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What song you can't believe you were singing as a kid and nobody stopped you?
  • I had no idea what 'OPP' stood for as a kid, which is funny, because it's right in the lyrics, but I was too young to understand what that meant. So I, too, would just belt that song out whenever it came on. Nobody stopped me, either.

  • Team Fortress 2 petition calls for microtransaction boycott to put pressure on Valve
  • The problem with cosmetic microtransactions is that it gives the creators a monetary incentive to make sure nothing you can earn in the game is as appealing as the microtransaction items, or that their availability (in cases where you can earn the same items in-game) are low enough that you'll never reasonably earn what you want.

    You can say 'Cosmetics don't matter!' but the astronomical sales of cosmetic items pretty much proves that to the majority of players, that is not the case.

    They also often intentionally create game mechanics specifically to ensure that players who aren't paying see the better-looking players who did pay.

  • 'I'm not leaving': Biden expands effort to tamp down calls to step aside
  • We saw this recently with Ruth Bater Ginsberg, too, unfortunately - she could have chosen to step down when Obama was president and secured a democrat nominee in the SCOTUS for 50+ years, but she didn't, and now look where we are.

  • Prosecutor won't oppose Trump sentencing delay in hush money case after high court immunity ruling
  • no special benefits or privileges based on him being [...] wealthy

    That's unfortunately simply not the world we live in.

  • Prosecutor won't oppose Trump sentencing delay in hush money case after high court immunity ruling
  • I mean, to play devil's advocate, it's their job. He's their client, they're supposed to work in their client's best interest, and as long as they're not breaking any laws to do it, they're doing what they're being paid to do.

    I think it more comes down to the judge needing to put a stop to the bad-faith arguments; if the judge is accepting them, why wouldn't they keep making them?

  • Manhattan Prosecutors Agree to Delay Trump's Sentencing
  • This is the stupidest timeline. I hope in 30-50 years' time, this is all explained in history textbooks as the catalyst for why the entire system was re-written from the ground up to root out and prevent corruption and cronyism, but I'm not holding my breath.

  • A teen tech whiz nicknamed 'God's influencer' will become the first millennial saint
  • They call him a "tech whiz" and "computer genius", but what did he do to earn that designation, really? He made websites? Is the bar really that low?

  • gleeks rule
  • I love how even in your dream, the third party candidate is still a senior citizen. Couldn't break too far from reality.

  • Estoy muerdo inseido
  • my owl language.

    Is 'my owl language' the language you're learning using Duolingo? Or is it a typo and you meant 'my own language'? It's interesting because normally I'd assume the latter, but in the context of this thread, the former makes some weird sense.

  • Steam Deck Users Account for 10% Of All Players Using Steam Input
  • It's 10% of users using Steam Input, not all steam users.

    Valve mentioned that daily controller use has jumped to 15% from around 5% since 2018, and that around 42% of these sessions use Steam Input.

  • Alkahest on Steam
  • Did you play Dark Messiah of Might and Magic? This looks very reminiscent of that; the trailer looked very similar in style, lots of focus on the first-person animations, physics manipulation (e.g. kicking enemies off cliffs), the same sort of combat style.

    It played more or less exactly like it looked, and for its time, it was fantastic - truly innovative and fresh feeling. With that in mind, I really hope that's what they're using as inspiration here, and that they capture that same game feel.

  • Removed
    Isn't defederating with lemmygrad being as censorship as USSR is accused of ?(NO SIDE TAKEN, READ BEFORE COMMENTING)
  • I mentioned democratic decision-making around defederation but it’s likely other changes will be needed as well.

    Be the change you want to see in the world. You don't have to code in an integrated solution; all you'd have to do is set up an online poll, listing all of the other instances up for consideration (such a list can be pretty easily obtained - for example from ), run a new poll on regular intervals, say, every 2 months, and let anyone who is interested vote. Then, you update the defederation list based on the results of the poll.

    However, I think you'll quickly run into the other problems I outlined which, unfortunately, can't really be changed. You could require everyone who's participating in the voting to also be contributing time or money to run the server, except that then you're operating a plutocracy, not a democracy, so most likely, you'll need to be giving up your time and money to make your desired server administration a reality.

  • Kyle Rittenhouse's family plead for money as they face eviction
  • Not trying to dredge this all up again or restart this conversation, but I thought you might like to know... I went and watched some of the videos and read some of the accounts you've referenced (none of which I'd seen previously), and I can safely say that you've at least in part changed my view on this insofar as it applies to his intentions that day. Thanks for taking the time to discuss it.

  • Removed
    Isn't defederating with lemmygrad being as censorship as USSR is accused of ?(NO SIDE TAKEN, READ BEFORE COMMENTING)
  • I’m not sure why you’re giving a history lesson when I already acknowledged that point in the comment you are replying to.

    It's because, despite claiming to have acknowledged the problem, you're still making such an incredible false equivalency - comparing joining a new Lemmy instance to moving out of an authoritarian country - that you either completely misunderstand what you're talking about, or you're arguing in bad faith.

    Sure, I theoretically could create my own instance, but then I would have the same problem as current instance admins, even those who are sympathetic to these ideas, as I suspect and my own are. That there is no structure within Lemmy to enable collective decisions to be made or executed, and I would need to build them from scratch.

    You'd have full control over your instance, and could, if you built up a community, use any online voting method you wanted - of which there are plenty - to poll your userbase and gather their opinions.

    However, ultimately, you'd be the one paying for the instance, and doing the work to set it up and keep it updated and running. What would you do if you attracted a userbase that had views that were completely counter to your own? What if you attracted the alt-right crowd, and what got voted into place was all hate-speech, nazi rhetoric, and intolerance? (I assume you disagree with these things...) Would you continue paying for and hosting the instance, just because that's what was democratically decided, even though it's no longer an instance that you want to participate in? Could anyone really fault you for not wanting to do that?

    A better method might be for you to make clear your own opinions - either via a post explaining them, or via a pre-defined federation / defederation plan - and let people join your instance who agreed with those decisions. Which, incidentally, is how most instances currently operate.

  • Removed
    Isn't defederating with lemmygrad being as censorship as USSR is accused of ?(NO SIDE TAKEN, READ BEFORE COMMENTING)
  • One could also simply move to another country if desired.

    That's nowhere near as easy for the majority of people - especially those in authoritarian countries - as you're making it out to be.

    North Korean defectors are North Korean people who left North Korea to become citizens in a new country. In North Korea, it is against the law to leave North Korea without permission. North Koreans are also not allowed to change their own citizenship, so anyone born a North Korean must also die a North Korean. The punishment for leaving North Korea without permission is extremely harsh. People who are caught are usually sent a prison camp or put to death in public. Like many other crimes in North Korea, illegally leaving the country may not only punish the accused, but also his or her family up to three generations.

    The fact that there I can choose which authoritarian system I want to be under means little when they are all quite similar. I don’t know of any instances that have such democratic governance. They are all run by their admins as they see fit. It would be like choosing if I want to live in North Korea or Nazi Germany. Sure, they might be different in some ways, but I don’t have a real voice in decisions either way.

    Anyone can start an instance. Make your own, and federate with whomever you want. Nobody's stopping you.

  • Removed
    Isn't defederating with lemmygrad being as censorship as USSR is accused of ?(NO SIDE TAKEN, READ BEFORE COMMENTING)
  • So, you are right that admins imposing defederation unilaterally is an authoritarian action in line with things the North Korea or other repressive governments have done, though obviously far less severe due to the lack of violent enforcement behind it.

    What? It's nothing like that at all. Your instance isn't a country; you aren't stuck there. You can go wherever you want. You can read content on multiple instances.

    It's more akin to CNN deciding not to run a story that Newsmax is covering. You can have more than one source for your news.

    I think you have a point here, although I think the issue is less with defederation itself, which is an important tool to manage conflict between instances, but rather with the lack of democratic governance in instances themselves.

    Instances are run by individuals, who in turn have the power to run those instances as they see fit. If you dislike how a particular instance is being run, move to a different one, it's as simple as that.

  • Removed
    Isn't defederating with lemmygrad being as censorship as USSR is accused of ?(NO SIDE TAKEN, READ BEFORE COMMENTING)
  • Nobody's being censored. Anyone can go to lemmygrad and read their content. They're not even being deplatformed - nobody's preventing them from posting anything their instance allows on that instance. It's closer to curation than censorship... instances are free to curate the content they host. If you don't like the curation of a given instance, just move to a different one.

  • Removed
    What's the best possible justification for vandalizing a library?
  • Alternately, maybe it's the case that doing something bad to bring attention to another bad thing isn't okay just because the thing you're trying to bring attention to is worse.

    I actually support the protests where they're throwing soup on paintings or whatever. Those paintings don't really matter, but some people sure think they do, and it's effective to get a dialog going. Libraries are a public good, one of the few we really have left. It's like ransacking a food bank to draw attention to starving people in Gaza; it's not helping the cause they ostensibly care about, but it is hurting others.

  • Removed
    What's the best possible justification for vandalizing a library?
  • I'm responding to your implication that actions in protest that get people talking about the issue are inherently valuable and worth taking. To make the point that that is not the case, I am using an extreme example to demonstrate a scenario where your statement is (I hope) objectively false.

    I think I clearly stated my counter-point, which is that just because we're talking about it doesn't mean it is an effective or worthwhile form of protest to be engaged in.

    I'm not really sure where you're confused here.

  • Furry Technologists KoboldCoterie
    'Gay furry hackers' claim second NATO cyber-break-in 'Gay furry hackers' claim second NATO cyber-break-in

    'No impact on missions,' military powerhouse insists

    'Gay furry hackers' claim second NATO cyber-break-in

    > The hacktivists, which describe themselves as made up of "gay furry hackers," usually target government orgs whose policies they disagrees with, and have a flare for political publicity stunts, also posted a link to the purported stolen files on their Telegram channel.

    >"The astonishing siegedsec hackers have struck NATO once more!!1!!!," the crew wrote, bragging: "NATO: 0. Siegedsec: 2."

    > The team is referring to its earlier NATO intrusion in July, during which it claimed it swiped information belonging to 31 nations and leaked 845MB of data from the alliance's the Communities of Interest (COI) Cooperation Portal.

    Degrading performance, especially over the last few days

    Performance on Pawb.Social specifically has been degrading significantly; it often times takes a very long time (10+ seconds) to load a post, for example, with a noticeable number of time-outs occurring. Opening the same post via its home instance in these cases typically works much faster, leading me to believe the problem is here, not with the host instance.

    This is the case even with local communities.

    Hoping to hear from other folks - are you also experiencing this? Is it a temporary issue, or indicative of a growing server-side problem?

    Server donation link?

    There was discussion on the lemmy fork thread about replacing the default 'Donate' link with a server-specific one, but given that's not available yet, is there somewhere we can contribute funds towards hosting costs?

    Really, maybe such a link should be on the sidebar, at least - if there is one somewhere already, I wasn't able to find it, and as such I suspect other folks who would potentially be looking for one wouldn't find it, either.

    ELI5: How are unexploded cluster munitions not a solved problem?

    I really don't have a lot of background on cluster munitions; it only really came into my perception in response to the controversy over the US providing them to Ukraine. As I understand it, the controversy is because they often don't all explode reliably, and unexploded munitions can then explode months or years later when civilians are occupying the territory, making it similar to the problems caused by landmines.

    In an age where things like location trackers, radio transmitters, and other such local and long-range technology to locate objects are common place, what's stopping the manufacturers of these munitions from simply putting some kind of device to facilitate tracking inside each individual explosive, to assist with detection and safe retrieval after a conflict? I get that nothing is a 100% effective solution, but it seems like it'd solve most of it.

    Can someone with actual knowledge explain why this is still a problem we're having?

    Tell me about your favorite furry media.

    Books, games, movies, youtube channels, podcasts, whatever you've got - I'd love some recommendations for anything tangentially furry-related. There's plenty of cartoons (and I'd be happy to hear about those, too), but in particular, any more adult-focused media would be very welcomed!

    Fursuit Pictures & Creation KoboldCoterie
    Argonian representing for the Nightingales

    Is it a testament to the power of the organization, or the lawlessness of the city that one can wear their regalia in broad daylight unaccosted? It's anyone's guess.

    Per-User Community Groups?

    We can currently filter communities in our feed by 'Subscribed', 'Local' and 'All', but I'd really love a way to add communities to custom groupings, and have additional filter options based on those groupings. For example, a 'News' group that I could add all of the News-related communities to, and be able to click a filter button and see only those... or maybe the use case most people would likely use: creating groups to isolate SFW and NSFW content.

    If there's a way to do this that I'm unaware of, I'd love to hear about it.

    KoboldCoterie KoboldCoterie

    Kobolds with a keyboard.

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