining if a fish is safe to eat imo.

    You also gotta be careful of water moccasins. They like to swim around. See at least one every time I kayak (which isn't as often as I would like. It's been a few years because my stepfather and I have been dealing with health issues and all the bullshit that comes with home ownership. Adult life, amirite. T_T)

  • We're finally moving! Been planning this since 2020.
  • Welcome to the area. I'm also in a place like you described. I hope you enjoy it. This part of Pa is absolutely beautiful, but you really gotta watch out for the crazies and drug addicts.

  • Radar is the side-eye king

    Asked him very politely to move so I could sit and he gave me this look.

    The selfish sky
  • Living in Pennsylvania be like

  • Vesuvius
  • Because the call started off with him talking normally. I've spoken to him a bunch before today.

  • Vesuvius
  • I work in IT and had a dude use the UwU accent with me on a call today while I was trying to fix his email. Made me wanna barf.

  • Melting? Fossil Fuels Have Made Extreme Heat 35 Times More Likely in North America
  • I do the same with my ducks. I have to make sure their pool gets cleaned and filled in both the mornings and evenings on hot days and it's killing me. My one duck is disabled and she has trouble cleaning herself all the way, so she gets sprayed off with the hose once a day. The birds are doing really well in the heat, which has been a relief. My dogs have been just as miserable as I have been. My cats seem fine.

  • Melting? Fossil Fuels Have Made Extreme Heat 35 Times More Likely in North America
  • Dealing with a heatwave in PA rn and I've been so sick from it. I'm very sensitive to heat. I've been doing all I can to cool off, but most days I just can't regulate my body temperature naturally* . Almost passed out today when I was catching one of my ducks that escaped the pen. I've been getting my shirts wet and just wearing them like that and sleeping with ice packs in my bed. I have a chain of box fans that are my attempt to get the flow of air from the air conditioner around the house. My house holds heat in very well, but is hard AF to cool off and keep it cool.

  • The United States will need 7 million migrants to cover old age support programs for baby boomers
  • My mom spent 6 months giving her mother around the clock care before my grandmother died. Afterwards, my mom told me to put her ass in a care facility if she ever needed care like that. I said okay, but didn't tell her that I had already planned on doing that.

  • A cool guide on emailing like a boss
  • I do not take people who use corporate and "boss" jargon seriously at all. Like, ever. Just talk to me like a goddamn person please.

  • Almost all of the American ones I've heard of are terrifying.
  • Can't forget Squonk. The gross pig thing that is so ugly it cries constantly. It can dissolve itself with its tears at will.

  • What a Hobby
  • Sad they didn't put more water birds on there

  • NASA finds humanity would totally fumble asteroid defense
  • Gotta give it to humanity, though. We're damn good at ruining everything we touch.

  • Roger Stone Caught on Tape Discussing Trump’s Plan to Challenge 2024 Election
  • Same, though my hand already look old because my joints are all fucked up lmao. Almost 27 and I have old lady hands

  • The Search for the Fallen Ring
  • Tom Cardy is my fave musician.

  • What is an easy instrument to learn?

    My hand joints are getting better finally and I wanna learn an instrument. The thing is, I'm dumb and have struggled really badly with reading music in the past.

    Radar was looking forward to our weekly post-work nap all day

    Every Friday, I work from home. Immediately after clocking out, my dogs and I take a nap. Radar was looking forward to it the most lol

    Treatment 20 Years Too Late. [OC]

    No longer told I'm young

    Not told that it's my weight

    Not told that it's my mental health

    She acknowledges my miserable state

    Giving so many vials of blood

    I hope to find a cure

    Or at least some sort of treatment

    For the hell that I endure

    Waiting waiting waiting

    For the next appointment date

    Anxious for a diagnosis

    To learn about my fate

    The doctor could not tell me

    What she thinks is wrong

    She started me on medicine anyway

    My heart sang a joyous song

    More tests need done for a diagnosis

    But that's not the most important part

    Being given something to make me feel better...

    I've waited so long to start.

    My whole life has been pain

    And suffering and woe

    I never thought I'd be taken seriously

    And misery is all I'd know

    But now I have hope

    To be free from this strife

    To take my freedom for myself

    To be able to have a life

    My poetry is hella shitty, but I wanted to post this anyway because I'm really happy that my new rheumatologist is taking me seriously and I need everyone to know lol. I'm finally getting treatment for how shitty I feel after trying to get taken seriously for 20 goddamn years. Hoping the treatment works. :)

    Does anyone here have any tips for making cross stitching easier on hand joints?

    I have very painful joints and expect to get formally diagnosed with arthritis tomorrow. I love cross stitching, but my god does it make my hands hurt. I also work in IT, so my hands are in use all day for my job. I want to be able to craft after work to relax, but my hands just hurt and cramp immediately when I try to work on a project.

    Do you like olives?

    I need to settle an argument I started. My argument: olives are gross.

    I will die on this hill.

    Rosie after the vet gave her a cookie on Thursday

    Then she got an exam and her smile went away. She doesn't like the vet touching her. It makes her nervous.

    She also has allergies and was put on allergy meds. She's thrilled because she gets pill pockets every day now. I'm not thrilled because her medicine is $130/month

    Does anyone else crave fruit juice when it's hot?

    I've been drinking so much coconut water (with pulp) this week. I've been craving it like crazy and realized that it's straight up my drink of choice when the temp is 75F and over.

    How do I tell my neighbors that they need to stay off my property and not let their kids trespass. Joke answers only.

    People and their kids like to come over unannounced, and without permission, to look at my ducks like it's the fuckin zoo or some shit.

    Need some humor for this situation to ease my frustration

    What is a command you accidentally taught your pet?

    My goldendoodle puppy doesn't ever want to come back inside. I told my beagle "go get your sister" as I tried rounding up the puppy. Now when I say "go get your sister" the beagle runs to the puppy and baits her into chasing him into the house.

    Got a bucket of babies to give to my broody duck. Their names are Salt and Pepper.

    Mama Duck is interested in them, but not enough to leave her nest. She doesn't attack me on sight anymore though lol

    how should I tell my new trashy neighbors to keep their puppy off my property

    They let their new puppy outside without a leash and it just comes over to my property and gets into my things that aren't confined to my fence and scares my ducks. This puppy is a pit and is going to get huge. I'm afraid it'll get to my birds or dogs.

    How do I tell the super trashy people that own the dog to tie it tf up? I don't want to make enemies with these people, but they need to get their shit together.

    They're the only people on the street who don't have their dog fenced in or on a time-out/leash. The road is incredibly busy so the dog is liable to get hit really quick if it decides to run into the street.

    how serious is a slightly chipped front tooth?

    I bit down wrong on a piece of chicken and smashed my bottom and top teeth together. One of my top front teeth chipped. It hurts at first and I have a mild headache. It mostly just feels weird and gritty against my tongue. It isn't a big chip. It looks like a tiny slice was taken off the bottom of the tooth aside from the corner that touches my other front tooth.

    Should I find an emergency dentist, or will waiting until Monday to call my dentist be okay?

    I have a huge fear of my teeth getting fucked because I watched my biodad's teeth rot in his mouth and fall out, and my stepfather has constant tooth infections that could totally spread to his brain and kill him because of the severity.

    I brush my teeth daily and the last time I went to the dentist, my teeth were complimented several times, so I don't have a personal history of tooth problems.

    Does anyone here know a lot about finding replacement cords for electric blankets?

    My puppy chewed the cord for my fave blanket and I am very upset.

    It was a gift, and the original packaging is long gone. The only info I have for it is the big tag on the blanket and what the remote looks like.

    Kinda desperate for a replacement cord.

    I have no idea how to even go about searching for this stuff. I googled the model listed on the tag of the blanket, but I couldn't find one that had the right remote for it.

    Got my yard fenced in and it's been amazing

    I love not having to pick up her stinky turds twice a day and mop up pee all the time. Next step is to deep clean all of the floors so she isn't tempted to go in the house. I'll be doing that once I am 100% sure the dogs can be trusted in the yard without supervision.

    anyone else here miss the subreddits for co-op

    Just saw the release date for the DLC and realized that I will 1000000% need help. Checked the progress of my most recent attempt at the game and saw I had 200 hrs in a single character and was only like halfway through. I want to start a fresh run before the DLC and hopefully get to a point where I can tackle it when it releases. I remember getting loads of help on Reddit when I was playing daily last year. I remember it being a great time and honestly insanely wholesome for reddit interactions.

    Think there are enough of us here to make communities around co-op in Elden Ring and Souls games? I don't have any irl friends that play these games, so the social aspect of it with me was entirely online.

    If there are co-op groups here that are active, lmk. I'm still struggling with searching for communities despite joining Lemmy the day the API protests started lol

    LaunchesKayaks LaunchesKayaks
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