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In just a few years, half of all states passed bans on trans health care for kids
  • If you are concerned with the welfare of children, surely the most sensible thing is to allow doctors to be in charge of their healthcare rather than banning things and reducing the options doctors have for taking care of them.

    Straight up facts!

  • InsanePeopleFacebook Roflmasterbigpimp
    Aldi-Management does not care about him or his feelings!

    Was randomly checking out Aldi's in the US for fun. Found this, I'm not sure this is Aldi's fault.

    Check this shit out
  • Did you take that from a Child in a Scottie Pippen Jersey?

  • Just $99?
  • My guess would be "YOUR WHOLE CARPET FOR ONLY 99$"

  • New German citizens required to affirm Israel's right to exist
  • Okay. And now read my Comment again.

    Exist = ok.

    Bomb a Population to a pulp (genocide) = Fuck No.

  • New German citizens required to affirm Israel's right to exist
  • Okay, What would be the alternative then? Destroy the State of Israel and drive out Millions of People, guilty and innocent alike, again?

    Would that make this whole situation better? You can't replace injustice with injustice.

  • Time to move
  • (Consider coming to Germany, we need People q_q)

  • New German citizens required to affirm Israel's right to exist
  • Exist? Okay sure, why not.

    Bomb a Population to a pulp? FUCK NO!

    And thats why I will NEVER vote for any of these fucks again! My Party won’t make it into the Bundestag? I DON’T CARE! Because the other Party’s won’t represent me anyway, so I can easily vote for my small Party which at least represents me! 💜

  • New German citizens required to affirm Israel's right to exist
  • Exist? Okay sure, why not.

    Bomb a Population to a pulp? FUCK NO!

    And thats why I will NEVER vote for any of these fucks again! My Party won't make it into the Bundestag? I DON'T CARE! Because the other Party's won't represent me anyway, so I can easily vote for my small Party which at least represents me!

  • Children are dying of starvation in their parents’ arms as famine spreads through Gaza | CNN
  • QUICK! Ask them before they perish if they condemn HAMAS! /s

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Wird aus einer Community gebannt, geht in die nächste um zu weinen.

    Mach doch einfach deine eigene Europe-Community auf! Mit all den zerbombten Kindern die du so gerne siehst :)

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
    *Permanently Deleted*
    Elon Musk Begs Advertisers to Return as Twitter's Revenue Plunges
    • Tells customers to go fuck themselves
    • They leave
    • They stop paying for advertisement
    • Twitter/X makes no money from advertisement


  • Anybody know the species of this fledgling?
  • He is sooooooooo cute :3

  • Internet forums are disappearing because now it's all Reddit and Discord. And that's worrying.
  • Could be, but I found my place in the Fediverse and I'm happy here.

  • Internet forums are disappearing because now it's all Reddit and Discord. And that's worrying.
  • You do you, but apparently more people tend to dislike forums as time goes on.

  • Internet forums are disappearing because now it's all Reddit and Discord. And that's worrying.
  • I wish I would just have gotten a Link to a Post where the Answer to my Question is, but I just got this BS.

  • Internet forums are disappearing because now it's all Reddit and Discord. And that's worrying.
  • Maybe I'm too young or just had bad luck, but ALL the interactions I've ever had with Internet forums have been unbelievably awful. Whenever I asked a question, I was asked why I wanted to know that and was lectured that my reasons were stupid, bad, or wrong (how is that even possible?). People hijacked my post and talked about anything else, and I received NO answer whatsoever! This kind of thing happened way too often, regardless of the type of forum. This occurred in Skyrim forums, Coh2 forums, PC forums, aquarium forums, ... I hate forums. It's good that they are dying, and I, for one, will not miss them at all.

  • I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again — Ludicity
  • TLDR; AI-Bad, I'm smart.

    Why is this on here?

  • Can a Governor or the US President pardon an Assassin he hired?

    Hello! I was scrolling along until I saw an article about a Pardon in Texas. In the comment section people talked about how pardons are even still a thing and one User pointed out that they are totally easy to abuse. Like why can't a governor hire a hitman to kill his political Opponents and then just pardon him? Would this be possible? Can a governor or let's say the president just straight up do that?

    Thank you all in advance!

    The Problem

    Dear Admins and Users of,

    I am writing to express my concerns about the impact of on our community. It has come to my attention that frequently disseminates propaganda and engages in historical revisionism. Moreover, there have been instances where their admin privileges were used to suppress dissenting views, reminiscent of the already defederated lemmygrad instance.

    While personal blocking of is an option, it does not address the broader issue of new users potentially being influenced by misleading content. It is crucial that we protect our users from a continuous stream of biased information.

    To illustrate these concerns, I have provided a link to a detailed post on the Fediverse that documents these issues comprehensively [Here].

    Given these points, I urge the admins to consider a defederation from If their users wish to remain part of, that is entirely acceptable, but we should take steps to prevent the propagation of harmful misinformation, especially in their comment sections.

    Thank you for your consideration.


    German Homegrower Community: !

    [Hintergrund] Rechte Räume - Wie Kommunen mit rechtsextrem genutzten Häusern umgehen Hintergrund - Rechte Räume - Wie Kommunen mit rechtsextrem genutzten Häusern umgehen - Podcast Addict

    In Deutschland werden über 200 Immobilien von rechtsextremen Gruppen genutzt, um deren Ideologie zu verbreiten – seit kurzem auch ein Ladenlokal in Chemnitz. Behörden und Kommunen suchen Wege, um sich gegen die rechte Raumnahme zu wehren. Stukenberg, Timo, Hintergrund

    Hintergrund - Rechte Räume - Wie Kommunen mit rechtsextrem genutzten Häusern umgehen - Podcast Addict
    Vonovia schreibt fast sieben Milliarden Euro Verlust. Gut. Vonovia schreibt fast sieben Milliarden Euro Verlust

    Deutschlands größter Wohnimmobilienkonzern Vonovia ist 2023 tief in die Verlustzone gerutscht. Unter dem Strich stand ein Verlust von knapp 6,8 Milliarden Euro, wie der Dax-Konzern am Abend mitteilte.

    Vonovia schreibt fast sieben Milliarden Euro Verlust

    Wohnraum sollte kein Spekulationsobjekt sein.

    Der tägliche Kampf mit Rassisten III

    geteilt von:

    > Guten Tag, > > Mal wieder Berufsschule, mal wieder stoße ich mit den Nazis aus der Nachbarklasse aneinander. Mal wieder haben diese Feiglinge einen Freund von mir abgepasst als ich nicht dabei war. Dieses Mal sogar physisch. Zwar eher leicht durch einen absichtlichen Zusammenstoß im Flur aber die Eskalation steigt erschreckend stark an. (Aufkleber, Beleidigungen, Drohung/Einschüchterung, Sachbeschädigung und jetzt das). Mal wieder haben wir uns an die Schule gewandt und auch wenn unserer Lehrer versucht deren Lehrer zum handeln zu bewegen, bin ich nicht ganz überzeugt das etwas passieren wird. Zumal der "Täter" nach kurzer Beschreibung, auch sofort bekannt war aber scheinbar nichts gemacht wurde bisher. Was ich tun kann und auch tun werde ist ihn, wo es geht, ihn zu begleiten. > > > Dieses Mal hab ich mich auch an den Rest der Klasse gewandt. Und da hab ich tatsächlich erheblich mehr Rückhalt bekommen als ich gedacht hätte. Viele waren erschrocken darüber was passiert ist und wie schnell und stark die Dinge eskalieren. Einige haben auch direkt ihre Hilfe angeboten. Was mir aber besonders wichtig war, war dass ich meinen Apell raus bringen konnte die Augen offen zu halten und nicht weg zu schauen wenn Dinge weiter eskalieren. Wir sind mehr. > > > Was ich allerdings tragisch finde ist, dass diese Nazis schienbar meinen Freund als Ziel auserkoren haben. Dabei hab ich ihn erst dazu "angestiftet" aktiv zu werden. Er ist als noch relativ neu in der Szene und hat noch nicht viel Erfahrung mit Schikane und Drohungen und hat dem entsprechend auch Angst. > > > Wenn jemand Tipps hat nehme ich die gerne an aber auch einfach ein paar nette Worte würden uns schon echt weiterhelfen.

    My attempt to create a Man drinking "Korn"

    Korn = A German schnapps made from grain.

    Prompt: "Ein verwahrlost aussehender Mann trinkt eine Flasche "Korn""

    (A run-down looking man drinks a bottle of "Korn")

    Bing Image Creator


    Bis zum bitteren Ende wenn es sein muss!

    Roflmasterbigpimp Roflmasterbigpimp

    Big Pimping Big Rofling.

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