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Epic Games is suing Samsung (and Google) for making it harder to sideload Android apps
  • I'm not saying they shouldn't face consequences, I'm saying we shouldn't view it as a dirty trick.

  • The massive U.S. port strike has begun
  • Same way Trump showed pictures of unrest during 2020 and called it Biden's America lol.

  • Elon Musk’s X is now worth less than a quarter of its $44 billion purchase price
  • My point is that if someone offers you a good price for what you believe you have have, you take it. If they thought it was good and they got a good price for it they'd take it. If they thought it was bad and they got a good price for it they'd take it.

  • Epic Games is suing Samsung (and Google) for making it harder to sideload Android apps
  • Specifically because Apple is engaging in anti competitive and anti consumer practices (your words) I have a very difficult time seeing this action as "dirty." Companies will do what companies do and pursue money, but if their pursuit of money coincidentally happens to fight for consumer rights then I don't think we should say it's dirty.

    Sort of like "if you don't have your own, store bought is fine" lol

  • why would you put it in stuffing
  • BOOOOO! Raisins are valid (at times)!

  • Modern wonders exist
  • This video features more information about this building (but it is not the main topic).

  • How do our brains process reality? I heard our eyes were just low-res cameras and our brains were doing all the heavy lifting in 'rendering' reality.
  • Apart from the philosophical aspect which is unanswerable, I feel certain we see equivalent colors. This is an interesting article about it. Scientists found what the three primary colors our eyes see are. Because of the overlap in cone activation they're actually imaginary colors that don't exist.

  • Man amputates penis with an axe after consuming psilocybin mushrooms
  • That's exactly why it's not as interesting of a story though.

  • Man amputates penis with an axe after consuming psilocybin mushrooms
  • Thought you meant the penile amputation lol.

  • Man amputates penis with an axe after consuming psilocybin mushrooms
  • I'm incredibly impressed at the recovery. While it sucks to lose length and have the urethra open in an odd location they saved the glans. Hopefully some feeling is still there.

  • Epic Games is suing Samsung (and Google) for making it harder to sideload Android apps
  • They agreed to a contract, they didn't like it, so they chose to break it.

    What was the contract?

  • Epic Games is suing Samsung (and Google) for making it harder to sideload Android apps
  • Stop, I've got insomnia and don't wanna get too excited 🤤

  • What's an artist / band that you used to dislike, but now enjoy?
  • Even Flow is such a banger. It's my go to karaoke song. Never fails to get a huge response from the crowd.

  • why would you put it in stuffing
  • Thank you for mentioning unexpected. Oatmeal raisin cookies are good, but when you're expecting a chocolate chip the raisin surprise is disgusting.

  • Minecraft is getting a real creepy new biome and mob, plus item bundles
  • I genuinely have no interest in killing the dragon. There's too many boring steps. When I play I'm usually playing modded though.

  • Minecraft is getting a real creepy new biome and mob, plus item bundles
  • Better to have a useless item than have to require some weird hyper specific item to get something useful.

  • Elon Musk’s X is now worth less than a quarter of its $44 billion purchase price
  • If the price offered is actually a good price then I think they might have some obligation to shareholders to pursue it. (Many of the people making that decision likely also being shareholders.) Like if someone offered you more than what your stuff is worth but tried to changed their mind, wouldn't you pursue that? I don't think that's any sort of indicator that they thought it was a sinking ship. It's just in their best interest to take a good deal when they get one.

  • Creepy crawlies keep the annoying fly...ies away!


    Two different webs very close together. I like to imagine they'd chat about their days of they could!

    I got a replica Nalathni Dragon from Dragon Con Swag and Seek!


    For the unaware, there is a thing people do at Dragon Con (and possibly other conventions) called Swag and Seek where people make trinkets and leave them around the convention for people to take. This is probably the coolest one I found this year.

    Make IntelliJ IDEA warn for potential NullPointerExceptions during unboxing without assuming everything is @Nullable? Page not found

    Stack Overflow | The World’s Largest Online Community for Developers

    Page not found

    Link to a (frustratingly) deleted question on Stack Overflow. Text and image copied below incase you don't have the ability to see it. (Not sure why the image shows multiple times.)


    Is there any way to more granularly control IntelliJ IDEA's inspections' "Nullability and data flow problems" option "Treat non-annotated members and parameters as @Nullable"? Preferably for unboxing specifically?

    I am aware I can use a variety of @Nullable annotations in a variety of places in the code to make the warnings appear. That's not always an option as the place the boxed primitives are coming from may be other libraries you don't have control over. (Imagine if the Holder record below was from a different project.) I included other examples below to illustrate my point.

    public class Sample {

    private final Boolean value;

    public Sample(Boolean value) { this.value = value; }

    private boolean isValue() { return value; // I would like a warning here }

    private static Boolean boxedTrue() { return true; }

    private static boolean unboxedTrue() { return boxedTrue(); // No warning here, but that's understandable since never null }

    private static Boolean boxedNull() { return null; }

    private static boolean unboxedNull() { return boxedNull(); // Only warning in the file (by default) // "Unboxing of 'boxedNull()' may produce 'NullPointerException' }

    public record Holder(Boolean value) {}

    public boolean openHolder(Holder holder) { return holder.value(); // I would like a warning here } }

    When "Treat non-annotated members and parameters as @Nullable" is enabled, the following gives warnings. While that makes sense given the name of the option, there is code like this literally everywhere. It adds hundreds of warnings to my project. I'm trying to find more granular choices.

    public static ZonedDateTime timeStuff(LocalDateTime localDateTime, ZoneId zoneId) { return localDateTime.atZone(zoneId); // I do not want warnings for this }

    I see that the Java Class Library has JetBrains annotations despite not actually being annotated. Is there perhaps some way to add these automatically to libraries if there is no better way to control the inspection?

    !Showing @NotNull and @Contract annotations on LocalDateTime.atZone(ZoneId)


    If you'd told me five years ago that there would be a Barbie movie that somehow was not only just not a cash grab or nostalgia bait but also a genuinely amazing piece of cinema with an amazing message to boot I'd never believe you.

    Good guides for the security you need to set up for self hosting?

    Opening your router to the Internet is risky. Are there any guides for the basics to keep things secure? Things like setting up fail2ban? My concern is that I'll forget something obvious.

    Edit: I haven't had much of a chance to read through everything yet, but I really appreciate all these long, detailed responses. ❤️ Thanks folks!

    jtnimoy - Tron Legacy

    This part of this blog post has always made me happy and I come back it from time to time. This is regarding the scene in Tron Legacy when one of the characters stops another from hacking. If you'd like to see the scene for context here it is. The time code is when the particular portion is.

    > In addition to visual effects, I was asked to record myself using a unix terminal doing technologically feasible things. I took extra care in babysitting the elements through to final composite to ensure that the content would not be artistically altered beyond that feasibility. I take representing digital culture in film very seriously in lieu of having grown up in a world of very badly researched user interface greeble. I cringed during the part in Hackers (1995) when a screen saver with extruded "equations" is used to signify that the hacker has reached some sort of neural flow or ambiguous destination. I cringed for Swordfish and Jurassic Park as well. I cheered when Trinity in The Matrix used nmap and ssh (and so did you). Then I cringed again when I saw that inevitably, Hollywood had decided that nmap was the thing to use for all its hacker scenes (see Bourne Ultimatum, Die Hard 4, Girl with Dragon Tattoo, The Listening, 13: Game of Death, Battle Royale, Broken Saints, and on and on). In Tron, the hacker was not supposed to be snooping around on a network; he was supposed to kill a process. So we went with posix kill and also had him pipe ps into grep. I also ended up using emacs eshell to make the terminal more l33t. The team was delighted to see my emacs performance -- splitting the editor into nested panes and running different modes. I was tickled that I got emacs into a block buster movie. I actually do use emacs irl, and although I do not subscribe to alt.religion.emacs, I think that's all incredibly relevant to the world of Tron.

    OneDrive deleted my files!

    Literally. I open up my terminal and try to cd Desktop only to be told that no such file exists. I thought for sure everyone this was happening to was just not reading something correctly and were foolish. Nope! It literally began deleting my files.

    > Edit 2: Even once it's done and you have them locally and not "on demand", the Desktop is in ~/OneDrive/Desktop instead of ~/Desktop. See this helpful comment.

    It looks like there might be a way to sort of disable Files on Demand but it looks like it won't let me do it until it's done uploading? I'll post updates.

    Not to be dramatic, but I'm really going through it. My mouse logitech mouse is suddenly chattering really bad and double clicking everything. Also while Steam refuses to let me disable auto updates for all games in any sort of easy way. And DDG seems intent on only showing me results related to launching games without updating (as opposed to merely disabling auto updates until I launch). The chatter fixer I found for my mouse does not work and the other requires some logitech program to even try to use. (The repo doesn't mention the name.) This is awful. When it rains it pours, I guess. Literally can't even high light this text to wrap it in a spoiler. This is fucking stupid.

    Context: My parents have a family plan for Microsoft 365 they added me too and it has 1 TB of storage I can use. I wouldn't have turned it on otherwise.


    Edit: My desktop background has literally vanished and turned solid black.


    Which one???

    Fuck it, .zshrc it is.

    Image transcription:

    Use plain text email

    I've been seeing comments about mailing lists. They usually want plaint text emails like these.

    Learn to use email with git! (Interactive!)

    Someone mentioned they don't know how to use email with git. I remembered this cool website.

    Everything has admin access, a storytime post

    I have no idea how to title this post. Oh well.

    A few years back I worked somewhere that had a large breach. Many practices changed in the wake of it. Developers actually had admin access prior to the change which was very nice. In an effort to restrict access but also let folks do their jobs they deployed some tool that would start all programs that "needed" admin access as an admin. This included cmd for the devs. So every time I opened cmd I had to be careful not to break something since there was no way to launch it without admin access after that change.

    Sun Clock Sun Clock

    A 24-hour clock that shows sunrise, sunset, golden hour, and twilight times for your current location. It also shows the current position and phase of the moon, and its rising and setting times.

    (I did not make this project.)

    I love this website. It helps me visualize time with regards to the sun very well. If I could get my FitBit to display this as a clock face I definitely would. It's such a beautifully simple site.

    I'm sharing it in honor of the solstice today. It's (roughly) solar noon on the east coast. I think I found this site on Reddit prior to the Lemmy Exodus, so I'd like to share it here for everyone to enjoy. Happy solstice. Happy summer (or winter for our friends in the southern hemisphere).

    Also, based on the community info panel I believe this is on topic here, but if there is a better community for "cool site I found" let me know. ❤️☀️

    Case recommendations? Mid/full. Looking for something easy to get in and lift.

    I feel like a case can really make or break a build. Or at least your enjoyment of it. My specs are below, but I sort of picked a case at random. I'm looking for suggestions.

    My current build has served me since 2010 and it's time to upgrade the CPU, Motherboard, and case. Everything that can be replaced easily has been and it's really showing it's age. I mention this because it's likely the case I pick will be used for the next ten years of my life!

    Stuff I care about

    • Ease of opening for cleaning/assembling. Part of why I don't clean my current on as much as I should is how annoying it is to open.
    • Ease of moving. I'm more interested in handles than weight, but I still don't want something stupidly heavy.
    • Size. I'd prefer something a little too big rather than something a little too small. I don't necessarily want a full tower though. As long as I can get in easily and there is some extra room for the next GPU I'll inevitably buy in the next 10 years I'm good.

    Stuff I don't care about

    • Water cooling. I have zero interest in getting custom water cooling. Too much effort for me.
    • Looks. I don't really want some crazy RBG thing, but I also don't specifically need some super minimalist thing either.
    • Price. So, obviously I don't want to waste money, but if I need to splurge a little I'm willing to. Within reason.

    PCPartPicker Part List

    Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- CPU | AMD Ryzen 7 5700X 3.4 GHz 8-Core Processor | $162.00 @ Amazon CPU Cooler | Deepcool AK620 68.99 CFM CPU Cooler | $64.98 @ Amazon Motherboard | MSI MPG B550 GAMING EDGE WIFI ATX AM4 Motherboard | Purchased For $0.00 Memory | Corsair Vengeance LPX 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3600 CL16 Memory | $54.99 @ Amazon Memory | Corsair Vengeance LPX 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3600 CL16 Memory | $54.99 @ Amazon Storage | Samsung 980 Pro 2 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive | $159.99 @ Amazon Storage | Seagate Barracuda Compute 2 TB 3.5" 7200 RPM Internal Hard Drive | $64.98 @ Amazon Video Card | Zotac GAMING Trinity GeForce RTX 3070 Ti 8 GB Video Card | Purchased For $0.00 Case | Corsair 4000D Airflow ATX Mid Tower Case | $104.97 @ Amazon Power Supply | EVGA SuperNOVA 750 G6 750 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply | $133.99 @ Amazon | Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts | | Total | $800.89 | Generated by PCPartPicker 2024-06-14 14:57 EDT-0400 |

    SD Card fails to format using official SD Card format tool on Windows SD Card fails to format using official SD Card format tool on Windows -

    I don’t get a very detailed error message but it fails and tells me to try reinserting it. I’ve tried a few times. It fails at different percentages sometimes. Any thoughts or ways to get a more detailed error message? I have Mac and Linux too.

    Cross post

    SD Card fails to format using official SD Card format tool on Windows

    I don't get a very detailed error message but it fails and tells me to try reinserting it. I've tried a few times. It fails at different percentages sometimes. Any thoughts or ways to get a more detailed error message? I have Mac and Linux too.

    If you fail to pull Gale through the portal, can you recruit him later?

    I failed the strength check despite being a paladin and using inspiration. I never saw him again even after getting through nearly all of act 2. I've asked this before, maybe even in this community, but no one gave a concrete answer, likely because the game was still new.

    CassetteFuturism JackbyDev
    Recreating Jeopardy!, Family Feud, and More

    Not really Cassette Futurism (or Vaporwave) but I think folks here might like it still.

    cross-posted from:

    > Not really Vaporwave, but not too sure where it fits. These styles inspired a lot of Vaporwave things so I thought you might enjoy.

    How can I find more literal translations of Spanish words and phrases?

    I used to be confused why "mi nombre es" and "me llamo" seemed to both mean "my name is". I read that "me llamo" really means "I am called" but I guess culturally they use "me llamo" in the same way we use "my name is" even though "mi nombre es" is a more literal translation.

    I'm asking because there are a lot of phrases I'm learning that I know how to use but am still confused. If I knew the actual literal translation I would feel more comfortable. Things like "my brother likes basketball" being "A mi hermano le gusta el baloncesto" are confusing. The use of el doesn't confuse me, that's just how it is and I can see past it, we just don't say "I like the basketball" in English. But what is the point of "a" at the start? To? To what? To my brother? I sort of understand le. I'm not sure when to use it, I'm developing an intuitive understanding of when to use me/te/le/nos as opposed to yo/tú/él/ella/nosotros but it's still tricky.

    So I'm wondering where I can find actually literal translations of these phrases. So many sites seem to use the phrase to mean "translation" (or maybe I'm misunderstanding the term literal translation but I'd think it is as one to one as possible).

    JackbyDev JackbyDev

    Professional developer and amateur gardener located near Atlanta, GA in the USA.

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