Beach Day
Beach Day
Beach Day
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My last beach vacation day went a lot like this. I got there, rented a lounge chair, carried the burdensome weight trudging through the shifting sand down to a suitable location away from anyone else. Unfolded said chair confusedly, it had a sun shade attachment that was supposed to, like, hover over your head, but mine kept slipping and just whamming me in the face. Including every time I tried to sit up, it'd get a nice whack to the forehead from the metal rod.
I tried to read, but the blinding sun made the pages just a tad darker than it's surface. It was so hot, that it took deliberate effort to calm myself to the point where I wasn't just sweating, and panting the heat away.
Took all of about an hour until I was officially "over it."
That's just bad preparation on your part. Bring a parasol, some cool beverages in an insulated bag, move closer to the water, take a dip in said water every once in a while. I fucking love beach days.
Bro buy sunglasses 😭 this is hilarious to read but come on
I would but my future's not that bright
I'm enjoying beaches a lot more now that my kids are old enough to do their own thing.
Playing with toddlers on the beach for hours is fun and all...but what's really great is reclining in a chair, listening to a book, soaking in the sun with a couple of beers. While the kids play and get themselves exhausted.