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Cataraqui Woods Dr extension open (sort of)

Rode my bike on this new section of Cataraqui Woods Dr today! You can now go from Centennial all the way to Sydenham Rd. Technically, there was still some heavy paving equipment working on a part of it so I'm not sure it is fully open to all traffic at this point? But they had taken down the barricades.

Why we don't have 128-bit CPUs
  • You can always combine integer operations in smaller chunks to simulate something that's too big to fit in a register. Python even does this transparently for you, so your integers can be as big as you want.

    The fundamental problem that led to requiring 64-bit was when we needed to start addressing more than 4 GB of RAM. It's kind of similar to the problem of the Internet, where 4 billion unique IP addresses falls rather short of what we need. IPv6 has a host of improvements, but the massively improved address space is what gets talked about the most since that's what is desperately needed.

    Going back to RAM though, it's sort of interesting that at the lowest levels of accessing memory, it is done in chunks that are larger than 8 bits, and that's been the case for a long time now. CPUs have to provide the illusion that an 8-bit byte is the smallest addressible unit of memory since software would break badly were this not the case, but it's somewhat amusing to me that we still shouldn't really need more than 32 bits to address RAM at the lowest levels even with the 16 GB I have in my laptop right now. I've worked with 32-bit microcontrollers where the byte size is > 8 bits, and yeah, you can have plenty of addressible memory in there if you wanted.

  • Why are people so squicked out about "Toilet to Tap" / reclaimed water when it basically already works that way?
  • I watched a documentary on this awhile back. The municipality asked the public if it would be enough for them to dump treated water into a lake and then draw from that lake? And then someone with expertise in the matter commented that this would necessitate another treatment phase, since any wild animal could take a dump in the lake. So he seemed to think closing the loop made the most sense from a practical standpoint.

  • Is it just me or do Lemmy communities tend to skew left wing? Why might this be?
  • I think people here tend to question and fact-check posts and comments a lot, which is a healthy thing. Now some say reality skews left, in which case could it be that the right have left because the left is right?

  • Why isn't jerking off more valorized as an easy dopamine hit that's also literally good for you?
  • literally good for you

    I actually asked my family doctor at one point about the health effects of masturbation. She said that as a guy, if you are not otherwise sexually active, it's good for the prostate to keep the plumbing working down there.

  • They'd still both rather use C++ than each other though
  • I started in C and switch to C++. It's easy to think that the latter sort of picked up where the former left off, and that since the advent of C++11, it's unfathomably further ahead. But C continues to develop and occasionally gets some new feature of its own. One example I can think of is the restrict key word that allows for certain optimizations. Afaik it's not included in the C++ standard to date, though most compilers support it some non-standard way because of its usefulness. (With Rust, the language design itself obviates the need for such a key word, which is pretty cool.)

    Another feature added to C was the ability to initialize a struct with something like FooBar fb = {.foo=1, .bar=2};. I've seen modern C code that gives you something close to key word args like in Python using structs. As of C++20, they sort of added this but with the restriction that the named fields have to come in the same order as they were originally defined in the struct, which is a bit annoying.

    Over all though, C++ is way ahead of C in almost every respect.

    If you want to see something really trippy, though, have a look at all the crazy stuff that's happened to FORTRAN. Yes, it's still around and had a major revision in 2018.

  • Is this actually credible??
  • I suppose it is a kind of survival training? One of my bandmates who's served came up after. "So here's the deal. You watch what everyone else is eating. If they're meticulously avoiding the peach cobbler or whatever it is, you F'ing stay away from that S if you know what's good for you!"

  • Is this actually credible??
  • I'm in a band that performs on occasion at CFBs (Canadian Forces Bases). We typically eat there and spend the night either in barracks or guest housing.

    I have noticed that when we play for officers, dinner is like steak and lobster. When we play for enlisted, it's more like high school cafeteria. The one and only time I had to excuse myself towards the end of a concert and miss the closing number was after eating at the enlisted mess and getting explosive diarrhea.

  • I Don't Trust My Own Code
  • Falsehoods About Time

    Having a background in astronomy, I knew going into programming that time would be an absolute bitch.

    Most recently, I thought I could code a script that could project when Easter would land every year to mark it on office timesheets. After spending an embarrassing amount of…er…time on it, I gave up and downloaded a table of pre-calculated dates. I suppose at some point, assuming the code survives that long, it will have a Y2K-style moment, but I didn't trust my own algorithm over the table. I do think it is healthy, if not essential, to not trust your own code.

    Falsehoods About Text

    I'd like to add "Splitting at code-point boundary is safe" to your list. Man, was I ever naive!

  • How a simple fix could double the size of the U.S. electricity grid | Rewiring miles of power lines could make space for data centers, AI and a boom in renewables.
  • Many renewables are stuck in the “interconnection queue,” a long line of projects waiting to get connected to the grid. According to Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, more than 1,500 gigawatts of power, mostly renewables, are waiting for approval to connect. (That’s more than one-third of all the power produced in the United States.)

    That is really unfortunate. I'm in Canada, but it wouldn't surprise me if we are in the same boat. Where I live, there is a lot of wind and solar going in, but my understanding is that this is in part because it's one of the rare areas with an under-capacity grid that is not too far from several major urban centres.

    And you can see how important the grid layout is in that solar farms are popping up mostly along large transmission corridors, presumably to allow for easier connection. This is less evident with wind, since geography plays a bigger role in where you want to put a wind farm for optimal results.

    It makes me speculate that renewables like wind and hydroelectric (including pumped hydro storage) which are less negotiable in terms of location compared to solar are more likely to be waiting a long time on this interconnection queue? I don't know if that is actually the case though.

  • Noticed a circus at the riocan today

    I think they’re here through the weekend?

    void *
  • Fair, though I guess my interpretation was that void* is kind of like a black hole in that anything can fall into it in an unsettling way that loses information about what it was?

  • New Windows AI feature records everything you’ve done on your PC
  • "Recall uses Copilot+ PC advanced processing capabilities to take images of your active screen every few seconds,"

    Seems like a lot of extra disk thrashing that would shorten the life expectancy of an SSD? Like it would be considerably more than your usual background chatter of daemons writing to log files and what not. Unless I'm misunderstanding this?

  • I'm so sick of every single medical-related question people have online constantly getting spammed with 'talk to your doctor!!!!'
  • If I were chronically sad in the evenings, I would actually bring it up with the doctor. I wouldn't make a special appointment for it necessarily unless its progressing towards suicidal thoughts or something, but during a regular visit I would bring it up. I'm no stranger to mood disorders, and frankly, I wish I had approached a professional sooner about it. Would have saved a lot of grief not just for me but for family members who also suffered through my episodes.

    For something that seems too minor for a doctor visit, I would suggest speaking to a pharmacist. They are readily available without appointment or long waits, and have an encyclopedic knowledge of all sorts of over-the-counter remedies that are backed up by an advanced degree in medicine. Definitely an underutilized resource. Of course they may well suggest you talk to a doctor, but in my experience at least, they give thoughtful consideration to what you have to say and make such a recommendation not out of some lazy buck-passing but rather a genuine concern for your condition. So you would do well to heed their advice, whatever it might be.

  • What's your most unpopular opinion about music ?
  • I'm with you on this one. There are lyrics on almost every single track for crying out loud. Throw us instrumental lovers a bone won't you? Songs that are lyrically driven but are otherwise super-repetitive instrumentally tend to put me to sleep.

    What I love about concerts is when the band goes off script and just starts jamming. Even a 5-minute drum solo will have me grinning ear to ear, and that's what I'll be remembering on the way home.

  • Ever notice mammals never seem to come in green?

    Birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians, insects? Sure. But no mammals.

    So I had to google it. Apparently, there is a sloth that moves around so slowly moss grows all over it and it doesn't care. So it may appear green, but only in the sense that it wears it.

    Full eclipse on April 8th

    I was told by someone at Tourism Kingston that they are expecting more than 70K visitors to descend on the city for this, which is insane!

    Likely beaver activity on K&P Trail

    This is not far from where it crosses Little Cataraqui Creek, so they are probably trying to dam the creek. I should probably contact someone with the city? Anyone know who to call?

    Huge turnout today to remember the cyclist struck on this rural stretch of Taylor Kidd

    If you drive west from Collins Bay Rd, you should now see a "ghost" bicycle painted white on the south side of the road marking where the fatal collision occurred. Personally, I have lived in cities in which a cyclist fatality would barely garner attention by the local media, but as tragic as this is, I am glad the community here has not become jaded about such events.

    Billy Talent at Leon's Centre last night

    I'd forgotten how much I missed going to concerts during the pandemic. They put on a good show!

    Ribfest & Craft Beer Show

    It's down at the Memorial Centre. This was from yesterday, but if I'm not mistaken, it's free admission today until it closes up at 6?

    Santo Christo festivites

    This was at Our Lady of Fatima up the hill from Division. The food was awesome!

    Good band and eats today at Greekfest

    It’s across from the library downtown. They’ve closed the whole block for it. I overheard there are dancers coming from Montreal at 7 pm!

    Wolfe Islander IV in operation? Aerosnapper Kingston

    Good things come to those who wait - thank you to Cindy Greenwood, who drew attention to the first passenger runs this afternoon by the Wolfe Islander IV She looks like she was made for this - what...

    Aerosnapper Kingston

    Came across a facebook page showing the new electric ferry in service, but can't find any other news confirming this. Is this for real?

    Cormorant near Cat Centre

    Saw this bird on the way to work today. It was perched on a log sticking out of the pond at Lions Civic Gardens. That's that little park south of the mall where the library is. The Merlin app ID'd it as a double-breasted cormorant. Possibly a juvenile given its coloration, though it was a good size!

    Great blue heron on K and P Trail

    Saw this guy on my way to work this morning.

    escooter small enough to bring onto a bus?

    I'm looking for an escooter small and light enough for my daughter to take onto a bus and then ride a km or two through a college campus?

    But I'm having trouble finding a suitable model. Whenever I go to a dealer, they always want to sell me something rather huge and heavy. She's not that big. Maybe 5'3 with a slender build? When I suggest perhaps their child model would be more suitable, they say they wouldn't be up to the task for one reason or another.

    Any suggestions on what to look for?

    Cosplayer at Movies in the Square tonight

    It’s Ghostbusters: Afterlife in case it’s not obvious. There is supposed to be some sort of pre-show put on by the Haunted Walk people.

    Tracked down all those Altars of Lilith yet? Altar of Lilith Locations - Diablo 4 Guide - IGN

    Diablo 4 features a new collectible in the form of Altars of Lilith. These eerie statues have been constructed all over Sanctuary, and can be interacted with

    Altar of Lilith Locations - Diablo 4 Guide - IGN

    I finally got done yesterday. The best part is when there are like 6 people standing in a swamp, and finally someone climbs into a bush and you hear the telltale sound, followed by a mad rush and a muttered you are appreciated.

    Movies and shows filmed in Kingston

    Which of these have you seen?

    I watched and rather enjoyed Reacher without ever realizing the Kingston connection. In Crimson Peak, we stood in for a Victorian era Buffalo NY if I'm not mistaken. I watched Alias Grace and a lot of it was shot around the Penn. I remember Blues Brothers 2000 had an opening scene in front of Millhaven. And I think I've seen a few Murdoch Mysteries shot here?

    Fun fact: Kingston Rd in Toronto = Hwy 2 = Princess St

    We actually made that drive once and it took > 4 hrs iirc. But we did in December when every little town had its Christmas lights up and it was much more enjoyable than the 401.

    Offences that won't get you out of jury duty in Ontario Jury duty in Ontario

    What you need to know about the jury duty process and what to do if you’re selected.

    Started reading up on this after receiving a jury summons and this list of minor offences that will not get you off the hook is fascinating! For example:

    > Possessing reproductive materials of cetaceans, except for licensed scientific research – Section 445.2(2)(c)

    So… that whale penis they found in your fridge is not gonna cut it then? You must still serve on the jury?


    Heard a loud pecking on my office window and turned around to see this little guy!

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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