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Mmmmm doughnuts
  • Whew, you had me scared there for a second!

  • Wasps
  • And that's not a bug zapper, it's a paddle.

  • Zero
  • I think he was merely rebooting. It took him 20 seconds at one time.

  • Penguins ❤️
  • Akshualy those are lesbians, because birds have XX for male and XY for female. 😅

  • Sharing is caring
  • Darwin disagrees.

  • Also "parasite".
  • Indeed, there's nothing inherently exceptional in billionaires wealth hoarders, according to many studies of this phenomenon. They are literally just lucky enough that they managed to get their hands on such a ludicrous amount of money, they really aren't anything special.

  • Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission
  • Indeed, it's that rapist mentality, just like Rossmann calls it out in his videos.

  • X will soon limit the ability to livestream to Premium subscribers
  • I used #Twitter to get information from a variety of sources using #Quacker, all the way until they decided to basically prevent non-registered users to browse the website. Now you literally have to login to access the tweets, or see any comments, which is ludicrous. It's not that generic public forum it used to be any longer and I don't understand how they are expecting to get any meaningful ad revenue there.

    #Mastodon is gazillion times better, has a normal community, albeit with a smaller user base, but that is probably a plus, since you don't get so many weirdos.

  • Drones trespassing in my property
  • NAL, but this is about 'authorized radio communications', which to me seems like the GSM/LTE spectrum and GPS and similar, not the civilian one, please correct me if I'm wrong as I'm not sure about the scope of the 'authorized comms' term.

    Also, OP is in the EU, so laws may differ significantly here.

  • Drones trespassing in my property
  • Not on the civilian spectrum, surely?

  • Wasps
  • That will make me find the nest and neutralize it.

  • Wasps
  • Yeah? I've been stung for literally no reason at least once (one little shit ran directly into me and stung me while I was painting my porch), otherwise a couple of times one of these little bastards got caught under my arm and it 'defended' itself due to its own stupidity. I hate wasps. I want to see them gone.

  • has been fixed rule. :)
  • Demon core. ☢️

  • EU attempt to sneak through new encryption-eroding law slammed by Signal, politicians
  • So their 'neutrality' was a big pile of BS to begin with.

  • EU attempt to sneak through new encryption-eroding law slammed by Signal, politicians
  • So you're saying Swedes are stupid enough to voluntarily relinquish their independence to USA?

  • EU attempt to sneak through new encryption-eroding law slammed by Signal, politicians
  • What did you expect?? They already sold your country off to the US, they're building 17 military bases on your soil, so you're in essence already occupied by the western military-industrial complex. Why does it surprise you that you don't have a shred of a competent government left??

  • US sues Adobe for “deceiving” subscriptions that are too hard to cancel
  • Adobe should die. As should LG, Samsung, Google, MicroSoft, Meta, TikTok, and many other scumbag corporations.

  • Stop playing games with online security, Signal president warns EU lawmakers
  • So if I send a photo of our kids playing naked in a baby pool to my wife through signal, some slimy-ass eurocrat in some IT center will be able to 'manually verify' the photo of my naked kids?? Are you mentally sound??

    I hate pedos just as much as every other sane parent, perhaps even more so (I'd love to wear "Why, Garry, why?!" t-shirt all day every day). But to hell with this stupid idea that some slimy scumbags will be able to browse my own photos of my own kids. Hell, even any random photo I take, it's my business and nobody elses! Go catch pedos the proper way instead, work a little, we don't need Gestapo or Stasi to hover over everything we do or photograph.

  • Stop playing games with online security, Signal president warns EU lawmakers
  • EU lawmakers are utter rubbish. Cookie consent spam?? Paper straws and ear sticks?? Non-removable bottle caps?? Invasive KYC laws?? Banning 'foreign propaganda' through DNS blacklist?? Propping up failed projects like the ukromaidan regime?? What. The. Hell. They just spam our countries with the worst stupidity they can come up with, all the while infringing upon our rights and wellbeing.

    I voted against joining EU 20 years ago. I guess I was right about that, unfortunately...

  • mihor mihor

    sw architect, linux enthusiast

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