Been trying to do more reading before bed. I think avoiding backlit screens helps me transition to sleep more easily. I really recommend an eInk based ereader to anyone who likes reading but hasn't tried one.
Well that's probably a bit predictable given what community this is. But I really think the pricing is way out of line with what your average person is willing to pay and it only serves to make the physical media more niche.
The back and forth on twitter/bluesky over this topic was pretty wide ranging, and size/cost definitely was a topic discussed. And besides a lot of the "quality" of BG3 was the fact that it supported endless paths through the game, something which requires a lot of development effort.
Making smaller games isn't a bad thing. Every game being a BG3 would be completely unsustainable. Sure, that game was a great accomplishment, but also imagine if they'd made the game that size and it was bad. It would've probably sunk the studio. I'm all about more A and AA games. Not everything needs to be a 300 person effort.
Honestly I'm always shocked by how much they cost. Who's paying $30+ for these? Who even owns a blu-ray player that isn't a ps5?
Been maintaining a steady set of bookmarks since whenever Foxmarks first came out. I dunno I search through them fairly frequently for stuff that I can't remember well enough to Google.
These aren't words for sugar, these are words for things that contain sugar. Brown sugar for example has molasses added to it. Barley malt syrup is a specific thing derived from, yes, barley.
Some people don't like having to use more than one launcher. Some people don't like Epic buying out games and making them exclusive to EGS (which keeps the price artificially high for longer). Some people just feel like the launcher, er, launched without feature parity with Steam, and has made very few improvements since launch. I'm sure there's more reasons people dislike Epic. I don't overly care but it's certainly not a preferred platform for me.
Played a fair amount of this at launch, but will probably wait until 1.0 to go back. I'm assuming it's a lot less buggy now?
I don't think the Pats' fan base shares that optimism.