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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
1 yr. ago

  • Surely you can get rid of that 'parasite' in the first few months instead of waiting for the last minute? I don't see how drawing the line at, say 12 weeks now somehow takes away a person's bodily autonomy.

    Speaking of a red herring, a comparison to a forced kidney donation is completely irrelevant here.

  • Yikes, a major war you say?

    Those are not my words. Not even Elon's. Those are the words of the author of Elon's biography, Walter Isaacson. What Elon said is:

    If I had agreed to their request, then SpaceX would be explicitly complicit in a major act of war and conflict escalation.

    The reason Ukraine can't use Starlink in Russia (or occupied territories) is because Starlink is not enabled there due to US sanctions to Russia. Enabling it would be literally illegal for him to do. He also added later that had he been contacted by US officials and told to enable it, he would have, but they didn't.

  • fediverse Fediverse

    How to move blocklists from account to another?

  • Did Elon Musk Turn Off Starlink Access in Crimea To Disrupt Ukrainian Attack?

    To clarify on the Starlink issue: the Ukrainians THOUGHT coverage was enabled all the way to Crimea, but it was not. They asked Musk to enable it for their drone sub attack on the Russian fleet. Musk did not enable it, because he thought, probably correctly, that would cause a major war.

  • The one I live in: Finland

    The only thing I don't like is the short summer and long winter but I try and convince myself that it's the 4 distinctive seasons and the shitty winter that makes me truly appreciate summer. It's also good for the human character which probably partly explains why we've been voted the happiest country in the world who knows how many years in a row. It may be less true now but it's still in our genes; in the past you better be nice to your neighbour because once the winter comes and food runs out, your life may depend on them.

  • Serious. Even if people don't say it aloud, there are ones practically hoping for Tesla FSD to fail and kill someone, Neuralink recipient to die of complications or the Crew Dragon module to fail and kill the astronauts only so that they can say "I told you so" and then keep shitting on Elon. Any rational person would hope for these companies to succeed despite who the CEO is because it'll benefit all of us on the long run.

  • Why isn't there more incel violence?

    We conclude by offering one hypothesis as to why modern day incels are not as violent as we might expect. The Male Sedation Hypothesis, that online virtual worlds, such as pornography, may pacify the potential for violence among sexless young men, providing a counterfeit sense of sexual fulfillment and reducing motivation for real- life mate competition.

    So in other words; in the past such men would have taken their frustration to the streets. Gathering into groups of other such men and causing trouble, kicking grannies and such. Nowdays they instead retreat into their mom's basements smoking weed, playing video games and watching porn.

  • I bought a pick-up truck because I've wanted one ever since I was a kid and one day I just realized I'm an adult with money and I can buy whatever I want.

    Well I started my own business a few years later so it turned out to be quite useful purchase in the end anyway

  • casualconversation Casual Conversation

    Got laid off from work. Started my own business and couldn't be happier

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    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

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    Don't you all get tired of the constant negativity?