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What do you call "pancakes" in your country?

This is what we Romanians call “pancakes” (clătite). In the US for example, these are not “pancakes”. What Americans call “pancakes”, we call “clătite americane” (American pancakes) or just “pancakes” (the untranslated English word).

The pancakes in the photos were made by me

  • Pancakes are flapjacks if they're big and silver dollars if they're small, but in the picture I see crepes.

  • We call them Hot Cakes in Mexico (or in my town at least), also what am I seen in the second pic? A Hot Cake taco?

  • In Brazil, the sweet, puffy ones are american pancakes (Panqueca Americana)

    Because what we call pancake (unembelished 'Panqueca') is much closer to this thin pancake you're showing off. -- Except we make the batter with salt and fill it with savoury things like cheese or meat and roll it up in a... Roll. Closer to a burrito really.

  • I had never made crepes until I met a Romanian at work and once she found out I cooked, she encouraged me to make her some things to remind her of home.

    We had clatite first, with nutella and preserves. Now I usually think of crepes as clatite since that was what I got familiar with first. 😄

    We also had Parprikash with mamaliga, and my favorite of the bunch, cozonac! I made 2, one with the nut filling, and I want to say the other was poppy. The nut one I have made a few times since. So tasty, and the rum flavoring makes it so unique!

    She just randomly disappeared on day, so I don't know if she quit or what, but I will always have fond memories of my bried education on Romanian food!