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Hexbear Gender Survey #2 - Science Edition. Remember to respond even if you are cis!
  • Same! And for me, "when did you start to transition" is a difficult question to answer. Because I started and then repressed it again, a few times before it finally stuck.

  • How do we get Lenin to listen to Chapell Roan?
  • The Twin Fantasy remake is good.

    Come at me, Lenin

  • How do we get Lenin to listen to Chapell Roan?
  • How do we get Lenin to listen to Car Seat Headrest?

  • In this Site we stand for the flag
  • I actually really like the way that the Chevron breaks up the stripes of the rainbow. However, a better designed flag would make the chevron a single color.

    Before he died, Gilbert Baker suggested adding a lavender stripe for Diversity to the rainbow flag. I say make the Chevron a single lavender color.

    In lieu of that though, I like the progress flag in the way that I like the flag of Maryland. It's so bad it loops back around to being charming.

    If I want good queer flag design, I'll go to the bi, trans, and intersex flags. Most everything else is garbage tbh. For a group of people stereotyped as having an eye for aesthetics, we're garbage at flags.

  • What music do you use for concentration?
  • Love me some Milt Jackson! The soft tones of that vibraphone are great for background music while studying

  • Thoughts on the *Lion of Damascus*?
  • He's low key got the Charlie Kirk, 'face to small for head "thing going on

  • Feminism and Astrology
  • Also, as an aside, there's an old book on Wicca from the 70s called A Witch's Bible by Janet and Stewart Farrar, which at one point encourages readers to study Marxism and Dialectical Materialism, because the underlying spiritual philosophy of witchcraft is very dialectical. And I think that's pretty cool

  • rabioli
  • The notion that human beings are separate and apart from the natural world is colonialist nonsense.

  • [Not the Onion] The NYT publishes a ~350 word op-ed that reads like copypasta.
  • And the Supreme Court stepped in to hand the election to Bush. And Liberals just let it happen, because "Muh Institutions! Much Decorum!"

  • I 'need' a new e-reader for less than $100 what are your recommendations?
  • If you're not wedded to an e-ink display, I bought a cheap android tablet for about $50, and set it to auto run an e-reader app called Moon+ Reader. You'll have to fork over a couple bucks for the ad free version, but it's a solid piece of software.

  • Locked
    FTL: Faster than Light, 12th anniversary - New General Megathread for the 14th-15th of September
  • Hell yeah! My local book store cat Is named Spooky, because he was found in a cemetery

  • Ebook or Physical?
  • I was listening to a podcast yesterday, and the two hosts, who have both written books, made a brief aside complaining about people pirating their books.

    And I think they were failing to understand that, if I pirate your book and I really like it... I'll probably go out and buy a physical copy for myself. Or vice vera. I bought your book, but I want it on my ereader. Pirate it.

    It's no different from the sales "lost" when people freely check out a book from the library. In fact, it will increase exposure to your book.

    Lots of people have become incredibly successful, because their art got known through piracy networks. Think Metallica playing stadiums off the back of tape trading.

    We talk all the time about how "piracy is media preservation" which is true, but it's also a form of media discovery, and I think we should talk about that more.

  • It is another 911 so I'm reminding you to cash in for your discount at 🚊
  • Given the fact that 80% of Subway employees I've encountered have been high as fuck, that doesn't surprise me

  • Goddamn this site is gay as fuck
  • Bona to vada your dolly old eek

  • Democrats "saving democracy"
  • If I may, it's less a matter of anyone consciously "rigging elections against third parties" and more a matter of the fact that the electoral system itself naturally trends towards a two party system. It's called Duverger's law.

  • Dora Richter, the first person to undergo gender reassignment surgery, survived the Nazi era and died as an old woman. Dora ging nach Böhmen

    Vor einem Jahr fragte rbb|24, was aus Dora Richter wurde – der ersten Person, die eine Geschlechtsangleichung erfuhr. Ihre Spur verlor sich im Berlin der dreißiger Jahre. Nun steht fest: Dora überlebte die Nazizeit und starb als alte Frau. Von Oliver Noffke

    Dora ging nach Böhmen

    Dora Richter, the first ever trans woman to undergo gender reassignment surgery, was usually thought to have died during the Nazis burning of the Institute for Sexual Research. However, new evidence points to Richter having successfully escaped the Nazis, and living a long life, until 1966, where she died at age 74.

    Resident Evil Made Me Trans: A Post

    Hello fellow Gamers, gather round to hear my rambling thoughts about a cheesy videogame from 25 years ago!

    When I was about 12 years old, circa 2010, a friend of mine dug out an old n64, and a few games, and one of those games was Resident Evil 2.

    For those who haven't played this charmingly bad game from 1998, in the midst of this gory, violent, and gritty (by 1998 standards) game, you come across a little girl named Sherry, and you have to escort her around.

    Sherry is simultaneously the most interesting character in the entire game, and also the most annoying. And among the reasons she is annoying, are the segments where you have to play as her.

    Now, when I was a kid, when a game asked me to pick a gender, I would always pick boy, because I felt like I had to. But when I played these Sherry segments, this was the first time I had played as a girl in a video game, that I could conceivably relate to in some way.

    I wasn't having fun, really... These segments are god awful to play. But they did awaken something in me. I was like, ".......You mean I get to be the little girl???"

    I wanted to be her so bad! This didn't crack my egg, and I quickly buried all of these feelings once I finished the game. But it's definitely a thing I look back on and think "oh the signs were always there.

    Anyway, this post is mostly just an excuse to get people to talk to me about my Trans Sherry headcanons.

    Also, ask me my opinions on the RE2 remake. I just finished it!


    Because who needs to thoughtfully engage with arguments about the utility of electoralism, when you can smugly make a bingo card, and pretend that you won?

    Alright Hexbears, Give Me Comedy Podcast Recommendations

    All these politics podcasts are making me sad, and I need shit to listen to, at work

    Eat shit Henry Kissinger, American diplomat and Nobel winner, dead at 100

    Former United States Secretary of State Henry Kissinger died on Wednesday at his home in Connecticut at the age of 100, Kissinger Associates, Inc said in a statement.

    Henry Kissinger, American diplomat and Nobel winner, dead at 100

    Burn in hell

    SpookyGenderCommunist SpookyGenderCommunist [they/them, she/her]

    Mao ZeDong x Nikita Khrushchev Friends to Enemies to Lovers Erotic Fan Fiction


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