Luigi Mangione fixed 25% of the UI bugs in Civ VI
Luigi Mangione fixed 25% of the UI bugs in Civ VI
Luigi Mangione fixed 25% of the UI bugs in Civ VI
The man just could not stop solving problems.
From the Newsweek article:
Civilization VI, or 'Civ IV,'
Sophie! Don't you know your Roman Numerals?
CIV IV = 104 04
okay see I was in favor of what he did but his politics were kind of incoherent so I couldn't jump on the 'idolize this man' train.
I guess now I gotta.
What was inconsistent?
From what I gather, if the allegations are true, then Luigi never claimed to be knowledgeable enough to have solutions but recognized general issues.
This would, presumably, absolve him of inconsistencies since he didn’t claim to be the arbiter of truth or an expert.
This is a genuine question btw, I’m realizing I don’t really know much about the manifest or his views beyond health insurance companies being evil. So I’m curious to hear what you mean.
I was under the impression that he was a right-leaning crypto bro that saw a bad CEO and "solved the problem". I don't think he even considered the material conditions of capitalism or the fact that we're in a class war. I think he was close though. Kind of like becoming a lefty without actually talking to any lefties.
In the manifesto I saw he basically apologized to the FBI for causing all the trouble. Letting them know that he acted alone.
He definitely wasn't the type of person I would imagine a CEO killer to be.
other comment got it pretty much right. not BAD, but, like, 'inventing communism from first principles via jordan peterson, and only sort of halfway there' weridness.
Free Luigi
… I legit know folks at firaxis, I didn’t know this.
I’m gonna ask if it’s true lmaoo
It says he worked an an intern and it was several years ago. I know the meme is fun, but I highly doubt that if he were not under arrest that he'd have been working on Civ 7 UI.
But that's the problem. He fixed the bugs in VI but wasn't around for VII
I hope it is! I really hope it is.
He's like a real life, "most interesting man in the world".
Remember then the media was calling him a Techbro instead of a tech worker? Yeah, he was never a Techbro.
They tried everything... It didn't work
Bootlickers eventually fell inline but anyone paying attention saw right through the bullshit.
Anyone with basic vidya game exp knows that you re going the right way when you get this many enemies having a melt down on teevee and socials
Maybe I misunderstand the context of the term but I never viewed them as mutually exclusive. There are toxic "bro" type devs who are still actually good devs (doesn't excuse being an ass though). I never viewed it as meaning someone who doesn't code "for real" but maybe I'm misusing it.
I've always seen it as meaning the type of douche who would pitch anything to YC
Better free him so he can fix the UI in Civ7
Guess he's slipping. He didn't even solve 1% of the healthcare bugs.
If the Government had let him cook I believe he'd have gotten to 25% too
a true patriot would organize a team to break this guy out of jail.
The best outcome of this situation is jury nullification. If the jury nullifies, we'll have proven the law does not prosecute heroic deeds of this caliber. It would be the biggest blow to capitalism in generations.
I have been shouting this from the rooftops since I heard what happened. So many people think you have to punish someone if they are proven guilty... not true in the USA. The jury can decide he is not guilty for whatever reason they want. They can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that he did it and the jury can still let him go. So many people don't know this.
Also a great way to get out of jury duty is to mention this during the selection process, they will boot you 100% of the time if you know this.
There is no such thing as jury nullification as a court decision though. Jury nullification is the Jury agreeing that they didn't see nothing. If they say he did it but they aren't convicting that may very well be grounds for a mistrial. I suspect that the prosecution will argue that it was a mistrial regardless of whether the Jury nullifies or genuinely is unconvinced beyond a reasonable doubt.
So "Fix Civ Bugs" is new code for "Eat the rich" and it's not even doublespeak.
Civilization has these bugs where some people can get ultra wealthy and ruin it for everyone. As Devs, we need to fix that.
Taking bets on how long before discussing fixing Civ bugs gets you banned on r*ddit
It's a shame those weren't caught in QA and are now in production. Hard to ship a patch for so many platforms!
I promise you they probably were caught in QA. Game companies set a date and ship when that date hits, not when the bugs are all closed.
he's been working on fixing civilization all along
He has experience in troubleshooting
He has great discipline and self motivation, he never misses a target
oddly poetic
This actually makes an incredible amount of sense. Anyone who has played any of the Civs for long enough knows that taking out the right unit at the right time can change the entire face of the map. Imagine having that kind of tactical gameplay drilled into your head every day for 8-10 hours a day as a developer.
At some point, the lines between the game, the job, and real life must have become blurred. Civ is a virtual abstraction of real life. The healthcare industry is a bureaucratic one, twisted from being a service that cares for people to one that only keeps you alive as long as you can pay.
The goal in every video game is to kill the boss. The sad fallacy of this approach to political action is that there's always another boss waiting in line to take his place, and the machinery of evil barely blinks an eye at the average murderous vigilante. If Luigi hadn't have been caught, and just disappeared into the night, we wouldn't be talking about him now - the murder would have faded from our awareness with the news cycle's constant obsession over Trump.
Instead, the police did the worst thing they could have done.
They caught him.
And this meant that the faceless masked murderer became a cute rich Italian guy who had a fire in his eyes and the name of one of the most beloved video game characters of all time. By dragging him out in chains in a performative perp-walk, the cops were demonstrating their loyalty to the oligarchy who run the country (and the Healthcare chuds are a big part of that machine), and at the same time, managed to make him into a living martyr.
Because everyone, everywhere, who has ever played a Super Mario Brothers game in their life, has been Luigi at one time or another.
Now there's no chance at even a semblance of a fair trial, and they've guaranteed that the mere mention of his name will draw eyeballs and has the potential to start a riot, or inspire more gunmen.
All because of video games....
Guess they weren't a waste of time after all, Mom....
Cute theory but Luigi wasn't the shooter
Yeah, he was having some beers with me in Baltimore when it happened!
if he were and americans werent completely self obsessed and convinced that their shit way of running a country is functional, Luigi would be free under 2nd amendment protection. As healthcare should be provided by the state and at an affordable cost. And it is in every country that isn't shit and in many countries that are shit.
He's the nicest guy around.
That's for the state to prove and so far they have showed that they are got a lot of propaganda but it is not very convincing
they also botched his arrest.
I get him now. Using Jira has made me want to kill people too.
Jira is absolute trash. Scrumlords, and their 4 days of actual work per year, should spend their large amount of free time making software that isn't garbage.
I've used Jira for a very long time and I've never had the utter hate for it that so many people seem to have... are you a PM or a Dev?
For me it's just create story, add title/description, add any labels or components and then it just works.
Someone else set up all the workflows for us though, I just do dev with it.
Mileage may vary:
I'm a dev, I'd say it's a combination of it being bloated enterprise software with the usability issues that come with that, plus the project management processes that it breeds.
Yes but Lua is like veggie soup for the soul :)
Bro was fixing civ before he decided to try to fix civ manually 😛
Bruh 🤣
I thought this was The Onion
Elon Musk the fat roller pays people to get him high scores in games for clout.
Luigi Mangioni fixes 25% of ~~all ~~ UI bugs in Civilization 6.
The difference couldn’t be clearer.
25% of UI bugs
He has that results-oriented mindset
Man knows how to remove a bug
No need to remove, just appoint the intern as scrum master and have them close bugs wontfix.
He meant he removed a bug when he killed that insurance guy asshole.
Saving Civilization, one bug at a time.
Reality is just taking the piss now isn't it.
No one fixes bugs and problems like Luigi 🤭
A troubleshooter, some would say.
How does he jus keep getting better and more lovable?! He's basically Nouveaux Jesus at this point
They need to keep gamers, women, healthcare users and people without an innate sense of justice out of that jury to secure conviction.
they will be looking for Boomers,r etirees, rich people. more than likely they will choose pushovers more than anything.
This was one of my favorite fun facts about the guy, especially since I've got family in the industry. Bros relatable.
Truly a savior to us all
Well now I might actually buy 6
its good.
Truly a God among men
His colleagues say he was a talented coder
Okay now that's funny 🤣
But Civ5 already had universal healtcare.
So, Firaxis offer shitty medical cover?
He was an intern at Firaxis during college. He spent the past four years working for Truecar.
Well, put their name on the map
is it actually the same guy or same name?
Well, the post includes a link to the Newsweek article. So, it's him.