Beach Day
Beach Day
Beach Day
People aren't bored enough. It's good for you.
Tolerating boredom is a skill worth developing
Unironically it’s been done for thousands of years and is called meditation. Once you’ve washed the bowls, picked the crops, clothes are clean, floors are swept, you have to figure out how to make the most of just sitting down for awhile. Though being bored today I think is fighting the urge to do something when there are infinite things calling for your attention, which I guess is sort of a modern meditation in itself.
Outside of being a toddler... Thorsquint.jpg
I never really learned this skill. I can just lie down in bed all day doing nothing (apart from thinking), and not get bored. This trait is not very beneficial for productivity...
This is actually one of the reasons I love the beach. I lie there, close my eyes, listen to the sounds around me, maybe drift off for a minute, maybe listen to music, read a few chapters of my book. My beach days are usually like 3hrs about, though. I have friends that like to go to the beach at 9a and stay until 6p. That’s too much for me
If you're bored sitting on the beach, get up and play in the water. Or get intoxicated.
My solution is to go to a beach that takes an hike to reach. That way I don't get bored, and when I'm there I actually want to lay down and rest.
My personal favorite is doing acid at the beach. I guarantee you won't be bored on that.
Just wait a few minutes and some family will post up next to you, turn on their speaker playing terrible music, and immediately fuck off to the water leaving you to stew in their "best of alt country 2003-2007" Playlist.
♪ And a little bit of chicken fried Cold beer on a Friday night A pair of jeans that fit just right ♪
That or it's mariachi music that can be good but only when I want to hear it.
How did you know exactly how my last 4 beach days went?
Alt-country isn't the term you're looking for...
Relaxation is a skill that is harder to develop than it should be
True but relaxation doesn't mean doing nothing. It's doing what you like to do at your own pace. I'm currently at carribeans and yet have to see a beach.
Absolutely! That's part of the skill!
Beach trips were lots of fun back when I was 10 and I enjoyed playing in the water with the other kids, but they're not very interesting now that I'm an adult who doesn't particularly like swimming. (I'd rather be somewhere air-conditioned.) At least I do swim - I don't understand people who come to the beach without any intention of getting into the water.
Just had a weeklong beach vacation. We sat on the beach once for about half an hour before the sun was too much. We mostly just took morning and evening walks on the beach. We're not really swimmers either, which was good because the surf was fucking lethal pretty much every day. Once day the waves were reaching the dunes and pooling past the high-tide line. Kids were constantly swimming and it was incredibly dangerous. I think most days were red flag and the "nice" ones were yellow.
The beach is pretty awful these days and we aren't even that far south.
Bring a book or some headphones and knock out a podcast. Or drink, whatever works
Particularly, I don't like beaches exactly for that. All of those, for me, are more pleasant in a cool weather. I don't like sand nor heat.
So I just don't go to the Beach.
I could stay HOURS in a cold place while looking to the trees in a distance. I've done it and felt amazing
Time to dig a fucking HUGE hole!
I don’t like sand…
It's coarse and gets everywhere?
It's rough too
I would love to be bored on a beach.
I would love to feel good about being board. I avoid it when really I need to put myself in timeout.
This you?
My last beach vacation day went a lot like this. I got there, rented a lounge chair, carried the burdensome weight trudging through the shifting sand down to a suitable location away from anyone else. Unfolded said chair confusedly, it had a sun shade attachment that was supposed to, like, hover over your head, but mine kept slipping and just whamming me in the face. Including every time I tried to sit up, it'd get a nice whack to the forehead from the metal rod.
I tried to read, but the blinding sun made the pages just a tad darker than it's surface. It was so hot, that it took deliberate effort to calm myself to the point where I wasn't just sweating, and panting the heat away.
Took all of about an hour until I was officially "over it."
That's just bad preparation on your part. Bring a parasol, some cool beverages in an insulated bag, move closer to the water, take a dip in said water every once in a while. I fucking love beach days.
I'm enjoying beaches a lot more now that my kids are old enough to do their own thing.
Playing with toddlers on the beach for hours is fun and all...but what's really great is reclining in a chair, listening to a book, soaking in the sun with a couple of beers. While the kids play and get themselves exhausted.
A fun beach trip requires three people at minimum. Seeing all of those couples “enjoying” their beach trips, stewing in a salty bath of denialism just makes me so sad. It’s like, accept your misery already.
/j because this is lemmy
Nah, I love just sitting on the beach, letting the waves clear my mind. Just a calming, clear, thoughtless break from normal, hectic life. Man…been a while since I’ve been able to do that.
I don’t like Coors. It’s light, and it’s sandy, and it gets everywhere.
If you don't bring Robinson Crusoe with you, are you even beaching right?
I dug a hole for hours when I was at the beach. Got a bunch of guys to join in too
Best beach activity 100%
When I was late teen to early twenties beach day was wonderful. I could catch up on a stack of books without any responsibilities.
Now when I'm away from home, I only think of the responsibilities that are accumulating in my absence.