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Mmmmm doughnuts
  • Okay, that is very cool

  • my fault gang
  • No I am!

  • my fault gang
  • Hey, I’m the admin here, shut up

  • my fault gang
  • Nah, it’s not that bad

  • my fault gang
  • Ur pushing it…

  • Florida prosecutors knew Epstein raped teenage girls 2 years before cutting deal, transcript shows
  • The law of “Jezus, every sane human knows to report that”

  • Report shows that AAA games for iPhone and iPad aren’t exactly a hit with users
  • My Ipad now has a second function as a netflix game “console”.

  • What did people do before smartphones to pass the time when you were bored?
  • Under which rock have you been living, and is there space left for me?

  • Hori Announces Controller Made Specifically for Steam
  • Yea? Isn’t that also just made in china?

  • Hori Announces Controller Made Specifically for Steam
  • Oh yea the joystick touch sensorr is nice, but the ultimates also have gyro I believe.

  • Hori Announces Controller Made Specifically for Steam
  • Mmm… seems rather mediocre. I am personally a big fan of the 8bitdo ultimate line

  • India to mandate USB-C connectors on smartphones and laptops by 2026
  • Yea that's a valid concern. But if a new standard ever get's invented that is clearly better the law can easily be switched. And if it doesn't... USB-C is still more than fine.

  • India to mandate USB-C connectors on smartphones and laptops by 2026
  • Yea but that can be fixed by improving the current standard, not by changing the shape.

  • India to mandate USB-C connectors on smartphones and laptops by 2026
  • Previous connectors had inherent flaws. The USB-C connector is sturdy, is easy to use etc. But even if we had made the micro-usb connector the only legal connector, it wouldn’t have been the end of the world. Existing standards can be improved instead of making new shapes each time.

  • India to mandate USB-C connectors on smartphones and laptops by 2026
  • Why would the form factor of the connector need to be different to improve it?

  • Even Apple finally admits that 8GB RAM isn't enough
  • As far as I understand, the Mac lineup don’t have screens, the IMacs are stationary and do have a screen, the MacBooks are the laptops.

  • 64GB and 512GB Steam Deck LCD models are 15% off until July 11th, 10 AM PDT
  • Probably true, but having a screen protector really doesn’t bother me in any way and can potentially save my phone/steamdeck from my own clumsiness.

  • Venezia from above
  • Oh yea when I try to take a picture it also prompts me for an account. The post above was a photo taken by someone else.

  • Venezia from above
  • Yea, didn’t even need an account.

  • Venezia from above


    Trying to make 3D vector art

    Trying to learn to make 3D vector art, as I really like the look. This one is a remake from:

    I really like how it turned out, am curious if anyone can give me tips to make it look even better (:

    I only want reality breaking stuff


    • First panel "How academics call something boring (by discipline)"

    • Second panel "Philosopher" Image of female looking at paper saying "That's elementary"

    • Third panel "Methematician" Image of male looking at paper saying "That's trivial"

    • Fourth panel "Physicist" Image of male looking at paper saying "That makes sense"


    Looking for new mods


    The current mods of this community are not actively modding the community, therefore we are looking for some new mods. If you are interested in spending some time each week keeping this community somewhat organised, and are familiar with the rules and Dankmemes rules, leave a message here or send me a PM.

    Thank you (:

    The gorex


    But should you?


    Gaming Thekingoflorda
    New mod team, new chances.


    I am the lead for the community team, and unfortunately the only active moderator for this community went a bit bonkers and removed a bunch of posts and changed the name and stuff. We are now trying to rebuild this community, and have appointed two new mods Stamets and JonsJava, who will together try to get this community back on track.

    If you have any suggestions or questions, feel free to put them down in the comments here, and we'll get back to you as soon as we read them.

    Thank you for being here (:

    Microblog Memes Thekingoflorda
    I vote to just skip it
    Microblog Memes Thekingoflorda
    Always look at the bright side of life
    MSI might be announcing a steam deck competitor Is that a Steam Deck competitor you’re teasing, MSI?

    Between Asus, Lenovo, and now MSI, it feels like every major PC gaming brand is lining up to compete with Valve’s Steam Deck. MSI’s Instagram teaser for next week’s CES announcement doesn’t give too many hints about the specs or features of its competitor. But it does seem to confirm it’ll have plen...

    Is that a Steam Deck competitor you’re teasing, MSI?

    The more competition the better (:

    Looking for new mods!

    Hello everyone!

    This community needs some new mods to keep it clean, so let me know if you are interested in helping out.

    You can send me a pm or let me know in this comment section if you are interested. If you are selected, you can join a discord/matrix server and we can keep this community clean together.

    If there are any questions, let me know!

    Looking for new mods!

    Hello everyone!

    We are looking to expand the mod team a bit, so we are looking for some people who would be interested in joining us.

    If you are interested, please let us know via a PM or by leaving a comment below. We would also like to know the timezone you life in, and if you have had any previous modding experience.

    If you have any questions, you can also leave them in the comments below.

    Thank you (:

    Looking for new moderators!


    We are looking for new moderators for this commumnity. Do you want to help to grow this community and keep it clean from spam and inappropriate posts? Then let us know in a comment below.

    We have the following requirements:

    • You are willing to join us on discord or matrix, so we can stay in contact
    • You are on lemmy pretty often, and would be willing to moderate when you see a report popping up / see a violation of the rules while scrolling
    • You have read and understand the community and instance rules and guidelines

    Let us know if you have any questions or if you want to join.

    Thank you!

    Highlighting some rules

    Hello news community!

    We from the admin community want to highlight a rule that is very important for this instance; copying copyrighted work onto this platform without permission is not allowed.

    For this community this is most relevant to the articles that are posted here. You are allowed to copy a short summary (like the bot also does for some news sources), and you are allowed to post an archive link. What is NOT allowed is copying the full article in your body post.

    We understand it is very convenient to have the full article in the body, but sadly it opens the instance up to legal action, something we can't do much about as a volunteer and donation based platform. We hope you understand.

    To be clear, this rule has always been in the instance rules, so nothing is changing on our side, we just hope that this leads to less confusion when we delete a post / ask a post to be altered.

    Let us know if you have any thoughts or questions.

    Thank you for being such an amazing community!

    Political Memes Thekingoflorda
    Community discussion about new rules


    I'm one of the mods for this community. We are trying to make new rules for this community, to make our work easier and to make it more clear what is and what is not allowed here. We want your feedback for these rules.

    Please give constructive feedback. If you have a suggestion for a new rule, please type the entirety of the rule out. And if you want to change a rule, type out exactly what you would add / remove.

    Spelling and grammar feedback is also welcome (;

    Be civil

    Jokes are okay, but don’t intentionally harass or disturb any member of our community. Sexism, racism and bigotry are not allowed. Good faith argumentation only.

    No misinformation

    Don’t post any intentional misinformation. When asked by mods, provide sources for any claims you make.

    Posts should be memes

    Random pictures do not qualify as memes. Relevance to politics is required.

    No bots, spam or self-promotion

    Follow instance rules, ask for your bot to be allowed on this community.

    Thank you in advance (:
