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If we can ban trans medical procedures, why haven't we banned circumcision?

Was just talking at dinner with family, and it seems a logical action to ban circumcision, as in most cases, doesn't have consent, and is a major (genitals are important) body modification. Can we ban it at the state level? Just a thought.

  • There is a lot of misinformation in this post. Here's a snippet of my research about the anatomy of the penis and the damage of circumcision causes.

    The foreskin has specialized nerve endings called Meissner's Corpsucles located at the tip in an area called the ridged band. It is connected to the penis by the extension of the shaft skin in areas called the outer foreskin and the inner foreskin. The inner foreskin is rich with sensory receptors and is a inner mucosa similar to the inside of our cheeks. It keeps the glans moist and protected from the environment. The inner foreskin is attached to the head of the penis by a membrane called the frenulum. The frenulum is an erogenous zone that is mostly removed by a circumcision procedure.

    When a child or baby is circumcised, the foreskin is forcibly removed from the glans which scars and damages the glans. The foreskin is adhered to the glans like a fingernail. When a boy hits puberty the foreskin naturally retracts. In rare cases, phimosis happens which is when the foreskin is unable to retract. Non-surgical solutions to phimosis are stretching the foreskin over a span of time and/or applying steroid creme.

    Circumcision is extremely painful for babies and children. Cortisol spikes in babies when they are circumcised. Babies will pass out during the procedure as many circumcisions are done with inadequate anesthetic.

    The foreskin is self-cleaning like the vagina. Rinsing in the shower is enough usually for hygiene. Caregivers who retract the foreskin of their children will damage the child's genitals. The only person who should retract the foreskin is the children as it will naturally retract with age. Some boys are unable to retract their foreskin until their late teens or early adulthood.

    This information is not foreign to the medical world. Most medical and political professionals have a bias for the circumcision ritual. Circumcision is the same for boys as it is for girls as the objective of circumcision is to harm the sexual function of the child.

    Modern circumcision for males is extremely harsh as it removes 60-80% of penile skin. Many men do not have frenulums from the procedure. It is possible to repair some of the damage by using mitosis to restore skin coverage. It is not currently possible to repair tissue that was completely removed. Foregen is a non-profit researching ways to completely repair the damage caused by circumcision.

    For men impacted by this and want to do something for themselves

    • Look into foreskin restoration
    • Donate to foregen

    Warning that this topic draws a lot of insane people with genital mutilation fetishes. Any of the comments advocating for circumcision are either men who were circumcised against their will, women who circumcised their children and haven't accepted the truth, or weirdos who want others to suffer.

    • Thank you so much for writing this up. I really appreciate the detailed post.

      Most medical and political professionals have a bias for the circumcision ritual.

      I think it's important to point out that this bias is mostly cultural. In many countries where ritual infant circumcision is the exception instead of the norm, medical personnel do not have a bias towards RIC.

      Foreskin restoration is legit (even if it may sound crazy like regrowing limbs). I know we collectively dislike Reddit on here, but the subreddit /r/foreskin_restoration has a really supportive and welcoming community and a lot of resources about how to get started (check their wiki).

  • Because it's "traditional".

    Prepare for all sorts of excuses that appear to be along the lines of "Americans don't know how to wash their cocks".

  • The first problem is using logic. These bans are to hurt trans people to score political points. Nothing more.

    Proving they are logically unsound does nothing for the base that eats this up. They just want to hurt those that scare and confuse them, that's all.

  • Why are you allowed Viagra, minoxidil, testosterone supplements, lifts in your shoes, girdles, hair plugs, tanning booths, calf implants, guns, camo/armor, ozempic and all the other gender affirming care that many conservatives and theocratic nutjobs enjoy to help pretend they're big, strong men and not the withering impotent cowards that they actually are?

  • Just because something is banned doesn't mean we should ban other things to make it "fair".

    As another poster noted, not all parents are great. Not all parents want to do the work of cleaning their babies. Circumcision might be the best option for them. Maybe the baby doesn't even have proper parents to care for them. Maybe circumcision is needed for medical purposes. There's a million reasons we shouldn't speculate into, as it's none of our business.

    Everyone on both sides of the argument should stop hyper focusing on people's genitals. Let people make their own decisions. We don't need the government saying what we can and can't do. Whenever the government intervenes, they inevitably fuck things up. Live and let live. Don't want to get circumcised or don't want your kid to? Then don't. But don't force people to do something because you believe it in. It doesn't make anyone any better than the people they are arguing against, even if their intentions are good.

    As a final note, I do support everyone's right to modify their body however they see fit, including gender affirming care. If a parent makes a decision on their baby's behalf, then that is the parents decision, and no law should be able to dictate otherwise.

    I'm open to having my mind changed, but this just seems like the pendulum swinging too far in the other direction.

  • What the heck is going on here.

    I've been circumcised as a child, as far as I know it was a medical necessary. I never had any Problem with my genitals. I have never even heard about people having such strong opinions about this topic.

    It was just like, that some children having tympanostomy tube and some don't. Is this such a big topic in the USA, or just in this post?

    • Oh boy. You're about to learn a lot.

      A circumcision isn't necessary when there's nothing medically wrong with you. It's literally mutilation when it's done for religious or appearance reasons. Spoiler! These are the two most common reasons why this procedure takes place. You didn't consent.

      When you're born, the foreskin is fused to the glans (penis head). A foreskin's purpose is protecting the glans and keeping it moist. A circumcised penis is scientifically proven to have reduced sensitivity because the glans are exposed all the time.

      This procedure usually happens when the baby is 24 to 48 hours old. There are over ~100 deaths a year from circumcision. If an infection occurs, this can easily get out of hand and cause the loss of all or parts of the penis... on a new born baby mind you. Complications later in life may include, but not limited to: pain or discomfort with an erection, erectile dysfunction, or abnormal shape or size of an erection.

      Because a new born penis is incredibly small, the slightest mistake can lead to disaster. In some cases, can mentally fuck someone up. Unfortunately, I am personally affected by a botched procedure. Too much skin was taken off and the urethral opening was torn.

      It's an unnecessary procedure that can fuck up your otherwise healthy at birth child for the rest of their life. All for some religious reason or because parents "don't like it" - every male is born with it. It's there for a reason.

      • What. In the 24/48 Hours after Birth is really early.

        Mine was done when I was, like 5 or 6. I can clearly remember being put under general anesthesia. And peeing hurt for like 3 days.

        But after that? No problem ever. How can there even be a medical reason in the 24/48 Hours after Birth?

        EDIT: Mine was done because my foreskin was way too tight. Damn, Now I feel really sorry for you, bro. I thought everyone get this done (if it gets done at all) at the age of 5 to 7. But doing this on a Newborn seems really weird. I wish you and your junk all the best.

    • I have never even heard about people having such strong opinions about this topic.

      You're seriously pretending that you've never heard of people having strong opinions on genital mutilation, or that you don't understanding why?

      Or are you pretending that circumcision isn't genital mutilation?

      Because the western medical procedure to correct phimosis is very different from having your prepuce ritually removed.

      Opening up the prepuce enough for it to be able to slide over the glans and removing the whole prepuce are rather different.

      But the most ridiculous thing is you pretending you're not aware of the controversy of snipping your kids genitals because of convictions/culture

      • Maybe because there are not many Jews (or other Religions who do this "ritualy") in Germany the only way I ever heard about this was as a medical procedure. So yes. I never even thought about this being something controversial, like I never would think that getting tympanostomy tubes are controversial. If you want to get mad at me for living in a World where this is not an issue then go on. But isn't a World where this is not issue your end goal?

  • Because there are cases when you need it for health reasons. Sure this are not the majority of the circumcisions realized if we account for all the babies who receive it, but is still is a legit medical procedure. You can't completely ban something useful just because is misused.