Remember me comrades!
Remember me comrades!
Remember me comrades!
I experience the opposite. Whenever I criticise US government, I get attacked by hordes of cringy Americans.
I must say I had a pleasant conversation on workers’ rights in the US recently on c/technology ( By pleasant I mean "not being insulted because I live in France and workers do have rights so I’m a red commie" pleasant.
That's weird considering America's favourite pass time is to removed about how shitty our government is
Lol yeah, I'm confused by this. Our government is a fucking mess right now!
is there any chance you are doing it while spouting Kremlin propaganda? because then there is maybe a time to look in the mirror on this one
Little do people know everyone is shit and your personality that is only based on ideologies makes you look like a moron. Yes we know there is unfairness in the world. But any “ism” won’t fix it.
Doomerism be like:
Yes we know there is unfairness in the world. But any “ism” won’t fix it.
Least of all quietism like you display
Little do people know everyone is shit
People who say this think they're being world-wise when they're actually just putting out a general warning about themselves
Yeah you're right shits fucked so let's just accept the status quo, oh would you look at that you're just supporting the current oppressive system.
Being a centrist or "apolotical" is just being a conservative while still being able to fuck
"No Lives Matter" type beat
Just because you don’t care to look into it doesn’t mean you don’t prescribe to any ism
In fact, people who say shit like that most definitely do
"Yes we know absolute monarchs, unequal access to justice, oppression and the dumb wars they get us into are unfair, but no 'democracism' will fix it"
It takes a very basic knowledge of history to understand why this argument is shit.
You complained about homeless people you weasely little liar. Go cry about it on /pol/ or go back to reddit
oh my god it is the same classist guy
You shat on homeless people and got rightfully called out for it. Take the L instead of crying about tankies
You mean your bullshit screed hating on public rail and showing your anti-homeless brainworms where you literally implied that "people don't hate them enough"?
Also "boo hoo the 'tankies' (whatever that even means to you libs anymore) bullied me for supporting violence against some of the most vulnerable people in the imperial core"
lmao You have been complaining about this for FIVE DAYS holy shit.
LMAO what a loser
I love public rail and took it all over the place when I visited Japan, I even still have the JR Pass ticket in my wallet. If I had one public transportation wish for LA it's that every freeway have a light rail line like in the 105. As for the homeless situation I am all in for fully funded housing first initiatives and think we haven't done anywhere near enough for them. That said, the unfortunate state of events between the LA Metro and the city's homeless allows for some very problematic things to happen in light rail train cars especially during transit. I've seen quite a bit of drug use, littering, and even an instance when I had a taser brandished at my face only to find out a second later the guy was trying to sell it to me. I really wish people wouldn't react so quickly to a post and start accusing them of being some kind of monster.
"they certainly don't hate them enough to chase them away when they are smoking meth on the train" sounds kinda like you think that should be done and that the issue is people not hating the unhoused enough.
Especially when you come into a space that explicitly advocates for abolishing landlords and start saying that stuff, you should expect ridicule. Instead of complaining about it in other spaces for 5 days and repeatedly doubling down you could just do some very basic self-crit.
Oh no, not littering.
Oh it’s YOU!
Holy shit lmao, you’re still on this?
It’s like driving past someone waving around an end of days convert or die sign, and then hours later passing by the same spot and they’re still there
Go eat some grass nerd
"I'm not anti-homeless, I just [anti-homeless horseshit]"
Is this a novelty account? lmao
This loser didn't buy the tazer.
Lmao those babies on hexbear are so fragile, of course they've come here to attack you.
And that one mod being like 'no one mentioned Marxism'. Yeh, hexbear is famously right-wing 🙄🤣
OP: "public transport is bad because homeless people use it"
Gets banned for classism
An illustrated history of the second half of the 20th century
Third quartile maybe
The giant emoji bug really does apply to all the funniest ones it could apply to
wait is this the same dude lol
it looks like the only comments of yours that were removed were for making inflammatory comments about homeless people on public transport in a place you don't live.
And it really sucks, because I agree with them (about lemmygrad and hexbear)
Dude I was speaking from experience in that post. I live there and took the train daily. Do I need to show you my LA Metro card to prove it?
Post your credit card number and DLN while you're at it.
So a mod didn't like a comment you made which was interpreted as encouraging anti-homeless hate. Instead of just moving on you decided to make this about "tankies" despite no one saying anything about Marxist ideology, China, or anything related. I think you're just looking to pick a fight with us because we're dirty pinko commies or something.
Show a verification hog pic to continue posting
If this was reddit I would say that post belongs on r/confidentialityincorrect
Every time one of you uses the phrase "Banned for being slightly critical", it always turns out you were saying some of the most digusting shit imaginable. It's such a tell, it's like when you say "I was ostracized just for having a different political opinion!"
Like clockwork!
Recently found an anti-tankie instance you might like more:
Reporting you to allah
Let's do a little experiment:
See what I'm going to do is I'm going to make the nazis look equally bad to all these other things. That way the nazi atrocities will look less problematic and I get to smear my enemies with a tainted term.
No I'm not a nazi, why do you ask?
I mean using that logic, is your post not apologetic towards the other, non-nazi entities listed?
"I'll remind everyone that the nazis were definitely the worst there, that'll make the others seem less bad by comparison."
let's do a little experiment kicks you in the groin
Interesting how exactly 4 of those are things a state has identified as.
The fun is if you had made some point about something china or Russia related and HADN'T also mentioned that the US is horrible, you'd get dogpiled.
The US is horrible, leave me alone
I mean yeah because the US does the same horrible horrible shit other existing countries do just more of it. Mentioning the smaller problem while ignoring the bigger problem(that we are closer to) is just how liberal brainwashing works.
Extending to the political party specifically for Germany, but not the others; could be worth doing that.
Like, EVERY country has its good people that hate the horrific actions of its administration. It can cause issues and paint xenophobia if you don’t identify and shame the bad actors. Instead, you get Chinese people that live in poverty thinking America hates all of them for having thin eyes.
Better thing to say imo: fuck Republicans and the CIA, fuck Putin, fuck the CCP.
I agree with all the above
Why are the libs so hung up on criticizing socialists? If you don't like this forum then go back to reddit.
I’m a socialist but not a tankie. Criticizing tankies!= criticizing socialists
Norway isn't socialism.
What exactly was wrong with Kruschev's decision to send the tanks into Hungary to stop the fascist uprising?
Given the historical context of the literal genocides the US was facilitating in asia and south america at that time, even if you ignore the literal fascist collaborators hijacking the movement and pretend it was just a bunch of liberals fighting for "freedom", keeping them from falling within the west's claws would have been justified.
Yeah thinking criticizing Tankies is the same as criticizing socialism is tankie behavior
Classic tankie behaviour - > rather Clankie
This forum isnt entirely made up of socialists, pretty reddit tier attitude to think that
Hmm, I wonder why they didn't include what their posts said
:::spoiler emoji
By being 'slightly critical' you do mean complaining about homeless people, right?
By “being slightly critical” they mean even slightly implying that China is not in every way a completely perfect utopian paradise incapable of doing wrong.
They were smoking meth. How safe would you feel around a stranger doing that while locked in a moving train car?
Lmao thanks for removing all doubt.
As safe as I would feel if a unicorn got on the train and started running around, which also didn't happen.
Were smoking it in a dangerous or threatening way?
I would let them smoke their meth in peace, and not dehumanize them online
I’d ask for a hit. It’s painfully obvious how middle class you are
Safer than I’d feel standing next to you
lemmy devs are actually pretty good at not forcing their ideology on others
It is way easier to get banned on reddit for a lot less than a slight not conformist opinion. Here they downvote you, stop. And i talk about real controversies.
Uh huh. I'm already banned from some lemmygrad community. I don't give enough of a shit to learn the name of it.
Why would the devs do that? Their job is to make the platform
Yeah but they haven't built in communism... yet.
I'd be ok though if it were the Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism though.
Huh... im not sure about that, it hasnt happenned to me but i heard it happened to others and i bash tankies constantly.
this is fine marxists can handle a little roasting as a treat (ima marxist)
edite: lmao hexbear even has an emoji of this
You should be ashamed. Marxism has cost millions of lives. You weak-brains are a blight on humanity.
I am so close to hitting the ppb button.
Allah give me strength.
are these "tankies" in the room with us right now?
Uhhh this is awkward.
Not anymore they aren't.
Tankie is just a slur for people who aren’t ideological and financially compromised by the United Treats of America.
Found the tankie.
Honestly What bullshit.
Tankie is a slur for authoritarian communists.
There is a healthy and honest way to appreciate communism, Russia, the CCP and even DPRK.
And then there are people who are completely shilling the CCP Russia DPRK as communist uptopias. These people are tankies.
If you are unable to recoginze the atrocities commited at any point in history, by the USA China, Russia , or any other country for that Matter. You're a chump.
It's a vibes-based invective liberals use the same way chuds use "woke" to dispel any cognitive dissonance that might crop up whenever they discover information they find displeasing because it might mean the rest of the delusions they're immersed in might not be all that airtight. Just a thought-terminating word with absolutely no meaning. Just like "whataboutism," it's a weasel's way out of addressing someone else's argument in good faith (which I have yet to see you display in this thread).
Personally, it's absolutely fucking hilarious to see how much these words get thrown around, especially when it comes from so-called "leftists." If you truly are one, you ought to quit it with that bullshit.
Khrushchev sending the tanks into Hungary was the one objectively correct thing he did during his tenure
Smh, anti-tankies supporting anglo backed mass anti-semitic violence
Tankies are always right…
cry harder
Soon to be
In the words of Knuckles the Echidna: "The communists are censoring you? Damn, I wish it worked. Shut the fuck up."
Good riddance.
one thing amazes me for sure: there is still bunch of people loudly protecting their masters' right to exploit and rob them.
And they are doing this while are already living in the world destroyed and robbed by capital, where COVID showed how vulnerable and under-financed our healthcare system is, where due to the global competition and sinking profits of corporations countries are building alliances, and preparing a new big imperialistic war for us, where crisis goes after crisis together with high inflation globally, and where quality of life is sinking monthly.
Gone, reduced to ashes
Everything that doesn't conform to my ideology is CIA propaganda.
I see this one FAR too often.
The US controls gigantic parts of the information/entertainment space: movies, music, social networks, YouTube, TV, even their politics is a keyfabey circus for the rest of the world. American propaganda is literally everywhere.
It's an image of consumption and individualism above even self preservation, so deeply internalized that Americans and perhaps half of the rest of the world don't notice. Sometimes it feels like the US lost its mind in 9/11 and started hurting itself in confusion but it was never a "smart player" in the world, just a narcissistic bully.
It's not necessary for the CIA to be involved because it's literally superliminal and grotesque at this point in time. The US throws its weight all around the world and is brutish and callous with its "use of force", which means murdering people (and destroying property, oh they love them some property) in case there's people in this thread that are lost in so many layers of euphemisms and irony.
Americans need to deal with this instead of becoming defensive and recurring to whataboutism. Yes, China and Russia are horrible and murderous in their own ways and at a different scale, but one must not use them to avoid self reflection.
Based Stalin
Fuck tankies but also fuck OP
Looks like OP is going full-blown "I don't hate the homeless, but..." elsewhere itt
I'd love to see his ass banned again
I got banned from one of the communities for simply saying I thought both socialism and capitalism won't work without more nuance and blending.
I always figured the snowflakes were really the far right... But no, it's both extremes, apparently.
If you can't examine real world examples of your philosophy critically, you've no business in the debate. Tankies aren't willing to hear about the flaws apparent in the system any more than your average thin blue bootlicker will.
I say this as someone who makes guillotine "jokes." Definitely jokes.
Socialism is just democracy extended into the workplace. Saying pure socialism won't work is arguing against democracy.
I will always argue against pure democracies. People are not invested enough to provide a coherent opinion on 100% of the solutions our societies require for survive and thrive.
A vote over the use of chemicals for water treatment could easily end in their permanent ban. Hell, with the right malicious intent, someone could easily get dihydrogen monoxide banned from crop fields.
A pure democracy is how Idiocracy becomes a reality. Now, a mix, such as a republic electing the careful use of democratic socialism... Sure!
The political spectrum is a circle. Extremists might latch on to different BS but personality types of extremists on all ends are essentially the same. Loud hateful aggressive assholes lacking the intelligence to understand nuance.
The extremes of each ideology are surprisingly similar my friend
I honestly had no idea before I came to Lemmy.
I actually really enjoy a lot of the facets of socialism and communism... Most people would easily mistake my independent political position as "left", especially since I strongly oppose the current GOP.
But here in Lemmygrad, I am apparently quite the villain for suggesting some extremist, far-left policies are toxic.
I don't know what tankies are, and at this point I'm too afraid to ask.
Essentially a perjorative for authoritarian communists. The types of people who uncritically glorify the Soviet Union (and depending on which one you're talking to, the Russian Federation as well), the People's Republic of China, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, etc. Here's a page on Wikipedia about it.
Me too, although in my minds eye, it's people who like tanks.
Mine too.
Authoritarian communists, please see the second paragraph of this wiki article
it's ok no one does
I've been banned a few times specifically in fuck cars and then comrades I think? Absolutely some of the most fragile groups I know beside trumpets when it comes to accepting reality and facts.
Post checks out
what to be scared of
Thin skinned bunch, aren't they?
tankies bad :(
Who gives a fuck what tankies think anyway? That's like caring about what nazi's think... If they disagree with you, you're probably doing something right!
It's amazing the number of tankies and overall left-nuts I've found on here. Figures considering the kind of people that frequent FOSS spaces
Fuck tankies, get money
fuck tankies, get money
Fuck tankies, get money
Fuck tankies, get money
the least deranged westie has logged on
Fuck tankies, abolish money (and the state and the class society when we are already on it)
fuck tankies
abolish class society
Sounds pretty tankie to me
abolish money (and the state and the class society when we are already on it)
And how do you propose we actually go about doing this?
I say as I am evicted from my sewer apartment because the money I get from my McDonalds paycheck has lost 95 percent of its value in a year (I’m so glad that i live in the land of the free and not some tankie shithole like China)