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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
8 mo. ago
  • I mean, comparing that to coal isn't a very impressive feat. Nuclear power is very expensive, fission material is limited and sourced from dodgy countries, storage is difficult etc. The emissions are the only good thing about it. There are good alternatives to that. I guess using the existing ones until they need to be decommissioned is still a good idea though.

  • Dies. Wenn man einfach die YouTube App auf Steroide haben möchte, dann greift man zu ReVanced. Das funktioniert auch zuverlässig und muss eher selten aktualisiert werden. Hatte vor Jahren mal eines der Piped Dinger genutzt und fand die Erfahrung ziemlich kacke ehrlich gesagt. Das ist mittlerweile vielleicht besser geworden aber ich bin mehr als zufrieden. Keine Shorts, keine breaking news, kein sponsorgeblubber, keine Werbung etc.

  • Da gibt es leider richtig viele, die das machen. Die glauben ernsthaft, man würde damit die content creator unterstützen. Man muss sich das mal vorstellen. Da ist man schon das Produkt und dann zahlt man dafür auch noch. Wie dumm kann man sein? Wenn man jemanden unterstützen möchte, dann gerne per Patreon. Oder man kackt drauf und unterstützt niemanden, denn früher hat man aus Spaß Videos gemacht und online gestellt. Daraus sind grandiose Memes entstanden.

  • Nö, Rausch hält zu lange an. Ich kiffe lieber. Und gerne mit Tabak (das Nikotin betäubt die Luftröhre ein wenig, so dass man sich nicht einen abhustet). Nimm mir das weg und ich führe dir meinen neuesten Fausttanz vor, Junge.

  • Show me the statistics of how many people got cancer from second hand smoke in outdoor areas. I'll wait. Just make cigarettes fucking expensive, like in Australia. Make smokers pay more for health insurance. There's so many good ways of handling the problem. Banning people from smoking outside is just fuel for all the fucking Nazis that would love to get rid of the EU. And it won't change a fucking Thing. As if people would suddenly stop smoking outside when no one is around.

  • As much as I like the idea of getting rid of smoking altogether, this is a huge infringement on self-determination. Sure, go ahead and declare certain public areas as non-smoking zones. I'm absolutely fine with that. Even if it means that the entire inner city is such a zone. No one should have to inhale secondhand smoke. But if you're somewhere where you don't bother anyone, why should that be illegal?

  • Couldn't they "convince" instance admins to include ads? Couldn't they flood communities with influencers? Couldn't they promote Lemmy apps that have ads?

    You are severely underestimating the criminal energy and creativity of these corporations.

    Edit: reddit turned to shit way before the platform itself was up for sale. No need to buy the platform, bots and influencers are enough.

  • Oh man, ja das ist natürlich kacke... Aber jetzt hau ich mal den deutschesten Spruch überhaupt raus: Eigentum verpflichtet. Wenn ich ehrlich bin, ich würde mir nicht nochmal ein Haus kaufen. Was da schon alles an Kohle versunken ist, das ist schon Wahnsinn. Schade um die günstigen Wohnungen :(

  • Kleiner Tipp, frag mal den Schornsteinfeger wie das mit ner Härtefallregelung ausschaut. Meist geht das dann noch einige Jahre so durch. Ist zwar nicht schön, denn die Abgaswerte werden ja nicht aus Spaß begrenzt aber nicht jeder kann sich sofort eine neue Heizung leisten. Aber nach 15 Jahren Betrieb sollte man sich eh langsam mal Gedanken machen. Wir haben glücklicherweise bei uns in der Kommune ein nahwärmenetz aufgebaut. Das war ein relativ günstiger Tausch, zumal ich 45% der Kosten erstattet bekommen habe für den Umbau. Schau dir die Förderungen mal an, womöglich ist das alles gar nicht soooo schlimm.

  • Wenn Turbonazi Manfred und Hubert davon erfahren, dass es ein Scheißhaufen voll Geld kostet, dann kommen die vielleicht auch zum Entschluss, dass die Grenzkontrollen dumm sind und nichts bringen werden. Mal sehen...

  • Absolutely! I fear it's too late for many boomers but the younger generations are in desperate need of this. In Germany a lot of younger people are voting for Nazis because they have the cooler TikTok content. It's a total shitshow. Our schools are garbage regarding this. I know this because my wife is a teacher and she's the only one taking this seriously in her school. All of her colleagues don't see the need. It's really bad unfortunately.

  • You went ahead and actually gathered the correct information. This is not what the "normies" in question do. Look, I didn't coin the term nor do I approve of the use of this term. I just wanted to explain what the other person meant with "normification".

  • I think it would make discussions about US politics even worse. But I agree with the rest. I personally would also like to have a more broad user base. That'd definitely spark more interesting discussions. Lemmy is a very weird echo chamber right now. It's just very important that no one in the Fediverse starts to capitalize on them. That'd be the moment enshittification starts. And that will happen once the mainstream people come pouring in because greed will always corrupt the ones who have some form of power. Someone will take advantage of this.

  • I didn't coin the term and I too believe it's a huge generalization. However, "simpler" people are more susceptible to ads. The "normies" in question are the ones that don't use adblockers, they believe ads are normal and they believe ads don't affect them. Corporations capitalize on that. Better tech education would definitely help take some power away from corporations.

    Edit: even now you'll find people that use Lemmy apps that have ads. The bigger the user base, the more greedy companies will find ways of exploiting the Fediverse.

  • It's what happened to the internet. Devices were dumbed down to make the internet accessible for everyone. Now the "normies" are also on the internet, whereas in the past they'd belittle you for spending time on the computer.

    In time, the Fediverse will also be easily accessible. And where there are normies, you'll find corporate enshittification.

    Edit: thanks for the downvotes because I explained the word "normification". You're overthinking this. It's a term that has been around since before Reddit became popular. It's a term that stems from 4chan. I don't like the term, I just explained it. And yes, the corpos are to blame but they couldn't do the things they do without a certain user base. And that's not your typical tech savvy user base. How is that so difficult to understand?