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No. Return to physical keys.
  • this is genocide free instance hentai-free

  • No. Return to physical keys.
  • Return to physical keys and mandate that they cost 20$

    You ever lost a key and had to buy a new one? It's like 150$ for no reason!

  • Anybody else experience this?
  • Its a good thing Biden is president, we should vote for him again so he can continue to not stop these things from happening

  • Removed
    A serious political party led by serious adults
  • like WHY THO


    if hes of the people then pick any other person!

  • Opening up (serious question)
  • The right play would probably have been to make an anonymous throwaway account and just asked directly

    Hope it worked out for you though :)

  • Blue MAGA gaslighting is insane. It's so obvious that this will probably piss off more of their voters.
  • Kamala clip

    It was a cold!!!! 😂🤣🤣😂🤣It was just a minor respiratory infection!!!!! 😂🤣🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂It was a cold!!!! ___

  • Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
  • I didn't see it, how bad could he have possibly done this time that they're freaking out like this?

    His eye exploded into blood and he could barely speak last time!!!!

  • Old farts of Hexbear, is there something about younger people that you don't get? [no punching down!]
  • They wear em Like normal shoes tho, I see these constantly whenever there are kids about

  • North Korean troops will become 'cannon fodder' if they aid Russia in Ukraine, Pentagon says
  • And they know cannon fodder when they see it, they used everyone in Ukraine as that!

  • more like midwest.liberal
  • You give startrek and living humans a bad name, but hey you can fix that second part with one easy trick!

  • Lmao owned
  • True but they generally didn't avoid it the correct way like this

  • Pity, really.
  • People thought the same thing about written language, that it would ruin everyone's memory cause they could just write things down and wouldn't have to go through the honorable effort of rembering everything

    Although, to be fair, they didn't have capitalism then so our similar worries might be more well founded lol

  • This AI generated meme cooked
  • Communism No iPhone damn they've slayed us, how did we not anticipate such a scathing and indefensible criticism

  • The Peace Corps released this warning for black people volunteering in Ukraine
  • The kind of warning you get when going to defend definitely not a nazi country

  • Arguing with a friend who is telling me that judith faulkner, CEO of Epic Systems(mychart), is their favorite billionare

    They do grant that there are no good billionares, but even this modicum of handing it to em is grinding my gears

    Edit: Favorite like last on the list of billionaires to execute, kind of favorite, ya dig?

    anyone got a hook up for dune part 2?

    I wanna draw something from it don't remember it clearly enough and can't find any good visual references for the part, so I need to download or stream it to check

    Is Capitalism responsible for the majority of deaths in the last 100 years?

    Let me be clear,

    I mean non "natural" deaths, and am including stuff like the failure to counteract malaria due to lack of profit motive, etc etc etc.

    Real question, is capitalism the deadliest human invention of all time?

    this will probably come down to where you draw the line between capitalism and imperialism, but I'd argue they've been largely once unified force since at least the 1920s

    So how big is this thing at the border?

    6 states siding against a supreme court decision to deny access to federal authorities seems big, if thats happened in my lifetime I've not heard of it before

    Hexbear, what kind of Sneezer are you?

    And the much more important follow up; who's sneezing wrong and needs to stop?

    Im a maximum force sneezer (though I always take care to never spray or do it next to someone), anything less 1 hurts like hell if I try to supress it and 2 feels unsatisfying in a way I just can't accept

    Stifle Sneezers are the worst. its not that I actually dislike the noise or have issues with them, I just get sympathetic dissatisfaction and start imagining the sensation of when I stifle a sneeze and :why don't we have any shudder emotes: it almost makes me want to make myself sneeze just to get rid of the feeling

    2023 UN Vote to End Cuban Embargo 187-2-1

    image source

    In case you were curious, this happens every year and its been overwhelmingly in favor since before I was fucking born


    the US and its most loyal Dogs vs the rest of humanity (except this time even its lackeys voted against it except the most depraved and desperate)

    From the River to the Sea!

    I hate everything about this

    I was listening to the scrubs rewatch podcast when I learned that Zach Braff's middle name is israel, and I knew he was jewish, he talks about it a lot- but I realized I had to check. When I googled his name + palestine this is what I found, and its just chock full of nightmares

    tbh Braff's quote in here is very lukewarm, hes basically a detached rich guy being like "hey the vibe here is pretty nice" not "We must secure a future for our children" please let me know if he's out there saying worse rn

    I mean fucks sake, here's biden's quote, in case anyone had any doubt !

    I just wanted to make sure I wasn't listening to a genocidal freak not gaze into an abyss

    I want to get Palestine stuff to wear at work in protest, where do I get it from?

    Paranoid that freaks are doing grifts selling Palestine stuff and using the profits to fund Israel/ us, am I being silly?

    finding it very hard not to just exclusively tell israel apologists to off themselves

    Gonna need to stop looking at the internet cause its just white hot rage and wishing I could reach through the screen to savagely murder people and their entire families

    AOCapitulator AOCapitulator [they/them]

    I dislike AOC, shes too communist for my taste

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