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When you realize that your existence is pointless
  • Imagine how the rich and miserable feel when there's no longer even the fantasy of becoming rich and buying all the things to dream about. Life is inherently unsatisfactory. I too used to tell myself a story about how I'll just need a girlfriend, a house, a nice pickup truck and few years worth of savings and then I'll be happy.

    Now I have all those things and I'm still unhappy.

    "When I was 20 all I wanted was a million bucks. Now I have a million bucks and all I want is to be 20 again"

  • When you realize that your existence is pointless
  • Why should there be a point or meaning to life? I can't even imagine what that point would be or who demands it. It doesn't matter how successful someone is. One day they'll die, and in a few decades, nobody will remember them anymore.

    Life is a sandbox game. You spawn in, and the timer starts ticking. You can spend that time doing whatever you want. If you want to spend it in your mom's basement filled with self-pity, then that's what your life will be. It's your game; you're free to play it however you want. It's no different from Minecraft, really. If you're not motivated to start punching trees and build something great because "there's no point," then have at it. Meanwhile I'll be building this massive castle over here, which I'll never finish, but that's okay because it's all about the journey, not the destination. Life is now.

  • Do you think animals have thoughts? Are they capable of hearing that little voice that we humans have in our heads?
  • I can tell that even my pet gerbils have dreams. Man I'd love to know what they're dreaming of. They've effectively spent their entire lives inside that glass terrarium so I can't imagine there being a huge variety of novel experiences to dream of.

  • Do you think animals have thoughts? Are they capable of hearing that little voice that we humans have in our heads?
  • This is something I've always been highly skeptical of. As a somewhat experienced meditator, I'm hyper-aware of the constant flood of self-talk happening in my head, but I don't remember paying particular attention to it before I started practicing. It has always been there, but until then, I hadn't paid any special attention to it. Whenever this subject comes up with people who don't meditate, they often seem to live under the illusion that, except for intentional thoughts, their mind is more or less silent the rest of the time. I'd argue that 99.9% of people couldn't sit for 20 seconds without letting their mind wander, even if their life depended on it. Even I couldn't, despite my experience in meditation.

    That's why I think that when people are asked whether they have this inner voice or not, some say no because they're not aware of it. Not having it would effectively be synonymous with being enlightened.

  • A teen lured an 8-year-old to his home with ice cream, then raped and murdered her. Now, he may go free.
  • Most people in jail for raping children are good old rapists, not pedophiles. Sexual attraction alone doesn't turn anyone into a rapist. We really should stop using the terms pedophile and child molester interchangeably. They're not the same thing.

  • Twitter API has a list of users who are allowed to use racial slurs
  • Are you sure? Last time I checked it just gives you a pop-up asking if you're sure you want to use that word as some people can find it problematic and if you say yes it'll get posted like a normal tweet.

  • Twitter API has a list of users who are allowed to use racial slurs
  • To my knowledge, twitter doesn't block anyone from using slurs to begin with. I'm sure you can find plenty used on daily basis on "black twitter" for example.

    That being said I'm going to need a more credible source than a random screenshot

  • I Tested The Boujiest Cargo Bike You Can Buy
  • No, that's done to prevent the wheels from locking up and to maintain the ability to steer on cars without ABS. In this case the brakes simply were too small for the load. It's too much heat for them to deal with.

  • What product have you purchased based on advertisment from modern podcasts and youtube channels that have worked out well?
  • I've near-perfectly insulated myself from all advertising, with podcasts being the only exception. As a result, I've become extra sensitive to ads and find the ones I'm forced to listen to in podcasts especially irritating. I can tolerate them at the beginning of an episode, but I hate being interrupted by them. Now, the only thing I associate with brands like Athletic Greens is these interruptions, so I simply decided to avoid them. Just yesterday, I ignored SquareSpace for the same reason when researching how to set up a homepage for my business.

  • Went way out of my comfort zone trying to diagnose noise from the bottom bracket
  • With cars you can find service manuals online, usually for free, and they come with instructions with pictures for replacing every single part and also torque values for each fastener as well as wether it can be re-used or needs thread locker.

  • Went way out of my comfort zone trying to diagnose noise from the bottom bracket

    I couldn't find almost any tutorials on how to disassemble or service this particular eBike motor (Bafang M400), so I just started removing screws and pulling out parts while taking a ton of pictures.

    I found two dirty, rusty bearings that I cleaned and re-greased, along with all the gears, and then put it back together. Not only did I manage to avoid breaking it, but the noise seems to be gone as well. This was by far the most intimidating bike repair I've done so far. I've serviced every other part before, but I hadn't dared to touch the motor until now.

    It also turns out that the motor is much better sealed than I expected, so I'll happily continue doing deep river crossings with the motor half submerged in the future, just as I have done until now.

    Went way out of my comfort zone trying to diagnose noise from the bottom bracket

    I couldn't find almost any tutorials on how to disassemble or service this particular eBike motor (Bafang M400), so I just started removing screws and pulling out parts while taking a ton of pictures.

    I found two dirty, rusty bearings that I cleaned and re-greased, along with all the gears, and then put it back together. Not only did I manage to avoid breaking it, but the noise seems to be gone as well. This was by far the most intimidating bike repair I've done so far. I've serviced every other part before, but I hadn't dared to touch the motor until now.

    It also turns out that the motor is much better sealed than I expected, so I'll happily continue doing deep river crossings with the motor half submerged in the future, just as I have done until now.

    Salted potato chips are the best flavor

    Applies to most other things as well. More often than not "original" are the best tasting.

    I genuinely feel like I wouldn't live that differently even if I suddenly became ultra-wealthy. Am I kidding myself?

    Of course, I'd do all the obvious things, such as getting a bigger house, a newer car, and quitting work, but beyond that, I have no interest in an extravagant lifestyle—or at least that's what I tell myself.

    By a bigger house, I mean one typical of upper-middle-class living. I've watched plenty of videos of people touring million-dollar mansions, and they all look too big, open, and sterile to me. I've seen cozier tiny homes than those. And by a newer car, I mean a 2017 model or so instead of the 2007 one I drive now.

    Really, give me a nice cottage by the lake with some land and a big garage for all my tools and toys, and I'm all set. I much prefer the idea of "hidden wealth" over showing it off. I'm just kind of worried that I wouldn't be able to live up to my own expectations if push comes to shove, and there's really no way of testing that. Am I just kidding myself here?

    I feel the same way about fame. Many people aspire to become successful YouTubers or such, but the idea of people recognizing me on the street sounds awful.

    microthoughts Thorny_Insight
    Private charter yacht cruises would be one of the few truly expensive hobbies I'd like to have if I were that wealthy.

    Whenever I think about the things I'd do if money truly weren't a limiting factor, I honestly can't think of more than a handful of really expensive things I'd like to have or do. However, the idea of a private cruise on a luxury yacht seems pretty intriguing. It's not so much about owning one but just going on a cruise every now and then. I watched a video on YouTube where a yacht's chef mentioned that the guests can ask for basically any food or drink, and they'll be able to make it for them. I must admit, that sounds pretty sweet.

    Why was my post deleted?

    "You can't intentionally annoy, mock, or harass other members."

    Who have I been harassing? What the hell mods?

    Would you consume your own content?

    ..and do you think that you posting it has a positive, neutral or negative effect on the world?

    By content I mean what ever you're posting online. The pictures you post on Instagram/Pixelfed or messages you're writing on Lemmy, YouTube comment section, Facebook and so on.

    If you look back at what you have posted in the past year for example, do you consider it to be the kind of content that you would gladly consume if it was coming from someone else? If not, then why are you posting it in the first place?

    Help with removing freehub

    Long story short: completely stripper the hex slot on the back of the freehub body while trying to remove it. It’s incredibly tight. Can I just take a pipe wrench to it from the front or do the teeth seen here on the new part lock with the wheel hub making it impossible to turn?

    Help with removing freehub

    Long story short: completely stripper the hex slot on the back of the freehub body while trying to remove it. It's incredibly tight. Can I just take a pipe wrench to it from the front or do the teeth seen here on the new part lock with the wheel hub making it impossible to turn?

    Some days it'll be like that

    Blew my freehub muscling up a steep incline. This is why I ride with half of my workshop in my backpack. Had zip ties packed up specifically incase of this happening.

    I once snapped a chain and had to walk my bike back home. I never wanted to do that again so I've been pretty much prepaired for anything ever since. Usually it's just flat tire I've had to deal with. Had to fix the chain another time too but had a chain tool and a masterlink that time. So far the greatest breakdown has been when I snapped my derailleur hanger and had to shorten the chain and convert it into single speed to ride home. The freehub had been experiencing skipping for some time now so I can't say I was too surprised when this happened.

    Zombie Survival Thorny_Insight
    What type of fence would you think is the most feasible and secure for your base?

    Ofcourse a 5 meter tall concrete wall would be ideal but good luck building that in the middle of the apocalypse. What do you feel like would be the next best option?

    My personal choice currently would be to find rolls of 2 meters tall steel wire fence, locate a secluded hilltop somewhere in the woods near water and pull the fence tight between living trees and finish it with barbed wire on the top, mostly in case of other survivors trying to sneak in.

    I'd start by securing a small, maybe 5m x 5m perimeter as the starting point. This can be accomplished in a day and I now have a safe place to sleep in. When I obtain more fencing I would start building a second layer around the first one with about 3 meters of space in between and as my camp grows and I get more supplies I would just keep building additional layers. If there are longer stretches of fence between trees I would add additional posts as well as 45 degree supports to prevent a horde from pushing it over.

    Wire fence like this comes with atleast 2 additional benefits of being able to see thru it as well as enabling you to kill zombies thru it with a spear.

    Don't you all get tired of the constant negativity?

    Despite not subscribing to political communities and having a large number of content filters based on keywords, my feed here is still for a large part all negative articles and ragebait. Elon Musk this and Israel that. Microsoft ruining windows, AI ruining internet, right wingers and capitalism ruining the world, police being racist and shooting innocent people, companies demanding workers into offices, privacy being under constant attack from all sides.. And all this despite the effort I go thru to block that from my view. I can only imagine what the unfiltered feed is like.

    I get that this is all important stuff but holy shit it's depressing when that's all I read here every day. Sure, some of it is legitimately news worthy but lets be real here; much of it isn't. It's just to get you riled up and engaging with the post. It's the exact same thing all major social media recommendation algorithms are doing; feeding you content that causes outrage to keep you on the platform for as long as possible. Do we really need to know about every stupid thing Elon says or every police shooting where the victim is black?

    It's no wonder so many people, especially younger ones feel absolutely miserable from day to day. It can't be healthy to live like this. I feel like this kind of media diet is pretty much equivalent to eating fast food every single day.

    If you can't make a single sincere counter-argument to your own belief, your stance is driven by emotion rather than logic

    Rational beliefs should be able to withstand scrutiny and opposing arguments. The inability to do so indicates that the belief is more about personal bias and emotional investment rather than objective analysis.

    Early Finnish summer [OC]

    Canon EOS 550D / T2i

    Tamron 17 - 50mm f/2.8

    Photography Thorny_Insight
    Early Finnish summer [OC]

    Canon EOS 550D / T2i

    Tamron 17 - 50mm f/2.8

    Trail in the woods [OC]

    Canon EOS 550D / T2i

    Tamron 17 - 50mm f/2.8

    Photography Thorny_Insight
    Trail in the woods [OC]

    Canon EOS 550D / T2i

    Tamron 17 - 50mm f/2.8

    Tesla FSD vs Mercedes Driver Assist
    micromobility - Ebikes, scooters, longboards: Whatever floats your goat, this is micromobility Thorny_Insight
    My rig - GZR Black Raw
    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    I prioritize ethics over optics even if it means facing criticism.

    Sharing my honest beliefs, welcoming constructive debates, and embracing the potential for evolving viewpoints. Independent thinker navigating through conversations without allegiance to any particular side.

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    Comments 2.2K