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Biden at peace if he loses to Trump: "As long as I gave it my all"
  • Yes, the campaigning equivalent of a slow shuffle is realistically what "giving his all" means for Biden at this point. The problem is his insistence that this is also better than what anyone else could possibly do.

  • China is building a mammoth 8 GW solar farm
  • No, if it was just a matter of having a well developed economy whose fruits are distributed poorly, then their GDP per capita (literally economic output divided by people) would be high.

    But it's not. It's among the middle-income countries, just below Malaysia. Which seems about right in terms of the quality of life of the average citizen.

  • China is building a mammoth 8 GW solar farm
  • Yes. That means Chinese households actually consume less than this graph indicates. In other words, because China's economy is more manufacturing heavy, this graph makes it look more "developed" than it actually is.

  • China is building a mammoth 8 GW solar farm
  • Their economy is literally less developed. Country size has nothing to do with it; India is on track to surpass Japan's GDP but no one would dispute that it is much less developed than Japan or any other OECD country.

  • Sotomayor Offers a Preview of What Trump Could Do as President
  • why kick that beehive before it's ACTUALLY necessary?

    Because by the time it's actually necessary, you're fucked. Case in point, if Sotomayor had resigned last year, her replacement would have sailed through, and there could be a 40 year old solidly liberal justice in her place, penning equally liberal opinions and poised to continue doing so for decades.

    But she didn't, so if she acts now, her replacement would get caught up in "senate can't nominate in election years for reasons" BS. Big political fight, but one that's winnable since Dems ultimately hold the Senate.

    If she puts it off yet further, she would have to continue for the next 4, possibly 8+ years. And maybe by that time the democrats don't have both the presidency and senate anymore, so her replacement is a less liberal consensus candidate.

    Failing to think strategically is an extremely bad idea when it comes to institutions like the Supreme Court.

  • Sotomayor Offers a Preview of What Trump Could Do as President
  • You haven't put any thought into the situation.

    SC justices are appointed by the president and confirmed by the senate. Both are currently held by the democrats, the latter narrowly. Both are likely to flip next year. Sotomayor is over 70, diabetic, and travels with a medic.

    If she wanted to do the right thing for the causes she believes in, she should have resigned during the past one or two years. Biden would have been able to replace her with a younger, equally liberal justice. But she didn't and probably won't, so if she dies anytime in the next 4 years (or 8 years if the Rs win the presidential election after that) then the court goes 7-2 and will remain conservative-dominated for decades.

  • Sotomayor Offers a Preview of What Trump Could Do as President
  • To look virtuous without contributing anything substantive towards your cause.

    At this point, the one substantive thing Sotomayor can do is resign and make way for an ideologically aligned replacement. And this, she doesn't do.

  • Sotomayor Offers a Preview of What Trump Could Do as President
  • If she's so concerned, she should resign. Let Biden nominate her replacement.

    By staying on, she's basically signalling she doesn't care about the court going 7-2 after she drops dead during Trump's second term. No lessons learned from the RBG fiasco. What's the point of writing these long eloquent dissents that never end up swaying anything?

  • Joe Biden Hits Back at The New York Times After it Tells Him to Drop Out of Race
  • Polling of hypotheticals is notoriously flaky. If a fresh D comes in as nominee, all the "have to beat Trump" talking points will still be there, and all the "this guy has dementia" talking points will be wiped away. It's hard to imagine any other nominee having negatives that could be worse than credible accusations of dementia.

    Edit: except for Harris.

  • Joe Biden Hits Back at The New York Times After it Tells Him to Drop Out of Race
  • According to Biden,

    • Trump is a once in a generation threat to democracy that must be defeated at any cost.
    • He, Biden, an 81 year old guy with even lower approval ratings than Trump, should be the guy who goes up against Trump. Nobody else on the D bench should be allowed to try.

    Great logic.

    Oh by the way, there are no signs that Sotomayor is planning to retire either...

  • France imposes state of emergency in New Caledonia as unrest continues

    Always weird to me how France is so insistent on clinging to its colonial empire, two decades into the 21st century, despite the headaches that causes.

    China is banning dailies, first time bonuses, and other gacha practices used in Genshin. China Implements Strict New Gaming Laws

    China unveils new laws intended to limit certain practices by gaming companies, leading to some big changes in the nation's gaming market.

    China Implements Strict New Gaming Laws
    China is banning dailies, first time bonuses, and other gacha practices found in HSR and Genshin. China Implements Strict New Gaming Laws

    China unveils new laws intended to limit certain practices by gaming companies, leading to some big changes in the nation's gaming market.

    China Implements Strict New Gaming Laws
    China announced new laws to limit microtransactions, affecting major corporations like Tencent. China Implements Strict New Gaming Laws

    China unveils new laws intended to limit certain practices by gaming companies, leading to some big changes in the nation's gaming market.

    China Implements Strict New Gaming Laws

    These laws will ban rewards for spending money within a game for the first time, ban rewards for buying consecutive microtransactions, and ban rewards for daily log-ins.

    Harvard President Claudine Gay to Submit 3 Additional Corrections, Corporation Says Improper Citations Fall Short of Research Misconduct Harvard President Claudine Gay to Submit 3 Additional Corrections, Corporation Says Improper Citations Fall Short of Research Misconduct | News | The Harvard Crimson

    Harvard President Claudine Gay will request three corrections to her 1997 Ph.D. dissertation in the latest series of updates Gay has submitted amid mounting allegations of plagiarism against the University’s embattled leader.

    Harvard President Claudine Gay to Submit 3 Additional Corrections, Corporation Says Improper Citations Fall Short of Research Misconduct | News | The Harvard Crimson
    US thwarted plot to kill Sikh separatist, issued warning to India US thwarted plot to kill Sikh separatist, issued warning to India: Report

    Financial Times report comes two months after Canada alleged Indian agents were linked to another separatist’s murder.

    US thwarted plot to kill Sikh separatist, issued warning to India: Report
    Lore-friendly playstyle/itemization for Shadowheart? (Acts 1 & 2)

    The Shar-worshipping crazy goth chick is a great character concept. Trouble is, the game seems to throw a lot of great light-related cleric spells and equipment at us, and all the alternatives seem to be bad. From an RP point of view, Shadowheart obviously shouldn't be wielding a light-emitting mace, wearing radiance armor, and shooting Faerie Fire and Guiding Bolt all over the place. But I can't find a lore-friendly playstyle that isn't substantially worse in fights.

    Some of the Shar-related equipment, and the Trickery domain subclass perks, seem to point to some sort of melee cleric build exploiting darkness. But the overall effect seems subpar; for starters, clerics can't cast Darkness, so another party member would need to supply that, which is clunky.

    Any suggestions?

    Nature retracts controversial superconductivity paper by embattled physicist Nature retracts controversial superconductivity paper by embattled physicist

    This is the third high-profile retraction for Ranga Dias. Researchers worry the controversy is damaging the field’s reputation.

    Nature retracts controversial superconductivity paper by embattled physicist
    Nature retracts controversial superconductivity paper by embattled physicist Nature retracts controversial superconductivity paper by embattled physicist

    This is the third high-profile retraction for Ranga Dias. Researchers worry the controversy is damaging the field’s reputation.

    Nature retracts controversial superconductivity paper by embattled physicist

    Dias had another Nature paper retracted last year. Nature let him publish this one anyway. Who could possibly have predicted this outcome???

    Did the pope vote in Argentina's election?

    Can he? In general, can/do popes vote in their home countries?

    Why a blockbuster superconductivity claim met a wall of scepticism Why a blockbuster superconductivity claim met a wall of scepticism

    Physicist Ranga Dias and his colleagues have twice claimed to make a room-temperature superconductor. But many researchers question the evidence.

    Why a blockbuster superconductivity claim met a wall of scepticism

    Physicist Ranga Dias and his colleagues have twice claimed to make a room-temperature superconductor. But many researchers question the evidence.

    Why a blockbuster superconductivity claim met a wall of scepticism Why a blockbuster superconductivity claim met a wall of scepticism

    Physicist Ranga Dias and his colleagues have twice claimed to make a room-temperature superconductor. But many researchers question the evidence.

    Why a blockbuster superconductivity claim met a wall of scepticism

    Physicist Ranga Dias and his colleagues have twice claimed to make a room-temperature superconductor. But many researchers question the evidence.

    **Ferromagnetic** half levitation of LK-99-like samples

    In this preprint, the authors synthesize samples based on the claimed room temperature superconductor LK-99, and observe half-levitation similar to that seen in other recent videos, which has been ascribed to the Meissner Effect (a signature of superconductivity).

    However, they performed a careful magnetization measurement and found that the sample is ferromagnetic. They also did a resistance measurement on a larger sample, and found that the majority of the material is a semiconductor. This points to a simpler explanation for the half-levitation phenomenon: it is a consequence of ferromagnetism (+ mechanical effects due to friction and sample shape), rather than the Meissner Effect.

    Unless someone can demonstrate full levitation or better resistivity data for LK-99, this is arguably fatal for the claims of room temperature superconductivity.

    **Ferromagnetic** half levitation of LK-99-like synthetic samples

    In this preprint, the authors synthesize LK-99-like samples, and observe half-levitation similar to that seen in other recent videos. However, they perform a careful magnetization measurement and conclude that the sample is ferromagnetic. They also did a resistance measurement on a larger sample and found that the majority of the material is a semiconductor. This points to the half-levitation effect, which is mostly what got people excited, being a consequence of ferromagnetism (+ mechanical effects due to friction and sample shape), rather than the Meissner Effect.

    Unless someone can demonstrate full levitation or better resistivity data for LK-99, this appears to be fatal for the claims of room temperature superconductivity.

    arXiv preprint on "growth and room temperature ambient-pressure magnetic levitation of LK-99"

    This replication by Huazhong University includes PPMS data, showing a strong signal of a diamagnetism transition at around 320K. It does not include a resistance measurement, however.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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