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Announcing the Ladybird Browser Initiative
  • A more lightweight protocol limits the attack surface for capitalism. The web sucks because basically anything can be wrapped in http, including ads, tracking cookies, data collection JavaScript, etc.

    Gemini protocol only carries markdown

  • Answered: Is there such a thing as "overqualified"?
  • A PhD can get a much higher paying (and likely less physically difficult) job than fast food. The unspoken assumption when someone is "overqualified" is that they will take a better job if the opportunity presents itself.

  • China starts smartphone inspections to boost 'anti-espionage efforts', raising fears among expatriates and foreign business people about arbitrary enforcement
  • Yeah I would definitely just accept that I don't get to have privacy from government surveillance. That's why I'd not want to bring any of my personal electronics with me. It may be particularly challenging since I know two of the places my GF really wants to travel to are Tibet and Xinjiang (apparently both are popular tourist destinations), in both of which I understand Western tourists are under a lot of extra scrutiny because they don't want more documentary crews and journalists getting in and sneaking some footage of the treatment of minorities. I have to be ready to just swallow my pride and appreciate it for what it is.

  • Anyone else who knows they are a softie, but absolutely hate it when someone else points out that they are a softie?
  • If someone says I'm not afraid to be vulnerable or that I'm in touch with my emotions? Nah

    But if someone called me a pussy or insinuated it's not masculine to have a healthy relationship with your emotions? That definitely would bother me.

  • Are there any good casual/low-stress mobile games that aren't filled with microtransactions?
  • If you have a Netflix account, you can get Bloons TD6 for free on Android. It's fun and the microtransactions are completely unnecessary and hidden away. Beware it's a battery hog though

    Also, if you like puzzles, look up the various variant sudoku apps from Studio Goya, particularly the one called "Cracking the Cryptic"

  • GIFs no longer play at all

    I wasn't 100% sure this was a problem, as I had noticed a lot more people commenting what appeared to be static image responses to comments. But there's this thread: which makes it easy to be sure that in fact they are definitely GIFs, and they don't play when you click on them. It just opens the first frame of the GIF like a static image.

    Same post appears multiple times in feed

    I thought something was causing people to double post more recently, but after testing voting on some examples, I'm pretty sure posts are getting duplicated by the app.

    Against The Storm looks like ass

    The game seems to downscale and blur all textures, so the only thing that looks sharp is text and 3d models. Unfortunately some of the UI text seems to actually be a rendered texture, so the text of some UI elements can look blurry and pixelated. It also seems that the blurring is a live process, not a preprocess. This means that a lot of the UI elements are constantly flickering on top of being blurry.

    Overall I love the game FWIW. I picked it up this week and love the gameplay loop. I'm just amazed it gets the green checkmark despite having such glaring UI issues with the default graphics settings (which are ostensibly tailored to the Deck)

    Can anyone tell me if this can be fixed?

    Edit: I had half-rate shading turned on and didn't realize it. I'm an idiot.

    Safest way of using WeChat on Android?

    I live in Canada. My girlfriend is Chinese (also living in Canada), and while we are able to communicate via SMS, her mobile carrier isn't the best, and so there have often been issues for us with regular texting. She expressed a strong preference to use WeChat, at least as a backup option for when texting fails us. While I have some pretty significant reservations, it's not the hill I want to die on. So my question is: what can be done to use WeChat without compromising my whole phone? I'm okay with it if our conversations aren't private, but I'd like to know that I'm not giving unfettered access to all of my phone's systems and data to the CCP. What can be done to limit the reach of this ubiquitous app on my device?

    Safest way of using WeChat

    I live in Canada. My girlfriend is Chinese (also living in Canada), and while we are able to communicate via SMS, her mobile carrier isn't the best, and so there have often been issues for us with regular texting. She expressed a strong preference to use WeChat, at least as a backup option for when texting fails us. While I have some pretty significant reservations, it's not the hill I want to die on. So my question is: what can be done to use WeChat without compromising my whole phone? I'm okay with it if our conversations aren't private, but I'd like to know that I'm not giving unfettered access to all of my phone's systems and data to the CCP. What can be done to limit the reach of this ubiquitous app on my device?

    Best remedy after a really bad high?

    Hi there, I'm not a member of this community (only a very sporadic user myself) but figured it would be a good place to ask this question.

    The TLDR version is: My lady friend OD'd on edibles and is still a bit sick a day and a half later, is there any good remedy to help her get back on her feet?

    Longer version below:

    The girl I'm seeing recently had a downright awful experience with weed. She hasn't ever used before (she tried smoking once but didn't inhale properly so no high), and I expect she probably won't try it again any time soon.

    On Friday night she was hanging out with some friends and decided to try an edible since her friends were having some. Her weed literacy isn't great, and she didn't know that edibles hit different, nor that they take a while to kick in. She was also on an empty stomach since we had a dinner date in a couple hours and she often skips lunch at work, and on top of all that she's on the smaller side, so less bodyweight.

    She only had a third of what her friends took, but ended up being super unwell. I'm talking throwing up multiple times, bad vibes (crying, saying she didn't want to go to sleep because she would die in her sleep), and acting irrational (kept trying to leave her friend's house because she didn't want to be late for our date).

    Her friends texted me from her phone as it was happening because she was insistent on leaving and they wanted to let me know it wasn't happening. I told them about the thing with black peppercorns and apparently that (plus telling her not to worry about standing me up) helped enough that they were able to get her to fall asleep.

    She ended up sleeping and being nauseous for basically the entire day yesterday and I only heard back from her this morning.

    Anyway, that's all just the loredump. My actual question is, is there anything that can be done to help someone feel better when they are recovering from OD'ing on edibles? She's still not feeling 100%, probably from throwing up and panicking so much. I know for someone who is badly hungover from alcohol there are all sorts of folk remedies that at least work as a placebo if not as an actual cure. Just wondering if there's some equivalent for weed. I want to do something nice for her since I think she must feel awful about missing our date.

    GMTK - Why Spec Ops: The Line Mattered
    Android phone receiving SMS late/out of order from iPhones

    This started a few days ago. I've been getting texts from friends with iPhones in the wrong order, and seemingly they are getting mine late. So I texted a friend whose grandmother was in the hospital yesterday, and her conversation with me looked like this. These texts from her arrived around a minute apart each. I think the intended order of them is fairly obvious. It's worth noting that every time I send her a text, the read receipt line under the text shows a little clock for a few seconds or more, which I think means it hasn't been recieved by her phone yet. Also worth noting that I had a conversation using the same stock messaging app with my mom yesterday who has an android and I don't think we had any such issue, but that may have actually been RCS.

    Anyway, here's the example. It's not the only example I've had with her or with another iPhone-using friend in the past couple days.

    > Me: Hey, how's your day? Any updates about your grandma?

    > Her (a few hours later): I feel relieved

    > Me: does that mean you got good news?

    > Her: how was your day?

    > Her: yeah

    > Me: my day was good, (proceeds to describe what I did that day)

    > Her: my family feels relieved too

    > Me: what was the good news? Your grandma is okay?

    > Her: Hey $bionicjoey, I didn't get much sleep last night but I just heard that the doctors say my grandma is out of danger.

    Edit: I texted her last night saying something weird was going on after that exchange, and then this morning at about 7:30 AM I texted her saying "let me know as soon as you get this". She just texted me at 2:30pm saying "I just am just now seeing your texts"

    Feature request: hide downvoted posts

    Back in my days on Reddit, my favourite feature was the ability to hide individual posts if I had downvoted them. It made it easy to hide things which I didn't want to see or felt shouldn't be seen

    The Summer of Pokémon Go
    Louis Rossman/FUTO's YouTube app, GrayJay, now supports Sponsorblock... and shames you if you use it

    Seriously this was very surprising. I've been experimenting with GrayJay since it was announced and I largely think it's a pretty sweet app. I know there are concerns over how it isn't "true open source" but it's a hell of a lot more open than ReVanced. Plus, I like the general design and philosophy of the app.

    I updated the YouTube backend recently and to my surprise and delight they had added support for SponsorBlock. However, when I went to enable it, it warned me "turning this on harms creators" and made me click a box before I could continue.

    Bruh, you're literally an ad-blocking YouTube frontend. What kind of mental gymnastics does it take to be facilitating ad-blocking and then at the same time shame the end-user for using an extension which simply automates seeking ahead in videos. Are you seriously gonna tell me that even without Sponsorblock, if I skip ahead past the sponsored ad read in a video, that I'm "harming the creator"?

    I heard we are posting Kevin

    I assume that of course we are posting the iconic Lower Decks character who is Peanuthamper's father.

    Cloaking and honour

    How exactly do the Klingons justify using cloaking ships, a strategy which necessarily involves sneaking up on an enemy and catching them unaware? Wouldn't sneak attacks conflict with their notion of honour?

    Funny story from last night's session

    The party finds a secret door. Not knowing what's on the other side, they send the fighter in first. The fighter pushes open the secret door. As it swings forward it pushes aside a corpse on the other side that apparently died trying to pry open the secret door and escape from the next room.

    The fighter steps over the corpse, walks into the room, looks around, sees there are no enemies immediately attacking him, and says to the rest of the party "come on in guys, looks like it's safe in here!"

    [Haiku] Don't woof
    Pathfinder 2e General Discussion bionicjoey
    Rage of Elements content is up on AON
    Pathfinder 2e General Discussion bionicjoey
    Question about the Lie activity in combat

    I'll preface this by saying I'm a very new GM, so I'm fairly sure I made the wrong ruling here, but as the saying goes, the best ruling is the one that keeps the game going. I was running the first session of Abomination Vaults last weekend and something came up that I'm not sure how to handle RAW.

    Basically, a PC wanted to use the Lie activity in order to talk their way out of a fight. They were fighting a group of Mitflits, and had already used Recall Knowledge to know that Mitflits are easy to manipulate. The PC speaks Undercommon, and they are a Bard, but they want their character to be friendly and therefore didn't like the idea of using Demoralize or Coerce. They instead tried to use the Lie activity. They told one of the Mitflits that the party was sent by their boss, and therefore they should let them go. They rolled a critical success on the Lie. Now I needed to decide what to do with that.

    This was a weird situation, because the rules don't really say what lying can accomplish. All it says is that the target believes the lie. Given that the combat had already started, and the PCs had already attacked some of the Mitflits with lethal attacks, it seemed impossible to me that this Mitflit would actually stop fighting (ie. go from hostile to unfriendly), even if he believed the lie. The lie was convincing in terms of how it was worded, but the situation in which it was spoken made it kinda unbelievable. But then again, Mitflits are supernaturally easy to manipulate and bully. Ultimately I ruled that the targeted Mitflit would become Frightened 1, as though the Bard had succeeded on a Demoralize. My reasoning being that the Mitflit believes the lie, but also believes he should continue fighting the PCs. This cognitive dissonance in his mind shocked him and distracted him from the fight at hand.

    I'm curious if any GMs out there have any tips on what the best way to handle this would have been.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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