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What non-native animal would you really really really like to introduce into your local habitat ?

Environment be damned or don't be damned. Because you like them or because you don't like your neighbors ... what animals would you like to see locally that are not there ?

  • Without taking into account the environmental impact and viability: Sicilian dwarf elephants. Come on, 1m short elephants, hairier (i.e. fluffier) than their African and Asian counterparts? I want it!

    Bonus points: capybaras are native where I live, and a common occurrence in parks. Now imagine those small elephants, plus some capybaras: chilling under the grey sky, taking a bath in the lake in warmer days, gathering together in colder days... come on, it's cuteness overload!

    • I don’t understand why everything and everyone in the Mediterranean area (read: south Italy) is so hairy lol

      • In the case of those dwarf elephants it's because they were smaller, so they got a bigger surface area per weight, and lost heat faster. Perhaps also because, while Sicily is hot in comparison with continental Europe, it's still colder than Southeast Asia or Sub-Saharan Africa.

        [I know that you're joking, sorry for the serious answer.]

  • It would be awesome to get woolly mammoths back in the Alps.

    • If we are going with de-extinction, then the Haast Eagle. NZ is really far too safe, we need a genuine predator to keep us on our toes.

  • Monkeys. Several species, but specifically pygmy marmosets. What I really want is Borrowers, but since the scientific community refuses to focus research on the actually important things, it feels unlikely in my lifetime. So pygmy marmosets. I want to walk onto my porch, and a troop of teeny little monkeys is chilling out there, living their best lives.

  • Hedgehogs. They're hilarious

    • I also immediately thought of hedgehogs.

    • "Why would you keep those dreadful things?" - my wife's Irish grandmother when we told her we have a hedgehog. Apparently they're a big pest for gardeners.

  • Pangolins! I'm not sure how well they'd survive in Texas, but if they find fire ants tasty, they might be able to make a dent in the population (they're invasive themselves). Also, being present on another continent might help ensure their survival, especially the species currently critically endangered.

    Edit: if they don't have to be extant, then troodontids! They were supposedly smart little raptors. I bet they'd make great pets c:

  • Am from tropical zone so stumble upon capybara will be nice. Though we already have tapir and that creature is rare as heck.