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  • I accept that, I'd change that aspect to; I think we can blame Elon for this one. Tesla had some kind of short, fire started and the thing locked itself because apparently that happens now. He realized he was going to die and shot himself to avoid burning to death. Explosion happened due to the fire from the short.

  • rule
  • My head cannon is this is peak America, man rents a cyber truck to goto Mexico to buy illegal fireworks because freedom, man decides he wants to express his God given right to blow shit up while drinking in the desert (hence the camp fuel) stops at casino to gamble like a proper American.

    And being an American he doesn't have the education to understand flammable items shouldn't be stored in an oven.

  • Solo vibing? Let's rule that 😘
  • Lol if I did that to my wife I'd probably get headbutted from her being startled awake.

    I give her a kiss every time I leave for work, most of the time she's sleeping. The amount of times I've had to react fast to not get headbutted or a flail slap is in the hundreds.

  • A lesson in housekeeping
  • My wife refuses to load the dishwasher because to her she "doesn't do it right" or "don't want to fight with it"

    So I get OP.

    I've had to teach people how to mop a floor, and how you should sweep first, it's just deer in headlights when explaining it. People just don't go outta their lane to learn new things or fix things that don't work right.

  • Lotterule
  • Such a joke. While I personally believe everyone should pay their fair share... Winning lotto or winning at the casino ect, should not be taxed.

    However if you use that money and make more money with it you should be properly taxed.

  • Backpacks full of $1.1 million worth of cocaine found in wooded area near border with Canada
  • Go look at street view of that area. I drive it all the time. It's a ditch and bush or open farm land along most of it. They use motion sensors and cameras to monitor most of it and patrols are random. They get dispatched to areas of interest.

    They probably saw some motion or cameras picked something up, then go check it out and boom drugs. Dudes who left it probably should of used more appropriate coloured bags.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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