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Ribbons on vents. Why?
  • The only places I've seen that IRL, are stores or commercials. The ribbons help you see how much wind it pushes out, and make it look more desirable.

    I'm guessing we only see it in movies as a hack to help us visualize a breeze.

  • What lessons should have been learned and implemented from the rise of Hitler and the Nazis in their ascension to power to prevent a recurrence of similar actors and ideological campaigns in future?
  • I doubt many MAJOR racists changed their minds at all.

    For the sake of definition, I'm going to say a major racist is someone who actively hates a group and will go out of their way to watch them suffer. A minor racist could be a child of a major racist. They won't go out of their way to make them suffer, but they are suspicious of them and less likely to treat the group with equal respect. They don't have personal reasons for their hate, but they've been raised to accept the group as inferior.

    Minor racists either lean into the racism, or they get out of that circle and expand their perspective.

    Progress is generational. Our kids are generally more accepting than we are. Young adults today are more accepting of LGBT+ than my generation was, just like we were less racist than our parents or grandparents.

    Major racists don't change their mind, they die off. We sadly won't see major change in our lifetime, but as long as we instill our good values to the next generation, and are willing to learn new ones from the younger generation, we'll get there.

  • Why was my post deleted?
  • Your post is the online equivalent of walking into a room and saying:

    "Hey morons! Are any of you smart enough to have a conversation that will make me feel superior to the rest of you bumblefucks? There were a few people at the last place I visited that also enjoyed that kind of conversation, but I doubt any of you could handle it."

  • How long does it take for neurotypical (or just typical) people to get over a minor fight?
  • I'm ADHD, and a fight will ruin my day. I mean it will literally prevent me from accomplishing ANYTHING besides mindless tasks.

    A few hours afterwards I'm often found staring into space reflecting on who said what, what I should say/do if it comes up again, and how it will affect tomorrow or the day after that. For bigger issues, the reflection will gradually reduce over the next few days.

  • Mario Kart
  • That is a great game. They didn't try to shove Mario Kart into a mobile app, they made a mobile game that feels like you're playing Mario kart.

    I haven't played it in forever, but I put quite a few hours into it when I first discovered it.

  • Sovcit catches a clue, other sovcit doesn't understand how debt works.
  • Seven years. If you don't make a payment on an account for seven years, it falls off your credit report.

    Understand that your credit will be shit for those seven years, but if you're in such a bad spot that you can't see any way of getting caught up, your credit score is probably doomed either way.

  • This seems like a troll effort that went too far and became real
  • I'd worry about things they don't understand. If there was a "bleach and ammonia" challenge, I'd be concerned.

    I don't think many kids know what happens when you mix those, and some would die figuring it out.

    It's going to be much more difficult to find a kid that doesn't know that a hammer to the face is a bad idea.

  • This seems like a troll effort that went too far and became real
  • No idea? I was a socially awkward fat kid. I have an idea.

    I can see getting weird piercings and regrettable tattoos, growing a mullet or wearing your pants around your knees to fit in. I understand hiding your true self to blend in, or even bullying others to climb the social ladder.

    As kids, we did some dumb dangerous things, kids always will, but hitting yourself in the face with a hammer with the intention of breaking your own jaw? If you're dumb enough to think that's a good idea and try it, then maybe it's a lesson you need to learn.

  • This seems like a troll effort that went too far and became real
  • Maybe I'm just an old curmudgeon, but I can't feel sorry for anyone dumb enough to try this.

    I have kids, and I'm confident that if I asked my 10 year old about this, even she'd know that it's a terrible idea.

  • Street Fighter Movie Finally Has A Solid Release Date | Retro Dodo
  • also online play has gotten way better(if that even was a thing when you last played)

    Thanks for making me feel old. I haven't played a Street Fighter game since the 1900s, and no, online wasn't a thing.

  • What are everyone's thoughts on the Amazon series?

    My kids and I watched the first two episodes last night, and I'm impressed. It feels like Fallout. I like the characters so far, and they squeeze in enough game references to keep my brain spiking with recognition.

    We set the bar pretty low on video game adaptations, but I feel this one's doing alright so far!

    What does everyone else think? (Let's keep spoilers to a minimum. Most of us probably weren't able to watch the whole thing in one night.)

    My son found this little girl on the streets.

    She is currently heading home with a clean bill of health and about to meet her new siblings!

    If you flip the N in Niagra upside down.. kind of looks like a V.

    Niagara Falls; Viagra Rises.

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