stoly @ stoly Posts 0Comments 3,651Joined 1 yr. ago
I was never into him but took this moment to understand that he’s an insecure child.
The union can ask for anything. The problem is the city for not pushing back.
This was it. And they celebrated all the stuff that Trump did up to this point.
I'd bet it's more "Look, see I am an authentic manly man and a conservative, just look at my Carhart and my truck."
They do not learn from these moments. They will vote for whomever wishes to succeed Trump next time around because they can't escape the culture war. Trump voters are people whose entire identity is mixed up with being on the right side of the war.
I love that you can make a statement like that and people are ok with it now. I said similar last year about how I had no more empathy left for people in red states and was attacked about how bad a person I was and how intolerant. I think that this election may have changed some peoples' perspective on things.
Sure champ
I stopped reading at this point. You made it personal for no reason and don't deserve a response.
From an economic perspective the Democratic party has abandoned working class Americans in favor of the ultra wealthy.
The Republican party did that back in the 1960s after the passage of the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts. You're doing a both sides thing and it doesn't work well.
That's what indoctrination does to you, I guess.
My cat also has it. She can’t speak to me but I have seen just how terrible she feels after a single missed dose.
Type I diabetes is different than type II. With I you produce no or insufficient insulin. With type II your diet has made you incapable of producing quite enough. It’s of no surprise to me that someone with diabetes bad enough that they are receiving injections by the age of 9 could collapse that quickly.
You are eligible for any state you worked in during the applicable period. It’ doesn’t matter if you still live there.
They can still get CA unemployment because they would have worked through eligible periods prior to their moves. I had similar happen when I moved to Louisiana and got laid off. The guy at the unemployment office told me to apply in CA instead because the rate would be higher.
To be clearer he stole the whole thing because he was always an entitled sack of poo. He never created a thing, just like Elon.
The problem is saying that it’s bad if it’sa Chinese company but ok if it’s a US company. This is a racist and anti globalist policy.
The both sides argument, hmm?
I'll take "Coerced" for $500, Alex.
Don’t forget stealing his child’s blood.
I couldn’t find it in the App Store. How do you get it?