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Happy 9/11 to all who celebrate 🥰
  • Nor should anyone forget how many deaths are enabled daily by the weapons Amerikkka supplies to Israhell

    Nor should anyone forget the famous line from "Chapo Guide to Revolution" (paraphrasing from memory):

    How much better off would the world have been if our response to 9/11 was to do absolutely nothing?

  • When asked if you are Marxist - Che Guevara
  • I never say I'm a Marxist, but rather that I study Marx and generally like what I've read, because I'm also not sure at what point one becomes a Marxist. Do you ace your Marxism exams to become a Marxist? Now I want to know where I can take Marxism exams.

    Now if you ask me a question purely of beliefs like, "are you a communist", I'd say no, but only because it's usually assholes like Congress that ask that question and you should always lie to Congress.

  • Why wasn't this done 😢
  • i love saying that germany should have been turned into israel, but ultimately ethnostates shouldn’t exist.

    While this is true, I can also understand why Jews after WW2 might think "Maybe what we need is our own state with its own military."

    That being said, my limited understanding was that South Germany voted strongly against the Nazis, so a new Israel should have been carved out of Northern Germany, connecting from the Netherlands to Poland, the 2 countries with the highest concentrations of Jews in pre-WW2 Europe. This would have opened things up logistically, culturally, and diplomatically for Jews who wanted to return to places they had been removed from due to the Nazis. Making Germans dependent on this new Israel for access to the sea might also have taught them a valuable lesson in humility.

  • Would the US be better off under a parliamentary system?
  • Well, it's people might be better off under pretty much any parliamentary system but each parliamentary system has its benefits and detriments. No system is really immune though because of ruling classes and culture.

    If you want to see what it might have looked like if the USA had been parliamentary all along, Canada might be the best example. Multiple parties, but first past the post, so in any given region it's typically one of two entrenched parties unless people get really pissed. Also, lots of horrendous abuses of First Nations people so not a whole lot better.

    Proportional voting parliamentary systems tend towards giving the people what they want most, but their efficacy tends to be based largely on what people want. Consider Israel where the Knesset is proportional: It's permitting a genocide. Simultaneously Germany uses a similar system. Not permitting a genocide but rather enabling one and suppressing the voices of those against enabling a genocide.

  • "Zionism is not Judaism" is a new release infographic made by my team. It addresses the differences between Zionism and Judaism.
  • Or you think it should be a democratically run secular state where people from any ethnicity or religion can live in equality.

    The reason it hasn't been is because Israel doesn't want a one state solution because they would have lost most of their power over the Knesset. Many people would have been fine with this result before the genocide, it's unclear how much the numbers have changed since.

  • "What is it with all these leftists who won't vote for Biden? If they could just stomach a little genocide then Biden would beat the orange fascist! But noooooooo, they won't even tolerate a little!"

    You know what thread I'm talking about.

    Edit: Sorry, I saw so many fellow bears there that I assumed everyone knew about it. Since there's been a few requests, here's the link.

    All these Palestinians who have died in full view of cameras and reporters are dying very anti-semitically.

    If they want to stop being such anti-semites, they will have to die in private where no one can see them, and not leave a body for cameras and reporters to see. Especially the children: they're the worst anti-semites by far.

    I’m sure that western media will handle this news in a completely rational, reasonable, and non-inflammatory way.

    I’m sure that western media will handle this news in a completely rational, reasonable, and non-inflammatory way.

    Does any music genre have a disproportionally high number of highly educated artists?

    Was reading about The Offspring due to this post here:

    As I read their Wikipedia page I noticed that Dexter Holland (lead singer) has a PhD in Molecular Biology. Then I remembered that Greg Gaffin (lead singer) of Bad Religion has a PhD in Zoology.

    Is this a trend in Punk Rock or am I noticing a freak coincidence? If not punk rock, is there any genre that stands out in its number of highly educated artists?

    Rick and Morty OprahsedCreature
    Who's the most compelling non-main character on the show to you?

    For me it's Planetina. While the whole episode was as chaotic as any episode, I felt that her arc through the episode was extremely deep for such a brief appearance, rife with symbolism and philosophy.

    I feel like /c/memes has taught us a valuable lesson today: Would it make sense to develop a feature to block a comm from our feed for a selectable unit of time (1 hour, 1 day, etc.)?

    Even if we're subscribed to them? Could a temp block exist in conjunction with a subscription? I love c/memes but holy shit no matter which sort I select by they've managed to overwhelm my feed.

    Hey Lemmy, what are your favorite ear worms?

    Wikipedia for reference:

    Hey Lemmy, what are some good public domain books?

    I tend to like the volunteer-read audiobooks on librivox and recently was curious about their Sherlock Holmes books (never read or listened to before), but I'm wondering what else is out there and popular in the community.

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