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Linux during the mid to late 90s (Windows 95 and 98 era)
  • I tried slackwear in '94. Getting it running was no big deal, but I had zero experience and documentation / help guides were thin. Installing applications or getting peripherals to work was prohibitively difficult without having a pretty decent amount of knowledge about it.

    My high school had a rather large dose/novell Network but there was no internet yet. BBS's were a thing and you could get a lot of installers and information from them. But they were all running in dos for the most part

    My college had a VAX, it was more or less there just to get email and power a metric ass load of terminals in the library for research purposes. They really tried to keep you out of the CLI, everything was menued. I figured out that you could go for it to a South African University about seven times in a row and it would explode and give you a telnet session, but even then I wasn't really working with an OS shell. The school had a computer lab. It was all Windows 3 and Novell, No internet for the longest time.

    My ISP had options to dial up into a terminal session. My home dial up line was awful. Trying to FTP over PPP was a fool's errand. I started getting used to connecting to my ISP and FTPing files down to their local node on with their T1 and then switching over to z modem to download the files to my house with the ability to auto restart on failure.

    I didn't try to run a Linux based OS again until Gnome came out.

  • Running a business using linux
  • I've been Linux in the desktop for years. You really don't have any choice other than to be a little bit flexible.

    More times than not it turns out to be a plugin that screws over the site. Here's my general path:

    Won't load in Firefox? Disable privacy badger and ublock origin

    Still won't load? Try it in a private window with no extensions loaded

    Still won't load? Move over to brave.

    Still won't work? Disable Shields

    Still won't work? Straight to a vanilla copy of edge, (a vanilla copy of Vivaldi would also be reasonable)

    Just last night I ran into a problem with my ADP work portal. Things worked fine for ages, All of a sudden my password wouldn't work. I went into private mode My password now works but loading the actual page netted me a blank page

    I opened it up in brave and it just worked outright.

  • Neil Gaiman Denies Sexual Assault Allegations Made by Two Women
  • Two separate unrelated people.

    Both in their twenties

    Invites them into second/third base consensual relations and then it turns into rough sex.

    I think that it's an absolutely reasonable assumption that he is into younger women and doesn't stop after he gets the green light.

    But the article is light on details, and he at least deserves to have his say in court over it.

  • Man busted for carrying Master Sword from Zelda in the street
  • They're only allowed to have 7.62 cm, so from a legal standpoint it's almost twice the legal limit.

    If the law doesn't make sense you don't challenge it by breaking it.

    The police don't carry guns there so yeah they're concerned.

    Running around twirling a clearly illegal item in public is pretty good logical grounds for police intervention. If the law says 3 in when do you actually stop them is it 4, 10, 12? If he was just transporting it from one house to another they might have let it go. But he's walking around fidgeting twirling it in the open. I suspect he was performing twirls and dagger tricks. So the general public is probably also a little concerned. If he's walking around his neighborhood twirling it around all the time it might even been a neighbor that called the police on it.

    The fine is reasonable, getting locked up for 4 months is probably a bit much.

  • Man busted for carrying Master Sword from Zelda in the street
  • True, I'd still give them partial credit for the dumb statement.

    Law says you can't carry a knife bigger than 3 in. He carries a knife twice that size.

    Does he carry concealed in his pocket?

    No, He's walking around carrying it openly pretending he's a blade master, oh sorry that's he claims it's a fidget toy.

    4 months in jail seems a bit excessive, but when the law says don't carry a weapon and you carry a weapon...

  • We coulda had Bernie...
  • Maybe we could find a 50 yo with Bernie's values and he could be on their cabinet. Idgaf about vibes, but maybe we could put someone in that's not on deaths door?

  • AOC wants to impeach SCOTUS justices following Trump immunity ruling
  • No choice. If only one side is violent, the other side will lose. It's a slippery slope, but play even or lose.

  • Announcing the Ladybird Browser Initiative
  • My thoughts exactly.

    Also nothing is stopping someone from forking an open browser and throwing money/bodies at keeping it up.

    It's be a shame to lose free updates, but certainly not undoable.

  • Trump Amplifies Calls to Jail Top Elected Officials, Invokes Military Tribunals
  • Biden can do whatever he wants now right?

  • On the Internet, what is a dead giveaway that someone is actually a kid?
  • Approaching 50, use SUS regularly, skibidi usage is dropping off, I'm aware of rizz but don't really use it.

  • On the Internet, what is a dead giveaway that someone is actually a kid?
  • That may be a better way to weed boomers from Gen X. Especially SUS, among us had a very wide appeal to multiple age ranges.

  • The US will pay Moderna $176 million to develop an mRNA pandemic bird flu vaccine
  • Price wise, that's a lot less than I expected

  • Announcing the Ladybird Browser Initiative
  • No, I'd have accepted too expensive as an answer. They were ready to die on the hill that no one could possibly create a new browser from specs.

  • Announcing the Ladybird Browser Initiative
  • It'll be interesting to see how this plays out. I've had more than a handful of people bitching at me that it's impossible to make a new, open web browser in this day.

  • Fuck up a book for me please
  • What if the visuals and monologues are trained and not gifted?

    I hated reading for years and years, I read well above grade level in school but honestly hated it.

    Decades later, I got into audio books, which kickstarted me reading.

    The visuals I've gotten over the years went from almost nothing to vivid recreations.

  • Appeals court seems lost on how Internet Archive harms publishers
  • You're right, better to pick some battles and live another day to do something good.

  • Appeals court seems lost on how Internet Archive harms publishers
  • The IA needs to lay low a bit before we loose them. There's plenty of stuff out there they can archive that we need that won't piss off copyright.

    We need an ipfs or torrent library that's out of easy reach of the courts.

  • Supreme Court tosses out claim Biden administration coerced social media companies to remove content
  • I think bi-partisan challenging of opinion pieces containing verifiable falsehoods is a pretty healthy idea for the public.

  • Trump is inciting violence as the election approaches
  • In theory, it works that way.

    In practice, we've never openly stopped anyone with those systems.

    When it comes time for them to justify the invasion of privacy, they don't have any school shooters stopped, and they don't have any Unabombers stopped. They don't have any cases of stolen kids stopped. They'd be shouting all that from the rooftops to expand and extend that funding.

    If they have actually stopped anyone, it's at super-secret spy game levels. The guys you're expecting them to stop aren't even a concern for them. Worse yet, they may actually be rooting for them.

  • interestingasfuck linearchaos
    Statue of Unity - Wikipedia

    The Statue of Unity is the world's tallest statue, with a height of 182 metres (597 feet), located near Kevadia in the state of Gujarat, India. It depicts Indian statesman and independence activist Vallabhbhai Patel (1875–1950), who was the first deputy prime minister and home minister of independent India...

    The project was first announced in 2010, and construction started in October 2013 ... with a total construction cost of ₹27 billion (US$422 million). It was designed by Indian sculptor Ram V. Sutar and was inaugurated by the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, on 31 October 2018, the 143rd anniversary of Patel's birth.

    interestingasfuck linearchaos
    How camera captures rate changes due to amount of light

    The camera auto adjusts exposure and it gets all derpy with rolling shutter :)

    interestingasfuck linearchaos
    Črni Vrh Slovenia ice formations circa 2016


    High above the village of Črni Vrh, fantastical ice formations—including spikes over a yard long—encase the trees and lookout tower atop Mount Javornik. The windswept ice, or hard rime, is the result of fog freezing after a week of snow and gales. This image appears in the December 2016 issue of National Geographic magazine.

    Photograph by MARKO KOROŠEC

    [SPOILER] S[8||11]x01 non-spoilery Review

    Damn they got down to business right away! Loved the humor. Love the story, Cheezy streaming refs went on a little long. Fry, Leela and the Professors Voicing had a few rough spots that wouldn't have happened in the last incarnation, it honestly kinda reminded me of some of the early voicing in season 1. John DiMaggio's performance was flawless. I love that they kinda mixed in a small anthology, had most of the people make cameos.

    interestingasfuck linearchaos
    It would appear there's currently a battle on /r/place between pro-spez users, anti-spez users and admins as the guillotine is being perpetually drawn and erased

    It would appear there's currently a battle on /r/place between pro-spez users, anti-spez users and admins as the guillotine is being perpetually drawn and erased

    Video in action hosted here

    interestingasfuck linearchaos
    Well-Preserved 3,000-Year-Old Bronze Sword Found In Germany

    archaeologists excavating a gravesite in the southern Bavarian town of Nördlingen found a 3,000-year-old sword in excellent condition

    >Given the soft nature of bronze, historians have previously wondered whether such blades served a ceremonial purpose, rather than a practical purpose on the battlefield. A few years ago, scientists even staged sword fights in order to learn more about how the Bronze Age weapons could have been used effectively in battle, despite being much easier to damage and harder to repair than their iron successors.

    Hey, are you guys supposed to be playing with the artifacts?

    it's research!

    interestingasfuck linearchaos
    "Blood falls" in Antarctica. This water contains ferrous iron, which, combining with atmospheric air, oxidizes and forms rust. It gives the waterfall that blood-red colour


    /r/interestingasfuck /u/XyRow666

    I honestly found this one googling around, but XyRow666 presented a far nicer collage than anywhere else I could find.

    more info:

    Roughly two million years ago, the Taylor Glacier sealed beneath it a small body of water which contained an ancient community of microbes. Trapped below a thick layer of ice, they have remained there ever since, isolated inside a natural time capsule. Evolving independently of the rest of the living world, these microbes exist in a place with no light or free oxygen and little heat, and are essentially the definition of “primordial ooze.” The trapped lake has very high salinity and is rich in iron, which gives the waterfall its red color. A fissure in the glacier allows the subglacial lake to flow out, forming the falls without contaminating the ecosystem within.


    interestingasfuck linearchaos
    The Rainbow Mountains of China

    The Rainbow Mountains of China within the Zhangye Danxia Landform Geological Park are a geological wonder of the world. These famous Chinese mountains are known for their otherworldly colors that mimic a rainbow painted over the tops of rolling mountains.

    interestingasfuck linearchaos
    The Crooked Forest

    The Crooked Forest (Polish: Krzywy Las) is a grove of oddly-shaped pine trees located in the village of Nowe Czarnowo near the town of Gryfino, West Pomerania, in north-western Poland. It is a protected natural monument of Poland.

    This grove of 400 pines was planted in around 1930. Each pine tree bends sharply to the north, just above ground level, then curves back upright after a sideways excursion of one to three meters (3–9 feet). The curved pines are enclosed by a surrounding forest of straight pine trees.

    It is generally believed that some form of human tool or technique was used to make the trees grow or bend this way, but the method has never been determined, and remains a mystery to this day. It has been speculated that the trees may have been deformed to create naturally curved timber for use in furniture or boat building. Others surmise that a snowstorm could have bent the trunks, but there is little evidence of that.

    Many people have been trying to find an answer to this mystery, but since the town of Gryfino was largely abandoned between the early stages of World War II until the 1970s, the people who were there before the war and probably had the answer to the mystery of the Crooked Forest are now likely gone forever.

    interestingasfuck linearchaos
    World's Longest Wingsuit Proximity Flight | Mont Blanc, France

    Usually, when you pop into a youtube video, you can see where the meat is by all the most watched parts. This one just shows 521k clenched anuses watching the whole thing :P


    interestingasfuck linearchaos
    Earlier this year, this lenticular cloud appeared over Turkey.

    There are a lot of hoax or fake weather pictures on social media, but the viral pictures of a rose-colored cloud in Turkey are legitimate. On January 19th, 2023, a strange cloud appeared above the Bursa province.


    interestingasfuck linearchaos
    Ghost apples

    Ghost apples are made from a pretty interesting phenomenon whereby frozen weather coats an apple in ice. When the apple inside rots and falls out, the icy shell is left behind and you get an ice apple.

    interestingasfuck linearchaos
    Hyperrealistic Charcoal Drawing "FIERCE" - Time-lapse by ZokArt

    Skipped ahead to 91 seconds because he spends a REALLY long time getting the hair right and the pacing of that part is kinda slow.


    interestingasfuck linearchaos
    Trento Italy dunks the person that screwed up the most for the year in the river every June

    I'm thinking this is an underrated method of governing.


    interestingasfuck linearchaos
    How Quantum Computers Break The Internet... Starting Now

    Veritasium is the king of almost clickbait, but he really gives out some crazy details.

    Starting around 2:11 They explain RSA and get into the meat.

    When quantum computers do all that crazy parallel math, apparently you only get one of the answers, and it's random :) But due to some sketchy repeating, any one of the answers is enough to make RSA vulnerable with just a little math.


    interestingasfuck linearchaos
    Giant art piece memorializing a farmer's late wife.

    Breaking up the flat agricultural areas of Argentina's Pampas is a guitar formed entirely out of trees. Stretching for 2/3 of a mile (1km), the multi-colored instrument was created by one Argentine farmer to memorialize his wife. Crushed by the loss of his love, a few years later Pedro Martin Ureta (owner) began working on designing a guitar in his field that could be seen from above by airplane. He settled on the design because his late wife loved the instrument and he wanted to memorialize her on his land.


    interestingasfuck linearchaos
    The Green Cathedral, Marinus Boezem 1987 · Almere, Niederlande

    Looks like a copy and paste job.

    The Green Cathedral or De Groene Kathedraal located near Almere in the Netherlands, is an artistic planting of Lombardy poplars (Populus nigra italica) that mimics the size and shape of the Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Reims, France. The Green Cathedral is 150 m (490 ft) long and 75 m (246 ft) wide, and the mature poplar trees are about 30 m (98 ft) tall.

    The planting itself is kinda ok, but taking the time to till out the same size in the forest next door is crazy,+Marinus+Boezem+1987/@52.3220317,5.3174667,3a,75y/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipPVubtXvuKRgqDt7QO9SeUGzdRU_zCmXYCv8wRV!2e10!3e12!!7i2461!8i1641!4m7!3m6!1s0x47c63e74730d4117:0xbf652dff93a9e739!8m2!3d52.3222326!4d5.3172609!10e5!16s%2Fm%2F0bbzrsz?entry=ttu


    due to the curvature of the Earth a really long building can't have walls that are both parallel and level.

    Aparently, I've conflated Level with Plumb, the walls cannot be parallel and plumb. Due to the curve, the center of gravity for the walls would require them to angle in slightly together or not be plumb.

    interestingasfuck linearchaos
    Painted-bois want to eat a service animal at the Oregon zoo

    A pack of African Painted Dogs notice a visitors animal and come over to inspect.

    Origin: /r/interestingasfuck /u/solateor

    Top comment thread:

    /u/maxinfet 8 mo. ago

    I never considered how animals at zoos might respond to service animals. Does anyone know if they have any particular guidelines for service animals that differ from other places?

    /u/luistp 8 mo. ago · edited 8 mo. ago

    I don't know what are you talking about, those painted dogs have only friendly and lovely intentions.

    Edit: obviously I was being sarcastic, some folks/children need that you put always the damn "/s"...

    /u/echo1432 8 mo. ago

    I've been to the Oregon Zoo and basically they break it down into three areas.

    No problem being at this exhibit.

    You can walk by these exhibits but don't linger.

    You may not go into this area. (Things like the petting zoo, like no shit I don't want to put my service dog around goats. Or something like, you can check out the big cats but please avoid the panthers .. they hate dogs.)

    linearchaos linearchaos

    I am a Meat-Popsicle

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