"We love Star Trek because there is no D.E.I."
Sokath, his browser’s eyes wide open
Gul Donal Wants a Statue
Don't Worry, guys! I've Gone Trek in a They Might Be Giants board as well!
Oh, are we doing 90s music references now?
Make a Little Birdhouse in Your Warp Core
You're not the boss of me now!
She's doing a Quark cosplay and these are the comments
chat is this real 🤔
I'm finally going to the 🪩DISCO🪩
For that one fraction of a second, you were open to options you had never considered... Charting the unknown possibilities of existence.
The original teaser for Picard
Here's Some Parliament Class Love
Sam Whited on Mastodon: "I gave myself a dedicated "Picard" button that I can reach over and hit any time a company tries to make me use their new LLM."
Gowron delivers every single time 👌
Dr. Phil?
When they say Federation of Planets ...
A history of violence
(Not OC, mostly) Gowron Jumproping
Take chances, make mistakes, die honourably