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Legalizing Sports Gambling Was a Huge Mistake
  • legalizing it is fine IMO, it's probably better than black market gambling. but the ads being everywhere is terrible. advertising cigarettes on tv is illegal, should be the same for gambling

    Death to America

  • anyone got recommendations for cheap wearables that'll track calories burned during exercise? ideally with minimal other invasions of my bioprivacy
  • does heart rate measurement not allow more accurate estimates of calories burned than a calculation based on weight and distance run? i know nothing about biology so im open to being educated here, but i assumed a wearable that monitors your heart rate would be able to get better results than a calculator

    Death to America

  • anyone got recommendations for cheap wearables that'll track calories burned during exercise? ideally with minimal other invasions of my bioprivacy

    [posting this here bc the fitness comm is pretty dead]

    I'm tryna track my calories more closely and I've got a solution for tracking the calories I eat (shout out to the Nutritionix app) but its functionality for tracking calories spent is very rudimentary and I want to get something more precise than just going to an online calculator like this.

    If any of yall have recommendations on cheap wearables that'll keep track of the calories I burn while exercising, I'd hugely appreciate it. I don't need it to do anything else and I don't even need it to connect to my phone, since I'm willing to manually input the number of calories burned every day.

    Death to America

    Trans megathread for the week of September 23rd to 29th. - How to preform CPR
  • just python at the moment bc im a complete beginner and python has the best combination of 1) having lots of free tutorials online and 2) appearing in job postings for jobs i actually want.

    i've got a bunch of projects i want to build actually, so I can build up a portfolio while learning. im tryna figure out how to use the fda's database of nutrition facts to determine which foods have the best ratio of protein/calorie so i can get swole while being vegan. i've also got an idea for an algorithm for betting on soccer; an app that locates the closest artwork by a given artist to the user's location; a taste similarity score for finding people to follow on goodreads given the user's pre-existing ratings; a property values map that shows property values by block and can show historical data on a slider; and an algorithm that summarizes 10-Ks to show figure out what evil shit corporations are legally required to admit to

    idk why ive told you all this when you didnt ask lol im just excited about possibly building something useful using nothing but cOdInG sKiLls

    Death to America

  • Broke: lee harvey oswald killed jfk all by himself

    oil companies and the mafia worked with the cia (namely hw) to kill jfk because he was insufficiently anti-communist for their liking


    they killed jfk because he was the white obama and thats too much power for one man

    Death to America

    Merry 9/11 and Happy Holidays - New General Megathread for the 11th-13th of September 2024
  • i swear to god i hate nerds so fucking much. im trying to learn python and these motherfuckers have made it so fucking difficult to even install anaconda that im ready to fly a plane into a building. why would a program not install its own navigator? beyond useless. i cannot reiterate this enough: the more somebody knows about computers, the more i hate them

    Death to America

  • for my fellow office job havers: what are the dos and don’ts of lying on your resume?

    everyone always says lie on your resume, and i agree that there’s no reason not to. i’ve never done it before though so i want to know what i can and can’t get away with.

    for example, if i’ve been out of work since january, can i just lie and say i’m still employed by the company i quit working at in january and make it look like i don’t have an 8-month gap on my resume? or is the HR person at the place i’m applying going to be able to figure out that’s a lie?

    also please give tips on what are some good lies to add, how to punch up normal looking resume shit, etc

    Death to America

    hot take: "deeply unserious" is the leftist version of "have you no decency sir???"

    anybody who you're calling deeply unserious, whatever that's supposed to mean specifically, 1) already knows they don't seriously espouse the values they claim to espouse and 2) doesn't care. it's a pointless comment to make

    Death to America

    this is as good a time as any to remind everyone that kamala is an irredeemable piece of shit

    yes it's nice that it's joever but kamala is fucking evil. she's a cop, she laughed about putting parents in jail for their children's truancy, and she wouldn't let cannabis offenders out of prison after it was legalized because she got paid by private prison lobbies to do so. total scumbag who deserves absolutely 0 support from anybody but the most trump derangement syndrome riddled liberals

    Death to America

    it keeps happening lmao || Boeing plane carrying 85 people catches fire and skids off the runway in Senegal, injuring 10 Boeing plane carrying 85 people catches fire and skids off the runway in Senegal, injuring 10

    Senegal’s transport minister says a Boeing 737 carrying 85 people caught fire and skidded off a runway at an airport near the capital and 10 people were injured.

    Boeing plane carrying 85 people catches fire and skids off the runway in Senegal, injuring 10

    if it's boeing i'm not going

    Death to America

    is there a community somewhere online where you get can advice about looking better without the toxicity of r/looksmaxingadvice? whether or reddit or (preferably) not

    like in my head the four pillars of how you look are diet, exercise, skin care, and clothing/accessories. am i missing any big ones? also, where should i go for advice on how to improve on skin care and especially clothing? (i'm good on diet and exercise lol i used to see a nutritionist and she set me straight)

    sorry if this is rambly and/or weird, im stoned off some weird european pseudo-weed

    Death to America

    i fucking hate uruguay

    shit weather

    average food

    average coffee

    expensive as fuck compared to neighboring countries for no reason at all

    the rudest, most alienated people you've ever met (literally all kkkrakkkers). unironically a worse vibe than the fucking united states of amerikkka, famously the worst country in history

    literally everything is closed at midnight on a friday. they have no idea how shit their country is lmao

    country full of thieves (everyone is richer than you can possibly be without stealing in one way or another)

    fuck off. you drink mate wrong and you're shit at football. viva argentina

    Death to America

    [travel post] i am in santiago in chile and today i saw an exhibit at the national history museum commemorating 50 years since the coup of Sept 11 1973

    i have never hated america more than i do in this moment. our government intentionally and knowingly supported torturers and murderers here for nearly 20 years, for nothing more than cold war posturing and profit for people who already have more money than they could ever spend. over 35000 people were tortured and killed - 35000 families torn apart forever - for no benefit to anyone.

    words can scarcely convey the shame i felt while walking through the museum, reading copies of declassified documents detailing conversations between pinochet and the US state department. not only is the united states government the most evil entity in the history of the world, but also the people of the united states don't even care. most don't know or don't give a shit about the huge number of crimes their government has committed, and most of the rest think said crimes were Good, Actually. they're too satiated and stupified by treats to push for any kind of change in their government, let alone the complete destruction of the death machine the levers of which are in the white house.

    long live salvador allende

    Death to America

    [drunk theory question] do you all think revolutionary masculinity is an oxymoron? if not, what would it consist of

    was discussing this with a friend of mine (she's an anarchist but she actually organizes and shit). she was saying there can be no such thing as revolutionary masculinity because the two things are contradictory. but i'm a marxist so contradictions really butter my bread.

    i think in a utopian, communist world gender identity would be completely different, to the point where it might not even be legible to us today, but my question is more about how we get from here to there. basically, can we men find a way to not be shitheads in such a way as to bring about communism, or does that not even make sense

    feel free to dunk on me if this is a dumb question

    Death to America

    i'm traveling for a while so won't be online much

    for ages now i've been posting on this site about how i'm leaving amerikkka. well todays the day it's actually happening - i've begun a 9 month trip through south america and europe. as a result i probably won't be posting much for a while, but don't worry, i'm ok.

    idk if i'm prominent enough of a poster here to justify this type of message but i know i worry sometimes when i don't see certain people on here for a while so i figured id preemptively mention the reason i wont be active as much. i love you all

    Death to America

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