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CMV: Fidel Castro should’ve nuked the US
  • Did Fidel actually want to or just want to have them defensively?

    I know Che was all about nuclear accelerationism though. I thought they disagreed.

  • Okay
  • That sucks. Why does she get to go to Heaven?

  • I'm not leaving. And we're going down with the sh— I mean - we're gonna win this thing!
  • How delusional do you have to be to read this and then actually send this fucking idiot your money?

  • Is it normal to trip and fall all the fucking time?
  • I'm a doctor of humans and I think this means you have a severe case of lib.

    I'm sorry.

  • Okay
  • Wait, is this real or edited?

  • Kallas family suffering under communist oppression
  • I really expected her family to come from Nazi sympathizers.

  • I found a copy of Marshall Zhukov's memoir at a thrift store!
  • Why is it weird reading them? Awkward translation?

  • are we in "weeks where decades happen" territory rn?
  • I agree with this. I think we'll know better after the election, not so much because of cheeto or cryptkeeper, but just because what comes after will be what we settle into for at least the foreseeable future.

  • An important announcement from DPRK
  • spray-bottle

    Only the head is reanimated.

  • An important announcement from DPRK
  • If that's the strategy then it's understandable.

  • An important announcement from DPRK
  • I think the US Empire would not be able to withstand the force of the interplanetary proletariat.

  • Joe, you're a looosah!
  • Cuck presidency.

  • An important announcement from DPRK
  • Somehow, Lenin returned.


  • An important announcement from DPRK
  • Why not? That would be awesome, we should all know.

  • Chief adviser Hunter
  • Probably the coolest historical aspect would be the first-ever White House sex videos posted on PornHub.