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Sovcit did a thing.
  • I bet you it’s one of those “silver” things they claim is the real money. Like how they give little silver bricks? Maybe some strange corner of the sovcit world started producing “real” “money” with this “silver” stuff, stamped into a coin shape for these sovcits to scream about when no one accepts it as currency.

  • We coulda had Bernie...
  • …how are you guys not getting that that is my exact point? If this election it’s on the ballot, it’s always been on the ballot. Everyone youve ever voted into office has had their hands in the Israel shit bucket. Our support is not new. What they’re doing the Palestinians is not new. You guys just weren’t paying attention to it before. The tweet implies 8 years ago we didn’t have these problems…but we did. Because everyone you’ve ever voted into office has blood on their hands. The choice is no different this election than it was 8, 12, 16, 24 etc years ago. The only new addition is the overt fascist.

  • Tip?
  • A bunch of grocery stores have also eliminated the “bagger” job, leaving you to do it yourself, but then also ask for a tip! Store cut costs by paying their employees shit, heaping more work on them, and then asking you to give their poor ass employees some money. Give them the money you saved on eliminating the bag people!

  • Gathered at Camp David, Biden's family tells him to stay in the race and keep fighting
  • As much as I don’t think Biden should run at his age, you’re basing the “changing the nominee now wouldn’t cost votes” on nothing whatsoever. There is a proven benefit to incumbency. I don’t like it, but it’s true. And the other massive question mark is who does a majority of the country like enough in the Democratic Party (that the Democratic Party actually wants being its nominee) to just install? Because you also have to factor in the mileage the right would get out of “the Democratic Party’s nominee was installed like a dictator!” shit. No to mention the optics of a party elite-chosen candidate. You can’t say a change wouldn’t lose votes without a definitive other candidate to compare to and without considering the optics.

    So basically, what you’re saying is mostly just nonsense. This is a terrible situation for us to have to be I . But we’re in it. No use pretending.

  • We coulda had Bernie...
  • My point is, you think this Israel situation hasn’t been on the ballot our entire lives? Because it always has been. Things have gotten worse, sure. But the US has been supporting Israel’s abuse of the Palestinian people, with our votes, since we’ve had the chance to vote. This isn’t new. It’s always been this situation, it’s just changed back and forth between bad and worse.

  • We refuse to die for fossil fuels – Just Stop Oil response to police raids resulting in at least 27 arrests.
  • …you know over 1300 people died during a heat wave, like, a week ago, right? And that wildfires are tearing through he goddamn arctic circle right now? The fuck you think this isn’t acute. You just don’t see it yet because it’s affecting the global south, aka, the poorer, darker skinned countries. Asshole.

  • What are some marketing tactics that you dislike ?
  • Right? Like…”which parts about being manipulated in order to take the money from you that you didn’t even want to have to rely on in a system that doesn’t make sense and actively hates you and uses you and then chews you up and spits you out do you not like?”

  • France Is Headed Towards Its Most Feral Right-Wing Regime Since the Nazis
  • Right, but the lower tax burden isnt worth the authoritarianism. The assholes who can stomach sacrificing poor minorities and immigrants for a few gimme policies are not doing something noble. These are politicians we’re talking about. They’re not here for us. They’re here for themselves, and they are lying and antagonizing in order to get power because they know what people want and what certain people are afraid of. Their goal is to bait people with fear, entice them with populism and then…what? You catch more flies with honey and a hatred of honeybees.

  • France Is Headed Towards Its Most Feral Right-Wing Regime Since the Nazis
  • It’s called populism for a reason. Trump ran on a populist platform in 2016. Populism can be Democratic or authoritarian, meaning it can be genuine concern about capitalism and the imbalance between the ownership class and the working class or it can be the sugar coating on a bitter, authoritarian pill—or, in other words, a fuckin lie.

  • I need help. I saw a trailer for a movie maybe three or four years ago and I can't remember what it's called

    Rough plot synopsis:

    A skinny white cop (I believe with a mustache, brown hair), is depressed. Maybe something happened with his daughter dying or a divorce, maybe both. It was kind of an auteur type film. He ends up going on some sort of reckless crusade against the department, maybe? I remember something about an alcoholic priest too, but that might’ve been another trailer I saw around that time. Or maybe he was an alcoholic himself. (Again, this is a fuzzy memory, sorry.) A scene I vaguely remember is he’s shirtless and maybe his cop car is burning? Does this sound at all familiar to anyone? I really want to find it, it’s been bugging me for literally years. Thanks!

    let’s see if anyone is even here: I’ve been looking for a legitimate dispensary. I have questions and everywhere I go these questions are met with, “umm…I dunno. it’ll get you high”

    I’ve been looking for a high CBD, mid-to-low THC strain or tincture. All these gray area operations are garbage. I’ve been to legal countries and states where you can…ask questions and get answers and have knowledgeable conversations with someone with recommendations. These janky-ass bags of high-concept packaging you see littering every sidewalk are bullshit. Open a jar, weigh me out what I ask for, and know some shit about it.

    Anyone got any ideas or a favorite dispensary? I feel like with the bodegas selling, everyone just wanted to hop in with a store front and two glass display cases, and buys everything from one shitty company probably ruining the industry already. (I guess I’m more heated about this than I thought.)

    Any reds are ‘preciated.

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