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Bulletins and News Discussion from September 30th to October 6th, 2024 - Qassam, Qassem, Quagmire
  • Two explosions happened last night in Copenhagen near the so-called "embassy" of the illegal zionist entity. Danish police believes the explosions were caused by hand grenades. A building close to the "embassy" was damaged.

    Three Swedish nationals has been arrested. One arrested in the neighborhood around the "embassy", the two others in a train at the Copenhagen central station, headed towards the German border.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 30th to October 6th, 2024 - Qassam, Qassem, Quagmire
  • My "The capabilities of the Air Force have been fully preserved" t-shirt is raising a lot of questions already answered by the t-shirt.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 30th to October 6th, 2024 - Qassam, Qassem, Quagmire
  • Is there any kind of internal resistance in Jordan who could be capable of fucking up the comprador regime?

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 30th to October 6th, 2024 - Qassam, Qassem, Quagmire
  • America waited a month after 9/11 before they started their brutal and unprovoked full-scale invasion of Afghanistan which presumably was a retaliation for the mysterious explosions that happened in New York that day.

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 30th to October 6th, 2024 - Qassam, Qassem, Quagmire
  • Look! A bullshit sandwich!

    1. There has been too much loss of life <-- bread
    2. The zionists have the right to do apartheid, war crimes and genocide <-- the bullshit they want you to swallow
    3. We call for de-escalation <-- bread
  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 30th to October 6th, 2024 - Qassam, Qassem, Quagmire
  • May he suffer hundredfold the fear he has inflicted on the people of Palestine for every remaining day of his wicked life.

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 30th to October 6th, 2024 - Qassam, Qassem, Quagmire
  • Fireworks went off tonight in my town. It seems to come from the part of town with a large Muslim community. Lots of people all over the world has a reason to celebrate tonight.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 23rd to September 29th, 2024 - The War In The North
  • It is possible for a smaller ally to "drag" a larger superpower into a conflict. This is kind of what happened to the USSR in Afghanistan.

    Like you, I don't think this is the case regarding American complicity in zionism. They know what they're doing, they have a plan. If I were to make a guess at what the plan is, it would be something along the line of picking off Iran's allies one by one and finally Iran itself. By doing so they will not only directly push out a competitor, they are also going to send a signal to local compradors about how there is no alternative to American overlordship in the middle east.

    There's also the more prosaic argument. War is good for business and good for shutting up domestic opposition. The yanks need a new forever war. Engaging in direct war with Russia or China os too dangerous whereas middle eastern nations are unable to retaliate effectively against American aggression.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 23rd to September 29th, 2024 - The War In The North
  • The Norwegian regime is planning to construct a fence along its border with Russia. So writes NRK (Norwegian state media). The fence is intended to "deter" refugees from crossing the border illegally.

    There has been three illegal crossings of the Russian-Norwegian border since the beginning of the Ukraine war.

  • Locked
    Digimon World - New General Megathread for the 28th-29th of September 2024
  • The fash in my country is running ads on TikTok, promising that they'll do something about high prices in supermarkets. Their proposed solution (lower taxes) is idiotic and puts blame at the government being too big rather than private capital doing price gouging.

    That is infuriating enough as it is. What is even more infuriating is how the "left" seems completely invisible on the issue. They're not demanding price controls or denouncing price gouging. The best they can do is proposing windfall taxation on the price gougers.

    Yet again the fash is proposing something that feels like it will directly benefit people materially while the left is proposing bureaucratic measures that has no direct and easily understandable way of improving daily life.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 23rd to September 29th, 2024 - The War In The North
  • I don't know how the regime has responded but I know in my heart that they're not interested in doing anything but the bare minimum to avoid people getting angry at them and even that they're going to fuck up due to corruption and economic mismanagement.

    My best wishes goes to the victims.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 23rd to September 29th, 2024 - The War In The North
  • Launching a single missile against someone with modern missile defenses? That one can not not supposed to hit anything. It only makes sense to launch a single missile to stress the occupiers (which seems to have been achieved) or to probe air defences.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 23rd to September 29th, 2024 - The War In The North
  • I have the impression that people voted for the lib because he promised to relax unpopular conservative religious modesty laws. I think you can make the argument that Antiimperialist movements open themselves to attack by being socially reactionary.

  • Israel strikes Houthis in Yemen after targeting Hezbollah stronghold in Lebanon
  • Seaports and power plants, famous for being exclusively terrorist military infrastructure.

  • Young men, like 18-24 year old males on Hexbear: Is the culture for your age group completely fucked, or am I out of touch?
  • To be fair, being a landlord seems like one of the few viable avenues to material comfort and security. Getting a degree of working hard is certainly not enough anymore. The kids are reacting rationally to a sick economic system.

  • Kamala Harris makes an official statement in support of political assassinations
  • In the mouths of western politicians, the word "diplomacy" is synonymous with unconditional surrender. They would rather burn the world to the ground than accept that they can't get all of their maximalist demands and engage in actual good faith negotiations with their adversaries, trying to work out a compromise.

  • I don't see enough hate for spain here
  • Also don't forgot those who might not have had big empires themselves but who profited from supplying and enabling the big empires. When it comes to imperialism, no European nation is free from sin.

  • Removed
    How dare you speak ill of the ACA
  • He's working on curing cancer

  • I visited the Heartland (So You Don't Have To)

    Following Chairman Mao's call to go down to the countryside, I spent a day connecting to the dark heart of whiteness and avoided revealing military secrets in the process.

    I had never heard of that village until the day that a friend of us called and told us that they had an annual market going on there and asked if we wanted to go. There would be stalls where you could buy all sorts of crap, beer on tap and rides for the kids. So me, my partner, our kids and our friend loaded up our cars and left the multicultural wokery of the big city behind to spend a day among the hardworking salt of the earth people who constitutes the real Denmark.

    The market was organised by the village citizens' association in order to raise funds for local amateur sports and similar activities. Upon arrival, we were greeted by members of said association dressed in yellow vests who directed us to park on the muddy patch of grass that was the parking lot for a seven dollar fee. People there still follow the old ways, so when our female friend drove up to them with our queer short-haired teenage daughter on the front seat, they assumed she was the man in charge of the vehicle and tried to solicit payment from her, until our friend insisted that she, as the adult driving the car, was going to pay.

    Then we went to the market, a mix of tents, caravans and rides put up on an empty field outside the village. A road divided the grounds into two and we went to the left where we quickly found a beer tent with wooden benches and a stage in front. We bought pints for the adults and sodapop for the kids. The beverages were cold and refreshing as we sipped them from the disposable plastic cups that are ubiquitous whenever beer is sold in a field. Nearby, a stall sold fried pork sandwiches, and we had the dubious pleasure of having direct view of the stand of a fascist party adorned with a big banner airing their latest grievance: "Save Danish agriculture!" Apparently, farming is about to be ended by an upcoming carbon tax.

    The police had sent the two youngest and blondest female cops they could find to the market to mill around and smile at people. In police lingo, this is called "safety-creation." You have to hand it to the fuss on this one, the marketgoers were exactly the kind of people who would feel reassured by the sight of cops. Apart from a Native American guy selling pan pipes and dreamcatchers, we hadn't seen a single non-white person among the guests and merchants. We would soon find out why.

    A bearded man in his 60's, wearing glasses and a baseball cap, went on stage singing and playing a Stratocaster. He was covering popular 1980s and 1990s pop songs, the kind anyone coming of age in Denmark during those years would know. Was he any good? Certainly not. Was he good enough for the job? Absolutely. He even had the courtesy to move his head away from the microphone whenever there were notes his voice couldn't reach. A few older people were dancing in front of the stage, the sun was shining, and the mood was good.

    We browsed the stalls to see what was on offer. The shopkeepers' attitude towards taxation was best described by the "We love cash!" sign prominently displayed at one stall. The goods fell into two categories: old stuff and new stuff.

    In the old stuff category, items ranged from garage sale junk to what you’d expect in low-tier antique stores. Several stalls sold old hand tools in varying states of disrepair. One stand's inventory looked like the going-out-of-business sale of a 1995 hardware store teleported to the present day.

    The new stuff category offered goods you can't find in proper shops: the world's fakest football jerseys, cigarette lighters with skulls on them, a live poodle, cigarette lighters shaped like guns, supplies for dog and horse ownership, USB-charged cigarette lighters, 20 dollar Gucci watches, and cigarette lighters shaped like muscle cars with watch movements in them. There was also an abundance of food products of inscrutable provenance that were either disgusting health and safety hazards and/or much better than anything you would ever get in supermarkets.

    As we browsed the stalls my partner noticed that shopkeepers were treating her weirdly. Being born and raised in Denmark and having a name so stereotypically Danish that JK Rowling could have come up with it, she has also inherited her stunning black hair and slightly darker skin tone from an Italian grandparent. People often mistake her for being Turkish or otherwise non-white. In the immigrant-run stores at home, this usually results in nice discounts, but here, it was a different story.

    The shopkeepers clearly didn't like her. When I or our friend looked at the goods, they were nice or indifferent. But when my partner did the same, they immediately stopped what they were doing to closely watch her, as if she might steal their old silverware or porcelain figurines. They had decided she was one of "them." One shopkeeper directly asked her to leave, while another angrily told her to "talk Danish" when she spoke Italian to our kid.

    We were deep in the heart of whiteness, so it wasn't surprising to see the Home Guard had set up a stall. The Home Guard is a Cold War relic of civilians LARPing as soldiers a few weekends a year. They offer the easiest way to get a gun and a uniform in Denmark, accepting those too fat and out of shape for the police or military. They hold a special place in the hearts of chuds, some of whom fantasize about being the white vanguard in an upcoming race war.

    Their stall featured a jeep and an assortment of rifles, all firmly secured to the table with chains, that the public could hold. We were greeted by a woman in military uniform who looked the exact opposite of how you imagine the ideal elite soldier. "Come in!" she said, immediately trying to recruit me for the defense of the fatherland by enthusiastically mentioning that they had enlistment forms inside. I smiled and nodded.

    Unlike me who have not even been a boyscout, my partner over spent a few months as a recruit and she is familiar with military hardware. "Do you have an M/75 in there?" she asked, referring to the long-time standard-issue rifle of the Danish military. "We have all sorts of stuff in there!" The Home Guard woman said, clearly confused. I am not sure if her confusion was caused by the technical nature of the question being above her expertise or if she was thrown off by the question coming from my partner and not from me.

    Our kids had great fun holding the guns and my partner reached for her phone to take some pictures. "You can't do that!" the Home Guard guy overseeing the stall said. If pictures of children holding guns was posted to social media it could "hurt the image"of the Home Guard, we were told. The guy explained to my partner that "we don't have child soldiers in Denmark", as if that needed clarification.

    We didn't want to stay after this visit to the people keeping us safe from Putin. The vibes in that area were nasty and my partner felt unsafe. We went across the road to the other hand of the grounds and things were a lot better there. We began to see other skin colours than pig pink and people were noticeably less nasty. Signs of civilization like kebab stalls and Asian grocers emerged.

    We went to the area where the kids could try different rides. The rides were mostly operated by seasonal workers from Eastern Europe and each ride was blasting it's own playlist of either current hits or 1980's Eurovision songs into the air. As the kids were having fun in a bouncy castle next to the employees' restrooms I noticed how the restrooms were segregated with one reserved for Danish and Polish workers and the two others for Romanian workers.

    After the kids had finished their rides we needed refreshments so we went into a big beer tent and sat down at an empty table scattered with the remnants of several of the giant hot dogs, giant burgers and giant kebabs offered for sale nearby. You don't buy normal-sized food at events live this. We looked at the beverages offered, a few sodas, beer by the buckets and lots of moronic shots sold in tiny tubes, and decided that we had had enough for today and that we would grab something to drink from McDonalds. On our way home instead. As we exited the grounds I noticed how someone had been so overjoyed by the selection of beverages offered at the market that they had emptied the contents of their stomach beneath the sign at the entrance.

    Spending a day like this, connecting to my cultural roots, was an educating experience and I am happy to report that I had so much authentic Danish folkishness that I will not need to go again any time soon.

    neurodiverse SoyViking [he/him]
    How to remove stressors and move beyond damage control?

    I feel stressed and overwhelmed with the constant amount of stuff I have to do all the time. There's work, there's family, there's chores, there's personal finances, there's my health, there's personal relations, there's a thousand little things that screams for my attention. Somewhere in there there's also the desire to one day relax and maybe do something because I want to do it instead of it being something I have to do.

    There's just so much and the pile of tasks keeps growing and growing. I don't have the time and energy to do half of what I feel I'm supposed to do and almost no time and energy to do what I have to do. I'm exhausted and stressed and I feel guilty all the time for letting people down.

    I feel like I never have the time to do things right or to handle the problems that are draining my time and energy. Instead I'm constantly running around and putting out fires. If I were to put enough time and effort into actually improving some of the things that are stressing me it would mean I would have to let go somewhere else and suffer the ramifications.

    I was diagnosed with ADHD a few years back. I got meds and they have improved things a lot but nobody helped me figure out how to organise daily life with ADHD. I don't even know if time management would help, I don't waste my time, I get things done, I just never get enough things done. And besides, what good is a schedule if there's constantly some external factor demanding a change of plans?

    How do you manage this?

    Happy New Year 2024!

    I hope 2024 becomes a great year for you reading this, for the Hexbear community and for working class liberation all over the world.


    Happy 9/11

    I would like to extend my best wishes to all, even the haters and losers, on this special date, September 11th

    Red flag used by communists at the central workshops of the state railways in Copenhagen

    It's a red flag with a steam train on it. How cool is that?

    The picture is from a recent visit to a railway museum where they had an exhibit about the cold war. Being written by western libs the text next to the flag talked about how civil defence at places like the railway workshops was complicated when "everybody didn't agree on who the enemy was" and called the communists a "fifth column". Apparently, as all workers had to take part in civil defence still and know about plans in case of war, authorities were worried that the large communist presence at the workshop meant that they would tell the USSR about the plans or use their knowledge to sabotage the railways in case of war.

    ITT we talk about stem lords, how to deal with them and how to prevent them in a future free society

    I work in tech. I like the work itself and my coworkers are all nice and polite people. But their views on politics, economics and the world in general is complete dogshit.

    Elon Musk? The world's biggest brain genius. Demanding fees for healthcare? Very reasonable and necessary. Inheritance tax? An unspeakable injustice. Jordan Peterson? An insightful intellectual. Learning a second foreign language in school? Waste of time when you could have programming classes instead. Learning ancient history in high school? Stupid and useless when you already know you want to work in tech. STEM? The pinnacle of prestigious human knowledge. Humanities? A ridiculous and useless waste of time. Trades? Probably okay if you're too stupid to do something better. Unions? Outdated and useless. Arts? Does not compute.

    All they seem to care about is learning how to code, getting a job or starting a business and succeeding at that by being a lone Randian superman. They have no sense of broader solidarity or for the existence of something of value beyond the hamster wheel of the grindset.

    I think these people are a product of an educational system that is set up to produce good employees rather than good citizens. University level education will include a few token classes on broader subjects like history or philosophy but staff and students treats them like something to get over with so you can do the important stuff rather than something of importance. And you can hardly blame them, the dog eat dog world of capitalism doesn't reward an engineer for writing sonnets or knowing labour history and consequently students focus their attention on learning stuff that will make them less likely to end up on the bottom of the hierarchy.

    In essence generations has been raised to be very skilled in a few practical technical fields while being completely illiterate about everything else.

    How do you deal with these people in daily life? With their idiotic reactionary beliefs and their stubborn refusal to acknowledge any form of culture beyond the handful of IP rights white western cishet males are expected to enjoy?

    And how do we prevent STEM lord bullshit under socialism?

    SoyViking SoyViking [he/him]
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