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Banned from for arguing that hating on gays doesn't make you a hero.
  • Advocating against Ukraine in the context of the Russo-Ukrainian war, by spreading pretty much verbatim what Russian state news is touting.

  • Multiplayer shooters should get "pure" healers that can't shoot
  • Like think about this this way; you couldn't really have a champion who couldn't heal at all either, and did "100% damage". Like, if you did insane amounts of damage, but only had a certain amount of health and no way of getting it back.

    It's not exactly the same, of course, but it does highlight something that could sort of never work. (Never say never, but, you know...)

  • Multiplayer shooters should get "pure" healers that can't shoot
  • I still think it's okay to have high skill ceiling classes though

    I never implied otherwise.

    But you can't really have 100% healers and 100% tanks who can't deal damage in teamgames like mobas and shooters.

    That's why Mercy has a gun, even when it is very rarely used.

  • Multiplayer shooters should get "pure" healers that can't shoot
  • Balancing is different in a MMORPG. And one person having fun really doesn't tell a lot. The point is that when it's done in team games, usually it ends up frustrating most players.

    Like say a MOBA had a hero who had a 30% winrate. There might be plenty of mains who don't mind at all and find the hero fun and good. But the stats from a million games tells a better story than anecdotal experiences.

    edit remember that in an mmorpg, everyone in a pvp scenario already has a ton of experience in the game, whereas with a moba, you haven't necessarily played one character through hundreds of hours of grinding.

  • Banned from for arguing that hating on gays doesn't make you a hero.
  • True enough.

    let's see if we can't ping him here though idk how the pings work on Lemmy if the last didn't ping him lol

  • Banned from for arguing that hating on gays doesn't make you a hero.
  • Well one of the mods over there is a clearly pro-Russian account.

    I've been banned from that community (and all others on he is a mod on) several times by this account:

    He absolutely refuses to answer the question "are you pro-Russian" while fiercely touting Russian propaganda, saying Russian propaganda doesn't exist at all, denying Uighur genocide, advocating against Ukraine, all that jazz.

    Ten bucks says he comes here whining about stalking again while refusing to answer if he supports Putler or not.

  • I was visiting Teotihuacán recently and all the kids were playing with animal toys like these. What are at the bottoms of its legs? I don't get it.
  • And don't even get started on the weird coverings they wear on their feet. "Aww the ground is so hard" they complain.

    Bunch of soft-footed wimps.

  • Multiplayer shooters should get "pure" healers that can't shoot
  • That's not what a pun is anyway tho

  • Multiplayer shooters should get "pure" healers that can't shoot
  • Nope. Favours pro play and is absolutely shit at lower tiers.

    This is why Mercy has a gun and why tanks in mobas have to have a bit of kill potential. It'd be incredibly frustrating to want to play a healer like that and your team being completely dogshite without you having any ability to affect enemies.

    AugustUwU, a Riot developer talks about that a bit on some of his videos.

  • Anon tries smoking for the first time
  • I actually enjoy a good cigarette, but I still don’t understand how folks get addicted.

    Ah. Well perhaps you should read some neuropsychology?

  • What question that you've never seen anyone else ask before interests you the most?
  • And back to the childish "no I didn't" it is. Okay, let's do this for a few comments until you get provoked into trying something desperate again.

    No, I don’t agree that the prohibition of all drugs has to be lifted for the good of society

    Why would we need for you to say it's harmful? You explicitly say that you don't think it needs to be lifted for the good of society. It does. Just like the book "Good Cop, Bad War" explains in detail. But like I've said, you can't even mention the book, because it would mean that you'd have to address something you know you're wrong in. You asked for books, yet you can't discuss them, because you weren't asking for books in good faith.

    Like I've said, kids like you are a dime in a dozen. You genuinely think you have some gotcha, when you're repeating the very same things that a million others like you have. This is basically just practice for me, you see. I like rhetoric. I'm also intrigued by willful ignorance. Willful ignorance like you display when you ignore all the things you've said yourself. Like screaming "logical fallacy", implying that because something has a logical fallacy in it (which it didn't, btw, you really don't understand those as well as you think :D), it has to be wrong and thus you've "won" the debate. Not understanding what an argument from fallacy is. This is like the dozenth time I'm writing this in a comment. You keep ignoring it, because you're simply so ashamed of having said that.

    Stay mad homie.

    To quote a comment of yours:

  • What question that you've never seen anyone else ask before interests you the most?
  • You don't stand by everything you've said. Actually, you don't stand by anything you've said. That's my point. You keep saying things that are very clearly not true, verifiable by this thread. Like you said, "anyone can read it."

    The prohibition of drugs is harmful. This is a fact. All the science we have on it shows it is. I said I can offer up any number of literature on this, after which you asked for an arbitrary ten books. I named a book called "Good Cop, Bad War." You can't address me having named that book, except to whinge about me not having filled your arbitrary quotas. Why would you be a definite authority and ten books be the certain criteria for proving something is true? It isn't. If you read that book, you'd know what it's about, but obviously, as established, you don't read. You don't even bother reading the comments you reply to, by your own admission.

    Which is why I linked this: You don't even need to watch that insanely long 12,5 minute video. That's just the last 30 seconds of it, where he speaks about the book I mentioned. I quote: "My position is the position of my organisation which is the law enforcement action partnership; we advocate for the full regulation of all the drug markets, to take control away from organised crime and increasingly we've becoming the most important voices for reform."

    Your position is asinine and wrong, which is the point of this entire thread. But you won't be able to talk about it, you'll continue with more childish personal attacks.

    edit oh like I said, you ignored the parts of the last comment which would humiliate you. you can try to ignore them to keep that thought away, but even when you delete the comments, the idiocy will remain. your need to up your rhetorical game.

  • What question that you've never seen anyone else ask before interests you the most?
  • You still can't address anything you've said in the thread.

    To quote you;

    It is funny that you think I am debating you, or that I owe you an answer to any of your questions when you refuse to answer mine.


    No, I don’t agree that the prohibition of all drugs has to be lifted for the good of society

    You're wrong. You're plain wrong. The science shows this. You can't address this. You'll chew of your own leg before trying to debate me on this, because you realise you got into a debate with someone who knows his shit, while you're full of shit, and you're absolutely terrified of being ashamed "publicly." Too late buddy. Sorry. :(

    All you can do is repeat your childish ad hom. Nothing else. I'll quote you a bit more, but you won't be able to address that either.

    Oh look more logical fallacy with a heavy sprinkle of personal attack

    And the earlier "you think I am debating you" combined with this gives a really nice taste of irony, doesn't it? ;)

    You can't stand behind those words either, because you're now extremely ashamed when I pointed out how childish it is to pretend to know how rhetoric works by thinking that yelling out "logical fallacy" means the other person's rhetoric can be dismissed. If you had ever read a book about rhetoric, you'd know that. But, of course you haven't. You don't read books. You just google the names of books. :D

    ONE MORE QUOTE (which you won't be able to address):

    Honestly the logical fallacy and personal attacks have become quite tiresome. You are not worth any further time

    Curious how you're still here, so upset, while loudly proclaiming I'm not "worth any further time". Almost as if I've provoked you, isn't it? ;)

  • ♬ The area's (Shades of) grey in a 1-2-3-way ♬
  • The "it's okay if it's in a three-way" refers to two dudes in bed together, imo. Ie "it's not gay if the balls don't touch"

    And here it's a two girls one guy, so that wouldn't be an issue in the first place.

    Still I liked the meme

  • HPV vaccine study finds zero cases of cervical cancer among women vaccinated before age 14
  • I'm too lazy to find out now.

    Seeing that pretty much everyone who's sexually active gets an HPV of some sort at some point, can the vaccine be used after contracting the disease to prevent outbreaks (ie herpes around both sorts of lips)?

  • How do our brains process reality? I heard our eyes were just low-res cameras and our brains were doing all the heavy lifting in 'rendering' reality.
  • Well, it really makes sense for these every specifically tuned biological machines to all function more or less the same way.

    Everything we can glean from neurology pretty much says our perceptions are similar, we just process them differently.

    Red is a shorter wavelength than blue. It would make no sense for the brain to interpret long wavelengths as short or short as long, which is probably why our colour perceptions are more or less the same.

    Language affects our perception more than the biological hardware we have. The physical sensations are similar to everyone, but processing them is different. Which is why it could still be that your red isn't my red. But my point is I don't think it'd ever be blue or green in any context. It'd je different, perhaps, but not fundamentally so.

    The ancient Greeks used to call the sky bronze. Related, there was this cool short the other day. Talked about how someone raised their kid normally other than carefully making sure never to say what colour the sky is, and then later inquiring about it. The girl had trouble at first, but calling it some mix of white and blue. The point in that was that kids learn colours somehow related to other objects. And the sky, as "an object", is a very different category and was thus weird for her to assign a colour to.

    Unrelated rant over

  • What question that you've never seen anyone else ask before interests you the most?
  • It's so easy to provoke you. All I need to do is to quote you back to yourself and you'll get red in the face.

    Again, you can't address anything you've said, or that I've said.

    "Feel free to copy paste" You mean "copypaste", btw. This is the extremes you'll go to. You just have to reply, but you can't address anything we've talked about, and now literally pretend like it's impossible for you to look at my answers, when you just wrote that "anyone can read the thread." Why don't you start by actually reading it yourself, hmm? It's funny that a person who can't even write words correctly asked me about punctuation. Hue hue hue. Like I've said before, you're so pretentious it literally twists my stomach to an extent.

    It is funny that you think I am debating you, or that I owe you an answer to any of your questions when you refuse to answer mine.

    I began this thread. I made a comment. You took it as some official claim, but even got it wrong on what the claim was. You then asked for the literature I had offered to show. Which I did. Then you refused to address it, then you started yelling something about "fallacy", (which once again is kinda funny, because it shows how you larp a philosopher/debater while not knowing what the 'argument from fallacy' is), then you started going totally off the rails with these childish comments. Even then, I kept replying to you. I answered your childish strawmen several times. I've responded with literature, but you literally can not even name the book I've given you, let alone actually discuss what's in it (because it would require actually reading the book), nor even discuss the subject of the book. Because you've realised you're wrong, and you're just such a small person that even on a pseudonymous board, you get a panic attack when you think about publicly admitting to having said something stupid. I've addressed all your childish garbage, and you can't address anything you've said or what I've said. It's downright pitiful, honestly. I wish better for you.

    You keep moving your goalposts.

    I haven't changed what I'm saying, at any point. I've answered you several times. If you can't read the thread, that's really not my issue, is it? Perhaps you need to.... up your game? ;)

  • "Sorry, this is mine now."
    Isn't "MAGA" an admission that currently, America is NOT great?

    Just something MAGA-people seem to have a hard time with sometimes. Probably not as much when Americans are speaking to themselves, but as a non-American, sometimes it's challenging to get "those people" to admit that there is indeed anything wrong with the US. As in they won't accept a single criticism, and will loudly proclaim "America is the greatest country in the world", while wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat, which for me pretty explicitly means America isn't great, if it has to be made to be such again.

    Dasus Dasus
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