What redditisms do you hope don't come to lemmy?
What redditisms do you hope don't come to lemmy?
What redditisms do you hope don't come to lemmy?
Constant reposts and lack of any critical thinking or engagement. It is insane to think that every post I have put on here so far, I am new, has had more interaction that the gigantic 'active' user base of Reddit.
US defaultism, eurocentrism, assuming everyone is male. But I think they are already here.
What you on about, brother? Isn't this a place on the internet, here thanks to god's favourite country ? Clearly everyone can relate to the quintessential USA-ian experience!
And what's that about Eurocentrism, look at a map, Europe is dead center! Asia is to the east and Americas to the west... Relative to Europe!
Oh and here's a massive /S, just in case...
I was today years old when i was reminded again of this godawful expression.
I could do without all the fascism.
complaining about a hivemind
“My dad spent 10 years molesting me, my mom said to invite him to my wedding, AITA for saying no?”
Suppression of discussion through mega/weekly/monthly threads.
Post requirements that result in posting anything nearly impossible.
Fucking stupid rules for mods to abuse with their dork ass internet powarz.
Clear corporate astroturfing.
Just one. JUST. ONE.
Communities almost wholly moderated by an automod bot, that is extremely strict about nonsense, and where 99% of posts are strictly forbidden.
"ALL QUESTIONS SHOULD BE IN THE MEGATHREAD!!!!!!!!1111111111one" and then you peep the megathread, it's months-full of unanswered questions because no actual community member READS the fucking megathread, and then the excuse is "BECAUZ WE WANT QUALITY CONTENT!!!!!!" and you check the sub itself and the "quality content" is one post every 3 months by the powermod that has the power to override the bot.
This was the most annoying thing about Reddit and made getting conversations going nearly impossible. PLEASE do not bring that over.
I found one subreddit that had no active mods, and a bot that admittedly did a pretty good job, but the subreddit was totally dead as a result.
Those god awful ads that disguise themselves as posts.
The constant chasing of low hanging fruit. Doesn’t matter if it’s seeking the upvotes for a cheap quip on a serious subject or reposting the same old shit trying to get upvotes.
Reposts. We don’t need a constant churn of popularity seekers.
The hive mind. Really bad in big subs on reddit. Probably inevitable in any large online group, but reddit can be unreasonably bad.
Random persons(bots) writing their story of their life in comments. Karma farming, which leads to nothing but trying to show off or push propaganda.
I've noticed a lack of "thathappened" type of stories. Either people here value their privacy or don't feel the need to lie to farm nonexistent karma.
Too late. They all already came, minus the centralization issue.
I'm not gonna bomb the place with them, but, occasionally if it fits, I'm throwing it in.
Cheers! 🍻
Karma and comment requirements to participate in communities. Plus how hard it is for your submission to actually be approved.
This one is inevitable but people going through your whole comment history when arguing with you.
Mod impunity, brigading, bots, reposts, repost bots, banning of 3rd-party apps, abuse of suicide prevention system by bad actors. Aside from the forum-specific culture, the site's frequent failure to upload/post comments, which sometimes resulted in 100% loss of more detailed responses, was incredibly disappointing (I'm still Ctr-C'ing all comments everywhere as a force of habit to guarantee it won't happen 5+ times/day).
Bad mods
Too late, but at least alternatives pop up more quickly here. I'm not going near any of the 196 coms, but it's a good example of how little power bad mods here have.
Charging developers for API access after they go out of their way to make products that greatly improve the experience.
Every single comment thread on anything that reaches r/all quickly devolving into the most unfunny and unoriginal jokes and/or references. Regardless of how grim/serious the original post was.
Especially egregious: someone quotes a Simpsons/South Park/whatever episode and the next 20 comments are people quoting the rest of the episode
We get it. You watched a hugely popular TV show. So did everybody. That's why it was hugely popular.
And my axe!
I dunno I kinda liked that. Something something broken arms
ngl I kinda liked that to some degree
“Leopard-face” replies masquerading as a substantive comment that adds something to the discussion.
It’s really no better than: “This”
Novelty/troll accounts. I've seen a lot of them pop up on Reddit over the years. The most infamous one I remember was one called Gradual_ (yes, the n-word) that would type out ordinary replies that would gradually switch to ebonics.
I really enjoyed the art accounts and shittymorph.
A lot of the original ones for year ago were pretty good like shitty watercolour
I actually enjoyed some of those accounts, but for sure some of them were annoying.
I recall that from many years ago. Some of the wayward white American culture on that site is definitely off putting. That user was generally received well which says a lot about the soul of a community (or if it even has one).
Outrageous and inflammatory comments just to karma farm if that's even a thing here.
fucking cake days
Thats already here.
edit: don't know why I was downvoted, its literally a lemmy feature.
They are, I wish them sometimes when I know the person. It's quite nice
All the tired puns or jokes about Nazis/Hitler. "Anne Frankly, I did Nazi that coming!" "You gotta hand it to Hitler, at least he killed Hitler." Etc.
It's the kind of thing you might chuckle at once, but so many comment threads end up piled with the same brain rot nonsense as people trip over themselves to parrot their quirky internet catchphrases.
Any kind of automated moderation. If you can't do the job you volunteered to do, don't volunteer. If you need more hands and eyes, recruit more mods.
Already answered similar thread to this one 2 yrs ago , but threadiverse changed somewhat since then . Had different answers some of them already made their way here since , so gave different answers this time
Karma was a thing in early Lemmy but it was removed by popular demand. I can't see them ever adding it back.
I dunno I've met guys as douchey as frosting guy
Crappy bots with no real utility replying to random comments
Counter argument:
I loved the spammy bots in LOTR memes & Prequelmemes comms
Being a jerk and the hive mind
The hive mind might already be here, depending on who you ask. I was already left/progressive, though, so it just feels like hanging out with like-minded people.
Jerks I can do without, but they’re unavoidable. Simply not engaging with them seems to work best.
I feel like to a point it might be, but to a point in today's age and internet - everything is an echo chamber so it's turned into a "pick ypur poison" kind of thing.
That being said, open discourse and actual conversation seems more prevalent and easier to come by here then on reddit which is very nice.
I'm not a fan of 'starter packs'
They've been common on Lemmy since i started here at least.
As in, the memes? Fair enough.
Eh, I like them, but once we get more memes going I could see them being relegated to their own community
Not against them as concept , but lotsa ones I see on r/starterpacks thinly veiled fatphobia
All that wholesome keanu chungus shit, wholesome 100.
Dubious and disagree downvotes. But that's always been here already. That became pretty clear to me pretty fast.
disagree downvotes
What do you expect people use downvotes for then?
Content curation.
I upvote or leave neutral opinions and arguments I disagree with if they're well argued or otherwise contribute to discussion and strengthen respectful discourse.
I don't know how you feel when your posts get sum-negative scores, but it makes me feel rejected and makes me not want to participate. I receive it as a social indicator. I see it as something that leads us towards echo chambers.
Buncha reddit cringe like:
"The narwhal bacons at midnight" "Owling"
I cannot abide that shit.
What was the whole narwhal thing?
It's a code phrase to identify other Redditors in real life. If you ask someone, "When does the narwhal bacon?" they answer, "At midnight." Then you both know you are part of the cool secret Reddit club.
It started in this thread. A user was bored at an airport and tried to identify other traveling Reddit users for fun.
"whyyyy are you sorting by new???????
Ironic, considering people sorting by new are almost neccessary for voting to work.
Interesting I just assumed bots and grifters determine what gets voted to the top.
42069 was never funny and never will be for those of us aged 16 or older.
Okay Buzz Killington.
true, 69420 is way better
Is that a reddit-ism? Isn't it more just pop culture that exists equally both on and off of Reddit?