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It's Saturday, are you doing anything at night?
  • And here I was, going for a re-watch because I REALLY liked it all

  • Shadows of Tomorrow - Sebas Velasco (2019) 🇪🇸
  • Yes! Forgot that in English picture doesn't mean exclusively a photo

  • Shadows of Tomorrow - Sebas Velasco (2019) 🇪🇸
  • For a moment I thought it was a picture

  • Leaked WhatsApp Feature Allows Users to Create Customized Stickers Using Their Own Image
  • But being able to block people from sending me voice messages is never coming, right? It's still gonna be my dream, though

  • What's your "back pocket" wish?
  • I remember when I was around 12 or 13 I'd always say my wish would be to get 1 billion dollars per second, for the rest of my life, and that no one, including the government, would ever be suspicious of it

  • Deleted
    What you do when you have TOO MUCH free time?
  • Unemployment is hell! You don't know if you'll be able to live next month.

    But if I could get the same salary as I get now and not work a single day anymore, boy, I'd be in paradise

  • Average vs Fame
  • I'd love if in 12 years or so it's somehow proven that this is actually George's account. Would be a great "I was there" moment.

    Same for the Margot Robie account

  • But who is the bad guy on the boat?..
  • I really do wish I could be playing Dark Souls 3

  • Will AI fully replace human friendship/companionship someday?
  • It just amazes me how people don't close the toilet lid. It shouldn't be seat down or up, it should be closed for when you flush

  • What is the best cloud storage provider right now?
  • I've heard google is pretty good! /s

  • Brushed [Perry Bible Fellowship]
  • Guess you're overthinking a joke

  • 12 June 2024
  • I wish I were a happy cow

  • Eat Out Martha
  • I actually am. I'll check this one out, thanks

  • Eat Out Martha
  • Are there erotic audiobooks?


  • We owe them
  • Really liked the art. Anyone knows the source?

  • What Era was the best and why was it the 90s?
  • Frutiger and Y2K for sure

  • Just started The Wandering Inn...then noticed the number of pages.
  • Só did I. Two stars for book one, couldn't even rate book 2, DNF book 3 and never touched it again. It actually made me second guess other books. "If you like TWoT you'll love X" always make me think twice about reading something

  • Misadventures with my first server (On an old laptop) #1

    Ok, this isn't my first post on the subject, but bear with me.

    Saturday I set sail through these unknown waters with nothing but a dream, a few hundred gigabytes of movies and shows and this tutorial.

    I wasn't a complete noob when it comes to Linux. I used Ubuntu from around 09.10 through 14.04, or something like that. But I have never used a server edition or any text only distro, not even in my wildest weekends dual booting weird systems.

    I won't be too lost in this, I thought, as the OS installed in the machine. All set up, Ubuntu booted up and to the tutorial I go. Three minutes in and I already made a mistake. I installed with the SET THIS DISK AS AN LVM GROUP, better reinstall the right way.

    Keep in mind that I DO NOT know what I am doing, all of this is new and didn't want to have to restart it all in the end due to a misstep on the first… well, first step.

    Freshly reinstalled OS, first part done, now I'll set up this DHCP thing. Oh boy, this was an adventure. Until now, I have no idea of what I did. I got into my router settings and dove into this DHCP config. To my knowledge, I did nothing but change the last number in the IP address from 0 to 133. All connection went down.

    I typed my regular IP to get into the router settings to change back that damn number, but no way. The Windows tray said I had internet, but nothing came up when I tried it. Phones, tablets, TVs, all went dark.

    It was a Saturday night. My mom was watching YouTube on her phone, my sister and her boyfriend were watching a movie in their room, and I nuked the internet a few minutes before the pizza arrived. It was not cool.

    I got my phone and started looking up ways to fix this. No luck whatsoever. After an entire hour of dead-end tutorials and a bunch of nagging, I just made a hard reset on the router.

    But I am not such an unprepared man, oh no. I knew I would eventually screw the internet over. So when I installed our mesh Wi-Fi, and had a few similar problems with it, I made a backup of all the connection names and password changes I made. This way I could get everything to work as before, even Alexa could turn everything on and off easily.

    Crisis averted. That one, at least.

    I still had no static IP! That's when I found this guy! My savior!

    Following his steps, I set it up and got back to the Kalos tutorial. It all worked fine until the very end. Wireguard just kept putting me down. Jellyfin worked OK when the phone I was testing it with was on Wi-Fi, but nothing else worked. And then that stopped working too. I was destroyed. I was already 1AM and my eyes were closing on their own. Time to sleep.

    I woke up at 5h50 AM, after a series of dreams of me almost solving the problem and just said to myself, maybe PLEX is easier?

    I followed some written tutorials for the PLEX install and set up (sorry, couldn't find those to link here) and BOOM, it worked!

    I turned off my phone's Wi-Fi and still worked on cellular data, great! Now it is 07h30AM, and I am calling my brother to give it a test since he lives in another state, get a REAL out of local network test. AND IT WORKED! I was in a frenzy.

    Great, right? All working, time to rest a bit. Went to a friend's house and played a few hours of Cuphead and came back home. I just knew the movie I was going to buy next to put on the server. Got home, made a cup of coffee and logged in. Where's my shared folder?

    I simply cannot log into my server's folder anymore. The server still works fine, but I can't add or remove anything from there. I keep getting the error 0x80070043 on Windows. Disconnected from the network and tried to set up again, and that's when the error started, before it said the server was offline, when it clearly wasn't, PLEX worked fine.

    Now it is 10PM here where I live and I just gave up for the weekend. I have no more ideas of how to write my problem on Google to try a new answer. I am lost once more.

    But I lost the battle, the war's still going. This server will work. I will have a movie and shows drive, a music drive and a files drive. (no idea how to set up more drives, though. I installed the OS on a SSD and the movies for PLEX are on an external hard drive. But I'll find out)

    If anyone has any tips on how to go on, please, enlighten me.

    That's all for now, and see you guys in the next chapter of this crazy little project.

    Creating First Server with Inspiron 3421

    I'm gonna build my first ever server with a old laptop I have. Bought a 240gb ssd to install in it and plan to use manjaro to do it. I'll add some HDs to it and a total of 4tb, not counting the ssd, I wanna leave that only for the system. I have a jellyfin server kn my desktop and wanna change it to this laptop. Also wanna make a Spotify version of it and a google drive replacement. But since these are my first steps I have little to no idea of what I'm doing or how to do it. Any tips for a first timer? Mistakes to avoid and all that, preferably without buying anything else

    Falling out of love for fantasy

    Recently, I came to a sad conclusion. I no longer feel interested in fantasy.

    I was an avid reader of the genre, started my reading days with it, actually.

    My favorites stories, in the beginning, were "realistic" stories. I dove into magic ridden worlds, but that didn't have such a "naive" feeling into it.

    That's what 15-year-old me liked. It was a classic good versus evil, but with little seasoning. Books like Lord of the Rings, Wheel of Time and Harry Potter never appealed to me.

    Then time passed, and even those worlds lost it wonder to me. I cherished more a book with a good "lore" than a whole new world, one of the reasons IT by Stephen King hit me so hard when I first read it.

    But my world changed with two stories. I like to say they made me fall out of love of fantasy, but not in a bad way, but they got so deep into things I didn't even know I liked - no, loved! - yet that everything else paled in comparison. Those stories were A Song of Ice and Fire and, the one that got me the most and changed everything I thought I knew about my love for fantasy, Berserk.

    I ate those stories up! Couldn't stop reading it, searching about it, thinking over it. When I was done with it all, I started to look for similar stories. Tried Malazan Book of The Fallen, Prince of Nothing (this one is almost there, though) and even some Brandon Sanderson books I hadn't read yet.

    Every time I see some magic being used - and I say magic as in classic magic, such as making fire out of nothing, lighting coming from nowhere, LOTR type of magic - or some non-human race come up I lose interest completely. Tried The Bound and The Broken series but couldn't even finish chapter 1, the second an elf appeared all other sentences felt heavy and I dropped out.

    My solution, for now, has been to read historical fiction. I really like the medieval setting, so decided to read about our own. I'm diving into War of the Roses by Conn Iggulden, The Last Kingdom by Bernard Cornwell, and I am waiting for The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follet to arrive. And I am also rereading Berserk.

    Have any of you had this to happen? Things that used to be held so dear becoming sour and all that love getting thinner and thinner over time.

    Capitao_Duarte Capitao_Duarte
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