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Do animals have emotions like us?
  • ...then the statement that 'their [animals'] brains are a lot smaller, so less complex" is incorrect.

  • Do animals have emotions like us?
  • Sonder is the inverse of this:

  • Do animals have emotions like us?
  • If size is what matters, then whales, elephants, and dolphins all have more complex brains than humans.

  • Scrabble
  • Acronyms that are capitalized are not allowed in Scrabble. So scuba and laser are allowed, but NASA is not.

  • It's okay, Buddy
  • He just needs one of these:

  • Fixed.
  • Because cropping part of an image and putting it over an almost identical image is really easy.

  • things you can only do with boys
  • Why? A trans person isn't born not trans, they're born, as you said, not even knowing what gender is. A trans woman was always a girl, but only someone who knows the future would know that when she's a baby.

  • Tip?
  • Most of them don't even know it was supposed to be a fish.
  • Yes, and if they had a word for whale specifically, it was considered a type of large fish.

  • Queen's Gambit
  • Ce n'est pas une reine.

  • *Ackshually*
  • You're probably correct. It's not said in the manner of question, with a rising tone at the end, so I'd allow a period anyway because it's informal. When writing a joke, communicating tone is more important than correct punctuation.

  • Most of them don't even know it was supposed to be a fish.
  • The authors didn't make a distinction between whales and fish.

  • things you can only do with boys
  • Yes, but if she's a baby nobody knows she's a girl yet, including her.

  • *Ackshually*
  • No, a period is correct. They're statements, not questions.

  • *Ackshually*
  • Oops, I did. fixed!

  • Please vote
  • Poor little guy starved to death.

  • Try this!
  • That sounds really boring.

  • it's a big deal jack
  • His record is pretty good. The problem is he's terrible at communicating that.

  • samus12345 samus12345
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